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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Akakios shook slightly, the earthquake that Braziel created stunning him. He knew Hercules was strong, but this was a whole nother level. Seeing what his strategy was, Akakios quickly regains his composure and rolls out of the way to avoid the attack. He then began to freak out when seeing Braziel pickup a building with the intent on throwing it at him. "Braziel, DON'T! THERE ARE PEOPLE IN THERE!" Akakios, despite the ground beneath him shaking violently stood and ran towards the man, dodging rubble and helping those trapped under it as he went. He turned to see a man jump onto Braziel's back and was about to attack him when Braziel put the building back down. Akakios sighed and walked over to the man, not saying a word. Not even a minute after that, people began to crowd around the three. Hearing something about a team recruitment, Akakios raised his hand. "I would be interested in joining this team."
( Can someone tell me what I missed? xD Sorry a lot of stuff has been happening and I completely honestly forgot about this website
Braziel lowers his head. "I apologize Akakios. I am like a bull in a China shop. I didn't know I made such an atrosity." Braziel looks over at a group of people who were still there. When they noticed Braziel looked at them, they all ran away. He sighs.

Jordan looked back at Connor "My friends can do whatever they want, as for me, I cannot take part in this fight. Not unless things are truly dire."
Connor frowned at Jordan, "I'm going to assume that's because your afraid you won't be able to control yourself...or the Phoenix Force if things go too far?"
"If that's what you choose to believe then I'll not burden you with the truth." Jordan chose his words carefully, he wasn't sure if any of them could understand that he couldn't coddle them...well maybe Braziel, but the rest wouldn't
Jordan pulled his hood over his face "You should know by now, I have no problem letting people die to save immeasurable amounts more. My power might not be fully matured, but it's not enough for humanity to rely on my strength. If it is to reach out and spread amongst the stars, humanity must show it can win on its own...I'm merely here just in case you can't...then I will fight. That's how it must be."
"It's always half-truths with you isn't it?" Connor looked over his shoulder at Ivory, "Language." Great, now I sound like dad.

"I wouldn't ask anyone to fight Thanos against their will, capable or not." Turning his head back to Jordan he crossed his arms over his chest, "Some people could still potentially benefit from training with you, and maybe the other way around as well. It's a matter for another time but just think on it."
"We're all heroes." Steve says quietly at first. "The first Avengers team up was a joke. No one thought the team would last. Our Parents had a choice. We don't. I mean I can bench press 400 pounds, nothing compared to some of you, but if I got into a first fight with a normal guy? I'd kill him. We are heroes and that means a whole damn lot to me. Could you really see any of us working at a bank? We save no matter the cost to us. How many lives have been lost doing the right thing? Goliath, killed by that damn Ragnarok. We've lost people and we have to carry on the cause. I was given healing powers. Sure I can punch the bad guy, but if it's a choice between healing someone and joining others in a beat down I'll heal every time. I would rather die then allow anyone to come to harm. I know that sometimes it's unavoidable, but that does not mean we have to resign them to death. That's why I'm called Lightning Rod. I take the abuse so humanity doesn't have to."
Ivory walked up to Jordan and pulled down his hood, "Bullshit! We won't rely on you anymore than Conner relies on us. We're a team dammit! And by that logic then the Avengers shouldn't fight Thanos! Because then humanity would become reliant on us, but we're still fighting aren't we! Face it Jordan, you're scared."


"I've had millennias to think about it. The universe is a cold dark place. Ideals are nice, but in the face of reality, that's all they are. You don't get a nice gift wrapped happy ending, you take the pain, grit your teeth and take solace in victory. If you're lucky, you'll even remember what you were fighting for and you can draw happiness from that" Jordan swatted Ivory's hands away from his face and pulled his hood back up "You represent all of humanity...Earth's mightiest heroes and all that. The power I have is not to be used for every threat that comes to Earth. Your parents fought without our power, and they succeeded you will too and if you don't then I'll protect Earth. But hear this, I am not your protector, I am merely humanities guiding force...I'm more or less here to make sure you evolve, you cannot evolve if I shelter you from everything."
"I still don't know your name yet." Connor said stepping over and putting a hand around Steve's shoulders with a smile, "But you my friend, have the right idea."

Ivory was getting emotional, "We aren't excluded from humanity because of our abilities or powers. We are a part of it, if we let humanity down then we are letting ourselves down."
"But that's the point, we can't evolve if we're extinct can we? Jordan, why are you even trusting the damn Phoenix Force? It's manipulated so many, destroyed galaxies, my parents told me the stories! It's using you!"

"Steve Rogers Schaub, the son of Butterball and Electina, and no, I'm not offended if you never heard of them." Steve said with a smile at Connor. "I'm glad at least someone knows we can do some good and still hold onto our morals."
Rayne walked, listening to her favorite song while carrying a handbag that held some stuff in there. She looked around while walking, humming to herself in a slight happy tone trying to figure out where to head first

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