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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"I never said compromise your morals, I merely said I'd not take part unless necessary." Jordan stated "You heroes do what you do best, save the world, keep the peace, I'll do what I must according to my duty and responsibility...and I'll not take advice on being manipulated by a symbiote user." he shot back at Ivory
"Ooohh... Snap," Emily whispered over to Connor and crossed her arms. "Who even uses symbiotes. Aren't they evil?" She asked him until Cassandra cut in. "Yah uh... I have a symbiote on me right now."
"Excuse me! Savage has-well was, with me since the day I was born, he's literally apart of me! Besides, I don't have the consciousness anymore. Look at it's history, Jean Grey, Hope Summers, Emma frost, Colossus, Magik, even fucking Cyclops all of them manipulated to do it's will. The only difference is that you're stronger."

She stops, waiting to cross the street while turning off her iPhone pulling the headphones around her neck. When it was time to walk, she did so with other people. Rayne entered a small shop, smiling at the familiar scent of coffee "Hey guys" she called to the cashiers, they waved before one of them walked over and smiles as she sat down on the chair that she found "So, would you like the usual?" She asked. Ray nodded, "Yes please.." The girl smiles before walking off to go get her, her order
"I refuse to damn an entire race based on the actions of a few. Just because Venom, Carnage, and that other uh, fellow are unpleasant, doesn't mean their entire race is." Steve said loudly. "I will however judge the individual based on their own actions. Lead, follow, or get out of the way. I plan on being a leader and a part of humanity, I will not cast aside what I am just because of what I could do, that's madness. I'm also pretty sure my namesake fought many a guy with that same ideal and kicked his butt."
"Thing is, I was the Venom symbiote on me. Venom's not that much of a problem anymore ever since it went into the government," Cassandra shrugged. But he did have a good point, she once visited the planet of the Klyntar when her father re-entered the Guardians of the Galaxy for a little while to check on them.
"Jean was corrupted by Mastermind, not the Phoenix Force. Hope turned her back on it, Emma...fuck Emma. Well that's not fair, that was Jean's lingering consciousness and feelings embedded in the Phoenix Force. The rest were corrupted by it's anger. You'd be quite angry too if someone tried to destroy you for doing the right thing. The Phoenix Five were weak willed, they let the anger and power overcome them. History is written by the victor, no matter how wrong it is. Every symbiote that comes to Earth is corrupted by humanity, the voices of humanity twist and turn them and then you use them, not to make the world a better place, a more peaceful and understanding place, you use them to FIGHT. Do not preach about things you do not understand."
Ivory took a deep breath and squeezed his fists before relaxing them, "That sounds incredibly familiar to something Scott Summers said... We know for a fact what the Pheniox's goal is Jordan, and this is coming from me! Remember, I'm the one that used to attack people like a damn dog, I don't understand why you can't see this. Your saying that we're corrupted by humanity? That's not true. It's the choice of the pair to do whatever it intends. Look at Cassandra, look at me. You need a reality check and you need it fast because I'm not gonna lie, I'm actually concerned for you."

After finishing her coffee and paying for it, she leaves and heads towards stark tower listening to music on her headphones again. She didn't know what she was going to do when she gets there but, she would figure it out when she arrives
Braziel pats Ivory's back. "Do not sorry little comrade. Everything will be just fine. We shall fight lime warriors. This man speaks truth. I have seen this force in my time. He wants us to fight our own battles, and we are gladly able to do that. Trust me, I have been pulled out of my timeline here. I do not who it what did it, but I am now here. Trust Jordan, he is not possessed. I was the only one who can detect Hus presence, no? I can tell that he has control." @LokiofSP @LucianGrey7971
( If I'm not mistaken, it's canon that the symbiotes are actually a quite peaceful race..until they hear the voices of humanity, then they become like Venom)

"I don't need your concern, nor do I need your lies. I know what we do and do not think." Jordan said and started to walk away "Of course....we are in fact hoping you do not need me."
"Neither of you have done any wrong." Steve says looking at both Ivory and Jordan. "However remember that any life is important. It's not accounting, It's lives. Oh one million die so that two may live? Why not get off your duff and make sure three million live? If I had your kind of power that's what I'd do. Please. Remember before anything else...you're human."
(Yup it's canon)

"Why are you concerned for me exactly?" Cassandra asked Ivory. She didn't really think of anything that would make him concerned for her.
Ivory breaths out and walks with Jordan, "Fine, if your insistent on being a hard ass, be my guest. But I want to talk to your freinds in your mansion."

(@LucianGrey7971, I belive it was canon that they were peaceful, but it was finding imperfect hosts that left them like that)
When arriving, she wrapped her headphones around her neck turning off her iPhone while looking up at the tower in awe "It's...tall and amazing.." she told to no one in particular before deciding the enter, wanting to check out the inside of it
"Steve Rogers Schaub?" He said, more curious than anything. "That's like...we're you named after my dad or something?" Connor raised a brow, someone having a name like that was seriously going to confuse him.

"Who's this we?" He asked Jordan, "Are you considering you as a whole as the Phoenix Force or is the we meant to be a division, that you are two separate entities?"
"I'm not sacrificing one million to save two or three, I'm sacrificing one million for the infinite number of humanity's offspring that will spread across the stars." Jordan corrected Steve without sounding harsh he then looked Connor dead in the eye "Both. In order to bring the Guardian of Creation back to this universe, I've become one with it...however we still have our own separate consciousness."
Steve bit back a barely contained squee. "You're CAP's kid?! I have all his comics! Even the really rare ones! It's amazing to meet you! Yeah I was named after your Dad, the guy who gave your Dad powers left notes on how to raise the perfect child and that's how I was raised. So my Dad felt it fitting to name me after the Original. Obviously I'm just the diet soda version of your Dad, and you too, but I'm close to the Apex of a normal human."

Steve looked at Jordan. "Then get those powers up to snuff and save ALL those incalculable lives. With great power comes great responsibility right? Not with great power comes great choosing who dies and also maybe a puppy."
"There is no saving everyone...today should have taught you that." Jordan said, this time his voice full of venom and clearly agitated

Jordan took off out the window without another word
"I wasn't here today. Plus I'm a C student and a lousy learner. One of the reasons I couldn't work at a bank. With more help we could have. We just need more heroes. Our parents were able to save everyone back in the day. No reason why we can't too." Steve yelled to the retreating Jordan.
Looking around inside, she was amazed at the inside walking around while looking. She looks around before finding a wall, leaning back against it as she pulls out her sketch pad and pencil starting to sketch the inside of it smiling before putting those two things away and sits down on the ground continuing to lean back against the wall looking around quietly
Braziel folds his arms. "Let Jordan do what he believes is right. You need sacrifices to better the human race. If we saved everyone, we would have over population, no? Jordan wants us to fight the force ourselves." He looks at the group
Akakios simply stood by idly, not saying a word. Once Jordan left, he looked at everyone in the room, slightly confused. They were all kids. How could they be expected to protect the world from this Thanos character? He would offer his assistance later, but for now......

"What's a Phoenix Force?" Akakios said curiously, still looking out the window.

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