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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Sam chooses that moment to walk back in, struggling to drag his suit behind him. "I've got... Oh... Right um... this is a bad time... I uh... I'm sorry for your loss... he seemed like a great guy... he uh... he reminded me of the people that inspired me... Sorry... I'll just uh..." He points vaguely in the direction of the ship's armoury before dragging his suit in there.
Richie nods at Sam, tossing a remote to Sam that will give him complete access to the armory. He turns back to Victoria. "Marko knew that the world needed more time, and the only way to do that was to sacrifice himself. So he did. Mega Vision was created to help Marko delay Thanos. Marko had to lie to you because he knew you wouldn't be up for that plan. Mega Vision used his power to teleport Thanos and Marko to a distant, faraway planet millions of millions of billions of light years away for Marko to fight him one on one. Marko, with the power of the power stone, used his super scream to blast Thanos even farther away, and destroyed that galaxy with that scream to make it harder for Thanos to leave that destroyed galaxy. Marko died, because he can't survive in space." Richie looks at Victoria, sad for her loss.
Victoria started to cry, leaning over while placing her face in her hands. Rayne looks over and rubs her back, holding Victoria to her. She continued to rub her back until she stopped crying, but continued to hold her close not saying a word. She knew about Marko because Victoria would like to talk to her about him but this was very sad to hear. She wanted to cheer her up but, Rayne didn't know what words can cure this girl's broken heart. All she knew, was that it would hurt Victoria for some time
Dru walked up to the avengers tower dragging his friend kidpool through the doors and up the elevator, apparently no one had found or recruited kidpool but Dru was hoping to change that sure kidpool was a bit of a mercenary but he could be corralled into work and being useful.
Richie sighs as he gets out his chair and walks over to his glove department. He comes back to the seats, holding an envelope. "He wanted to give this to you personally before he left, but he didn't see you around, so he told me to give it to you at the right time." He hands her the envelope, and once she opens it, the letter reads,

Hey Victoria!

It's Marko. If you're reading this, that means that I have passed away. I had to do whatever to make sure the planet had a fighting chance. I am so sorry this ended how it did. Ever since we met, you were a bit shy, but you instantly left that shy girl part. To be honest, you changed me into a better person. I have you to thank for this. For all of this. You made my life so much better and happier. I'm sorry I had to leave, but always remember.

I love you.

-Love you,

Marko Boltaggon
She wipes her eyes before sighing, smiling softly "I love you to Marko....I'll make sure our child knows how great of a guy you will be." She told herself, before folding up the letter and putting it away. Rayne rubs her shoulder, "And the baby won't be alone, you have Mega Vision, your dad, me, and the team to help you out with whatever you need. You won't be the only one who will be caring for the baby. I'm sure your child will be great.." Victoria chuckles and smiles, "Thanks Rayne.." She nods grinning, "No problem.."
(I'm evil I know)

Richie's eyes widen as his mind slowly processes the information."Marko...you... Now... There's a baby... When did this happen?!" He shouts as he walks over to his ship and he mutters to himself. "That jerk never tells me anything... Never knew this.. What a twist.." Richie mutters to himself as he looks at Victoria. "Boy or girl?"
Victoria laughs watching him before replying, "It's a boy..." She smiles and leans against Rayne as she was just grinning. Victoria then said, "I know this might be...strange to ask but, would you like to be the child's godfather?" She asks him
(Okay... Quick question how does a cyborg get... pregnant? I'll shut up afterwards)

"Whattdya mean 'boy or girl' Richie?" Perry asked the racoon-like creature. "Hey! Good to see you by the way you little ol' rac-" He quickly caught himself from saying racoon and looked at the rest. After seeing who else was there, he looked over at the ship. "Is that yours?"
Richie nods proudly. "This is my ship. Built it myself! And when I meant boy or girl, ask Victoria. I didn't see this coming either."
Victoria smiles and laughs before looking at Perry, "Long time no talk Perry and......I'm having a baby boy."

( That is for us to know and you all to never find out c:
Ivory sat on a rooftop, a list in his hand as his eyes glazed over a list, he put it down and stood up, stretching a bit, "Alright, so I got a list of people I need to see, no one to help me and I haven't even okayed this with anyone. Dimitri's gonna kill me." He jumped off and got to work...

Fortune looked around as people began to come back to the city, she looked up at the building she had wanted to come to earlier. She had heard of this guy from less than trustworthy people but still, she had already made a deal with the devil (One she had yet to complete) this couldn't be any worse. She knocked on the door, "Hello, mister uh.... Maximoff...? Stupid ass last name."


Sarah walked into Stark Tower like she owned the place and plopped down on the couch, laying on it as she waited for someone to arrive.
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(Oh god... I don't even wanna think about what happened that led up to pregnancy if it was Richie instead...)

"Uh... Okay? Congrats," Perry said and gave a skeptical nod. He turned over to Richie and looked over at the ship behind him. "Nice. Vehicles were never really my area of expertise."
Dru touched his earpiece and spoke into it "hey ivory I found someone to recruit and was wondering if you still need any help with your endeavors?"

shortly after Sarah sat down kidpool rolled into the room his lightsabers held at the ready "oh wait only one person here... never mind." @LokiofSP
(Alrighty. Time to work my magic.) Helga Fought on as the two apex Nargacuga species double-team her. She grows frustrated as she tries to throw them off, but found it useless as she roared out of rage. She smacks her back onto buildings, in hopes of knocking them off of her. The green nargacua was stunned, and tried to get up as his black counterpart fought on. Helga smacks the green one with her tail, sending it flying into an alley. The normal Nargacuga digs his claws deep as helga's slime turned yellow. Her roar was heard throughout the whole city, which caused the assailant to fall to the groudn, since All nargacuga species are very sensitive to loud sounds. Helga smashed the Apex monster into an explosive pulp, the Green Nargacuga gets up and roars as helga turned to him. Luna limps out of the ship, having heard helga's cry for help. @InsaneKiller19
The two girls flew over to where the cries were, checking it out ( Brb, going to orientation for high school )

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