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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LucianGrey7971 said:
(A Cyborg is pregnant with the child of a man who died protecting everyone else...hmmm Android 18 meet Asuma)
InsaneKiller19 said:
The two girls flew over to where the cries were, checking it out ( Brb, going to orientation for high school )
( back
Helga looked at the girls every now and then as luna came into the picture. Helga knocked a building down, since it was already destroyed. Luna then limps over to the wounded Nargacuga, and despite being related, Luna kills the apex monster by slamming her tail on his head, shedding a tear as she looked at helga, and went to her aid.
Once they came, they looked back at her before watching Luna. They then walk over to them both, seeing if both were injured in anyway or not. Victoria looks at Luna, "Hey you okay? You seem to be limping.." she asks concernly

( going to bed, bye

Dimitri motioned for Conner to speak with him privately. "Remember the old days? When Hypnas came and I lied about being leader? The punchline was that I was so far from being leader of anything, that it was funny. It feels like a lifetime ago.... I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm not afraid to die." Dimitri choked up a bit, stifling his emotions. "I'm afraid that anyone will die. I blame myself every day for my father and... I'll always know I could've planned it better if someone does get hurt, and someone will because it's HIM." A pause began for a few seconds before he added, "Is that selfish?"
Connor followed Dimitri when the speedster motioned for him, "I seem to remember you making jokes about being leader a few times." He said, giving him an amused look. His face softening as Dimitri spoke of his father before narrowing his eyes in confusion, "Your not being selfish for thinking of yourself. Your being human, nobody expects you to pick up this leader mantle and be perfect at it. We see what the odds are and we get it. Dimitri we are here to try and make sure your plan goes off without a hitch, to back you up, to support you. To support each other. But if something happens, and I or anyone else don't return home home...that isn't on you. Because you did the best that you could, just like you did with your dad." The blonde let out a low breath, rubbing his forehead gently. "You say your not afraid to die...I'm not afraid to tell you that I am, but I'm so much more afraid for you and everybody else involved."
Dimitri nodded and swallowed his emotions. "On an off note, there is no one else I would rather give the gas to than you. What do you say? I think I already have an idea though...."
Connor could see the inner conflict in Dimitri's eyes and smiled, "Mitri, we're family. I'm not saying to take your status as leader lightly but I've always had your back and that's not changing anytime soon."

At the mention of the gas possibly being used on him Connor gave Dimitri a blank look as he gave it a thought. He'd gone his whole life without any sort of powers or enhancements and he was proud of that even if he could see his friends slowly pulling ahead of him over the years. It was a difficult thought, he didn't want to change himself. And maybe under normal circumstances he would have denied it, but they we're up against Thanos and if it helped in some way he was willing to give it a second thought. "I-I'm uh.." He started with a light stutter before pulling himself together, "Maybe. What's this plan of yours though?"
Richie plays around with the things in his ship to get ready to search for another planet. Braziel walks into Stark Towers and sits down, wondering what will happen next. He was itching to blow off some steam, but everything he touches usually breaks. Meanwhile, Richie turns in his commlink. "Dimitri, when you have chosen who to give the gas to, come down to my ship so we can give it to them safely."
Since the girls had it covered, Rayne decided that Victoria just goes home. As She goes to stark tower, entering inside waiting for when they do head out. As she goes to one part of the tower inside, listening to music
"Sorry Conner. I can't tell anyone. The orb told me not to and I won't risk it. The one thing I can tell you is that mega vision and I need the rest of you to stall him for about 10 minutes as we set it up. You should-" Dimitri paused to respond to Richie in his ear. "Rodger that, buddy. It shouldn't be long." He turned back to Conner. "Once you've decided let me know, ok?"
"Fair enough." He told him after being told he couldn't know the plan, he may not trust this orb so much but he trusted Dimitri. Then hearing Richie on the commlink he squirmed a bit where he stood, "It's quite the bomb you've dropped on me. Who was your backup plan if I declined, if you don't mind my asking. I mean...I'm honored to the first one you asked but, I like the way I am. Who I am and what I stand for, those things have always been important to me, and the gas would change that... even if its just a little. But at the same time I'm willing to do what I need to protect those I care about. So now I ask the same question, am I being selfish? Should I accept the gas?"
"You know yourself better than anybody else. You know if it would be a good idea. I'll trust your judgement. If you decline I'll ask Finn or Ivory. It's completely up to you." Dimitri replied
Connor crossed his arms over his chest and arched his eyebrows, "I can't tell if your talking to me as the leader or my friend, and that's probably a good thing." Smiling he patted Dimitri on the shoulder, "Ask them, see what they think or if they'd want it."
Ivory stopped just in front of Jordan's mansion and groaned, "This better be good Dimitri, this mist-thingy doesn't sound alright at all." He began to make his way back.
"Oh it's better than good, my friend. Hurry up now." He turned off his earpiece and looked at Conner. "I just hope Finn doesn't do it and something weird happens with smasher. We aren't ready for that shit."
While the situation Dimitri spoke of was a serious one Connor couldn't help but chuckle, "What if it swapped their personalities. Smasher was docile and Finn wanted to smash. Or what if it gave Smasher an extremely high IQ? In all seriousness though something weird could happen with Ivory too."
"Psshhh what could happen to Ivory?? Could it make hin go crazy? Ha! Well at least I didn't give it to you. You might've fell asleep and woken up a communist!" He said, cheekily.
Connor rolled his eyes amused, "Or maybe it would have made me faster than you, oh fearless leader." Shaking his head he smiled, "It did mean alot though, you offering it to me. I don't want to seem ungrateful or anything."
Finn pushed on his comm as he glanced at the fighting outside. "I'm on my way." He quickly made his way to Dimitri while trying to avoid the conflict with Helga. He poked his head into the room Dimitri was in before he fully entered. "Yes? What's the plan?"
"Yooooo! How's it going green machine? How would you like to be... Finn the inhuman? All you would need is Jake the indog!" Dimitri said, greeting him upon sight. "Sorry, I should start from the beginning. We came across enough terrigen mist for one person, and we are deciding who it would be best used on."
Ivory came up to everyone panting, "Sorry....I'm....Late. Had to.....Run from.......The East side.......This better be good."

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