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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Dru drops out the sky and creates a huge crater and a slight shock wave. After a few minutes of piecing himself together figuratively he heard talk about symbiotes and crawled out of the crater with a groan "What is going on here? Also what is this I hear of Symbiotes?" Dru managed to get into a sitting position and look at the group he fell near.
Braziel starts it off by slamming his fist into the ground. The earth splits apart as a fissure snakes towards Akakios, large chunks of the ground flying in the air, and the shockwave of the punch made a mini earthquake. @AvidElmV2
LokiofSP said:
Ivory backed away, "The fuck?!" He looked down to see Dru, "What-why? WHY MUST YOU ALWAYS FUCKING ENTER LIKE THIS!?"
"Look there was a guy with a grenade and he said he would throw it I said i would blow up his hand and well he thought i was kidding so the explosion knocked me off a roof." Dru shrugged and looked around "So will you fill me in or not?"
"Nope not a single thing. Sorry I got... caught up in some things and missed a lot." Dru smiled wryly and stood up groaning and stretching.
Ivory's eye twitched, "It was on TV, clear as da-" He cut himself off and took a deep breath and shoved those thoughts out of his head, "Sorry, got some problems of my own. Anyways, a massive fight broke out between us and a symbiote named Massacre, he killed Tony and Pietro, I later found out they were better known by Iron-Man and Quicksilver. Anyways, after this happened we beat him and killed the Venom symbiote- well most of it. But one of them gives me a VERY familiar pull in my stomach, it attacked us and tried to, I dunno speak with me in some weird language. It ran off just now."

LokiofSP said:
Ivory's eye twitched, "It was on TV, clear as da-" He cut himself off and took a deep breath and shoved those thoughts out of his head, "Sorry, got some problems of my own. Anyways, a massive fight broke out between us and a symbiote named Massacre, he killed Tony and Pietro, I later found out they were better known by Iron-Man and Quicksilver. Anyways, after this happened we beat him and killed the Venom symbiote- well most of it. But one of them gives me a VERY familiar pull in my stomach, it attacked us and tried to, I dunno speak with me in some weird language. It ran off just now."
"interesting... well I guess that could be bad for people as a whole and it saddens me to hear Iron-Man is dead anyways good luck with your hunting is there anyway I can help you?"
Ivory's eye twitched, he didn't even know Tony was dead?! He took another deep breath, "For now, no/ But there is something else we need to talk about." He turned around to look at him, "Don't you dare tell me you didn't notice New York getting torn apart because it happened two hours ago, anyways, Thanos is coming. Because of this we need all the manpower we can get and for once, the Avengers are actually trying to work as a team. We need more people and we've seen you help us a few times before, I was actually about to try to official recruit some people anyways so I figured I'd ask, do you want to join our ranks?"

"I could be convinced to join but that is a side comment right now. I completely missed new york getting torn apart because well I wasn't here. I was with my grandparents and boy was that a weird trip." Dru shook his head. "I heard you guys weren't ready to take Thanos and apparently that was true but if they want to work together I guess I could work with them to stop him." Dru shrugged. @LokiofSP
Ivory placed a hand on the boys shoulder, "Look man, we have two months until a class S, that reminds me to tell Dimitri we should classify villans from now on. villan comes and kills everyone in New York, you want to help? Join us so we can train and actually get some damn chemistry before the countdown reaches zero."

LokiofSP said:
Ivory placed a hand on the boys shoulder, "Look man, we have two months until a class S, that reminds me to tell Dimitri we should classify villans from now on. villan comes and kills everyone in New York, you want to help? Join us so we can train and actually get some damn chemistry before the countdown reaches zero."

Dru sighed he was glad that he hadn't been asked about his grandparents but none the less he decided to put aside his mercenary tendencies for once "Fine I will join you guys and work against Thanos geez relax it might only be the end of the world. Speaking of we need some cosmic power."
Ivory sneered, "Well we might if I can get a chance to talk the asshole over...." He began to walk away, "Anyways, I gotta go talk to some people, I'll see ya later."

LokiofSP said:
Ivory sneered, "Well we might if I can get a chance to talk the asshole over...." He began to walk away, "Anyways, I gotta go talk to some people, I'll see ya later."
Dru sighed and shook his head Ivory needed to relax a bit if he was going to convince people to join his crusade "You should relax some and if he is such an asshole then you should ask what he wants from all of this."
Ivory sighed, "I know, I'm new to this whole multiple emotions at once thing. I know what he wants, I also know that I hate him and he hates me. I'm talking to him last, anyways..." He threw Dru a number, "Call this number, guys name is Dimitri, he's our leader.: He walked down the stairs


(That's Ivory senpai to you @National.... and maybe)
LokiofSP said:
Ivory sighed, "I know, I'm new to this whole multiple emotions at once thing. I know what he wants, I also know that I hate him and he hates me. I'm talking to him last, anyways..." He threw Dru a number, "Call this number, guys name is Dimitri, he's our leader.: He walked down the stairs

(That's Ivory senpai to you @National.... and maybe)
"What is his name I can do it!" Dru called after him then looked at the number he been thrown and held it up "Who the hell is dimitri?"
National said:
(Ivory is senpai, not me, so retract that achievement!)

Ivory called back, "Leader of the Avengers"

Braziel follows up his mini earthquake by grabbing a large nearby building, Lifing it with quite ease. The rubble starts to fall everywhere as Braziel chucks the building at Akakios. The building slams into the ground, creating a massive shockwave of dust and rubble. The massive falling building was heard across the entire city as the rubble blocks off the street and damages all the property around it. @LokiofSP @AvidElmV2
LokiofSP said:
(Ivory is senpai, not me, so retract that achievement!)
Ivory called back, "Leader of the Avengers"

Dru was about to call but he hear and felt an explosion and chuckled running off to see what the fighting was and who was at the heart of it, it would take him a few minutes to get there but it would be worth the run. @National (also i assume you are dimitri or who do I tag? @LokiofSP
Ivory steps outside to see a building be lifted and rubble going on throughout the ground, his eyes widened, "Fuck me can't we get a break?" He began to swing to the epicenter, dodging rubble falling his way as he did. He saw a building fall towards him and jumped through the window, running out the window on the other side he landed on a mans back to find him fighting someone else. He pulled on his fist, "Stop! Stop! Look at what you just fucking did you idiot!"

@National @AvidElmV2

(Nah @Drumonkey @Reaper is Dimitri)
Reaper said:
Dimitri arrived with a whoosh of wind. "You rang?" He said, Apple in hand with one bite taken out.
Dru was sitting on a roof (i am going to assume that was for me) looking at the fight winding down. "Ivory told me to call you about joining your rag tag group of misfits called the avengers." Dru glanced over at him.
People were crying in the streets as destruction was all around, "No....No it wasn't" He jumped off his back, "If your going to fight, do it on the fucking moon next time. At least that way no one dies like they did here."


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