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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Oh, never mind Ivory, you can go back to whatever you're doing..... Joking of course! We are deciding who should be turned into an inhuman, you, Finn, and Conner."
Richie walks into the room, looking at the potential candidates. Richie is holding a small device that he sets on the table. He sits in a chair and folds his arms. "Don't forget, the mist is unpredictable." Richie looks at Ivory. "Remember Marko? He wasn't a mutant. He is an inhuman, a person modified by the mist."
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InsaneKiller19 said:
Once they came, they looked back at her before watching Luna. They then walk over to them both, seeing if both were injured in anyway or not. Victoria looks at Luna, "Hey you okay? You seem to be limping.." she asks concernly
( going to bed, bye
Luna looked at The girls, and squealed as helga collapsed from exhaustion. Luna looked at helga and worriedly pawed her, she was still breathing, but sleepy.
Dru and Kidpool were looking around stark tower waiting for anything to happen. Dru was dragging kidpool as kidpool sang some old sea shanty as if nothing was out of the normal.
Dru pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Sarah kidpool however cut off his fist and threw it into her face then let his blood gush at her "Don't try to scare me you land lubber or else ye invoke the wrath of Kidpool!" Dru sighed "Look what you did to him, I had him calm for a minute then you messed up." @LokiofSP
"You three are the people who would benefit most by it, and that deserve it. People like Hercules' kid probably wouldn't notice a difference, and people like Alex burns are too new to the team. So? Anyone interested?" He asked, sitting down.
"Hey uh... Richie?" Sam peeks his head into the room that Richie is in, tinkering on his helmet with a weird alien tool. "What's that about gas? That crazy gas stuff that makes you an Inhuman? I did some research about stuff before I started heroing. What I might be up against. Wouldn't it make sense to use it on a regular human? I mean, if we're gonna use it efficiently. Because it's unpredictable, right? So we don't want it harming one of our heavy hitters. Also it could change them completely and so we don't want them to loose useful powers for useless ones... just uh... from a scientific standpoint..."
Richie points to His device. "This device is going to make this process much safer. The mist, like I said, is unpredictable. But with this little tool, I can make sure I can stop its process if it shows harmful effects. And it will also tell us what the mist gave you, so it won't be a complete mystery. Still risky." Richie shrugs. He turns on his galactic commlink. He nods, and looks back at everyone. "Have you all made your decision of who shall have it? If not I'll put it back in my ship. I am going to make sure it isn't wasted. Finn, Ivory and Connor. One of you. Which one."
After going to a vet's office, and being patched up. A shield agent comes to pick them up, and took them to Stark tower. Luna and helga were then escorted to their beds, where they will be forced to rest until they were healed. @CasualDragon
Reaper said:
"Yooooo! How's it going green machine? How would you like to be... Finn the inhuman? All you would need is Jake the indog!" Dimitri said, greeting him upon sight. "Sorry, I should start from the beginning. We came across enough terrigen mist for one person, and we are deciding who it would be best used on."
Finn quickly heard that Helga and Luna were fine from a passing agent and felt a little better. He should have stayed to help. He turned to Dimitri again. "I'll do it but only if the rest of you don't want to. There's no way we can know exactly how the gas will mingle with the radiation."
Ivory rubbed the back of his head, "Yeah...Me and Finn are unknown variables right? I got alien goop in my veins and he's got gamma thingies, Conner the closest thing only definite success......But I would be lying if I said I didn't at least want to know what powers I could get."
Redd goes into the commons area, and pets helga and Luna. "My my, you two took quite a beating." He said as luna purred. "Maybe..... Hold on." redd said as he went to tony's lab, and took out a couple jars of stem cells. "Redd, What are you doing?" Howard asked him, "I am going to try something, and if it works, then i know what to do to heal someone quickly and efficiently." He said as he slathered the cells on luna's wounds, which healed quickly. When he slathered it on helga, the wounds heal much slower than luna's. "Interesting..... when the patient has a carapace.... the wounds heal much slower than those of just flesh." He said intelligently as he logged the results in his database. "Another for the books." He said with a hardy laugh as luna sniffed finn out, and eventually found him, squealing, as if she were calling him. Helga stayed where she was, since she needed to take a nap. "Perfect, I will watch over you my obsidian-shelled friend." redd said cheerfully as he sat next to her, watching her.@CasualDragon @LokiofSP @Reaper
Rihie sighs. "Wanna hear my vote? Ivory. Know why? He is the most emotionally unstable. Now before crazy boy over here gets mad at me and everyone looks at me like I'm an animal, this is why. The mist responds better with unstable matters. In this case, Ivory."
Terry took a seat on the ledge and looked at them all. Snickering at Richie's animal comment, he placed his helmet on his lap and thought how Richie did look like an animal. "Can I vote guys!?" He called finally pushing away his snickering until it evolved into laughing.
Ivory slouched and crossed his arms, "Wow gee thanks, nice to know my issues are actually beneficial for once." He leaned forward and looked at the device, "Why don't we do this, we go around, see what powers we would get, and then decide based on which is the most useful."

@CasualDragon @Crono @National @Reaper
"Just give the whatever to the guy who's the most human. Which would be me cause I still go to school and stuff but I have a cool helmet," Terry shrugged. He heard little snippets of the conversation from afar before walking in so he knew that it had something to do with space.
Richie shakes his head. "It tells you what you get AFTER you use the mist, so I'll know what you got right away and inform you. I can't tell you what you get beforehand. And you don't need it Terry. You're too reckless."
"I'm torn. Connor is formidable without powers, so with powers he could be the tipping point of any fight. However the most might help Finn's leg, which is ideal. My first instinct was to give it to Connor, but he isn't sure if he wants it."
Richie grabs a small electronic disc. He throws it up in the air, and after a few transformations, a large gun with a huge barrel appears in Richie's hands. He sets the container in the barrel and loads up the gun. "Hurry up so I can shoot someone with the mist."
Ivory speaks up, "You guys are absolutely sure there is no way that mist, something that travels in the air, can be given and shared by three people? No way whatsoever?"
Richie shakes his head. "There just isn't enough. Trust me, Marko was an inhuman. He knew everything about the mist. Only one person can consume it. Ivory, while he dies have the best chance, already has great powers. Connor is only a pretty buff human. And Finn had a hurt leg. So one of you two would benefit the most. Now choose so I can blast someone."

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