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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Joe forces through it until one of the shots strikes him in the face, blinded for moments he impacts a wall. He would have been fine if it weren't for his Magma body which burned through the wall sending him flying off the building, "Oh Shiiiiiiiiit!" He yelled as he plummeted to the ground
"Well....." Akakios said, trying to formulate a lie. While he disliked lying, especially to a good friend, he didn't want Braziel to know why he had been away for such along time. It was something he was ashamed of. "Well, I did have a close encounter of Siren's. There song wasn't all that pleasing to me, mind you, but, it did the trick. Luckily, I was able to draw my blade before things got bad. But, to be honest, that was the only exciting thing to happen on my vacation. I mostly spent my day's relaxing. As a former spartan, I think I had the privilege of taking a well deserved break from all that fighting." Akakios leaned back in his seat. Putting his hands out in front of him, a bottled of wine appeared. A gift from Dionysus. Looking up to Braziel, he waved it towards him, offering him some.
"Just hold on. I'll get us down there, hop on." Steve says with a grin. If Sam gets on his back, he leaps out and slides down the building using his abilities. He jumps the last 20 feet and lands with a soft thud. He starts to feel light headed and reaches for a pouch. He pours a brown sludge into his mouth and swallows. "Urg. It's like an angry Thanksgiving dinner."
Slaughter tilts it's head, making a sound like a chuckle before shooting out a tendril at a random semi-destroyed building and attempting to swing away.


Sam groans slightly in pain. "I uh... thanks and everything, and don't rake this the wrong way but... who the hell are you?"
Gwen grabbed the wires, still sparking, as the electricity started going through her. She screamed in pain but stabbed Slaughter in the arm with her electrocuted arm after flying to him

RiddleWrappedEnigma said:
Slaughter tilts it's head, making a sound like a chuckle before shooting out a tendril at a random semi-destroyed building and attempting to swing away.

Sam groans slightly in pain. "I uh... thanks and everything, and don't rake this the wrong way but... who the hell are you?"
Braziel takes a swig from the bottle and hands it back to Akakios. "That bastard is good at his own craft. I have some unfortunate news. I,don't think you were there. The Spartans fell, gone extinct. They were powerful, but there just wasn't enough of them. Mind you, it was probably the hardest fight the Persians ever had. Sadly, they conquered Sparta. I did manage to kill off half the army before I was summoned to Olympia however." Braziel grabs a small scroll from his pocket and reads it out loud. "The Spartans have fallen Braziel. Come to Persia and submit. One of your greatest allies fell, and we will take you." So I went over there and slaughtered half his army before he surrendered and I left." @AvidElmV2
"Hello new ally?" Terry crouched down to inspect her but she seemed to be unconscious.

"We won't! Uh... Goo bag!" Emily shouted and punched him from behind. I'm 1 v 1ing a symbiote? This is even worse then taking Rapture.
Joe soon panics as he falls, however he then comes up with an idea to avoid his fate. He starts spewing fire from his hands, hoping to gain propulsion. Soon his desent slows as the flames spur like a jet engine. Soon he is hovering in mi-air. "Nailed it" He says to himself before gaining altitude to find the black creature again.
"I'm Steve Schaub, Lightning Rod. My Dad was uh, Butterball. Not a very well known hero but he did his part. I was told to come here. Dad spent 9 years training me and longer than that making sure I was raised to be like Cap. Man it's friggin AWESOME to be here! Thor was here! Iron Man was here! All the greats!" Steve let his fanboy flag fly for a moment before calming down. "Sorry, are you hurt? I can fix that."

Steve shot out his electric waves and it sped up Sam's normal healing process. He would be healed in moments instead of days.
"Butterball?" Terry sniffled a laugh. He never heard of anyone named Butterball though it sounded like a failed food product. "I'm sorry... What does you dad have when it comes to powers? Cause to me it sounds like he hurls butter at people. What's next? Some guy who shoots condiments from guns?"
(It's DC but still xD )
Suddenly from above the two they could hear a muffled blast and from the roof came a man free falling right towards them wearing dreads and camo bottoms with holsters and a military vest all in all it looked like a soldier was blown off the roof from the force of the explosion. (jumping in with a bang) @Inritz
"Well ok then." Sam raises an eyebrow at Steve. "Thanks. My dad was Antman. He was a jerk who left my mum before I was born and had nothing to do with my life."


Slaughter turns around and shrieks in Emily's face before pushing her out of the way and swinging across to a nearby building. He then drops down to the street and moves over to a manhole cover, ripping it from the ground.
Akakios nods and takes a swig from the bottle as well before it disappeared. Once he heard about the Spartan army falling, Akakios dropped his head. "Με τους θεούς ....." He said, speaking in ancient Greek. "How could this....." Akakios sighed. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Even the mightiest of empire eventually fall. At least we did a number on the Persian's before they took us down......" Akakios stood and paced around the room for a moment before turning to Braziel, a smile on his face. "So, how about that fight?"
Steve laughed. "He actually looks only a little older than me. His power is that he's completely invulnerable. He's frozen in time. Taskmaster gave him his codename. He was a fry cook before he was a hero so he could have had a condiment gun. I'll have to ask him. First though, hero stuff. HOLY, IT'S RAINING SOLDIERS!" He leaps across the battlefield to get to Gwen and starts healing her. "Stay with me. We all will need to clean this damn things' clock."
Ugh... I should get web-shooters or something, Emily sighed as she saw the symbiote swing away.

"I'm going after the symbiote. Wish me luck guys!" Terry said and flew after him.
Braziel grins. "Best to take it outside. I claooed and thus building almost fell over." Braziel jumps out if the building, making another large crater. He looks up the window, waiting for Akakios. "Once you get down here, you may start." He shouts up to the Spartan. @AvidElmV2
Inritz said:
Steve laughed. "He actually looks only a little older than me. His power is that he's completely invulnerable. He's frozen in time. Taskmaster gave him his codename. He was a fry cook before he was a hero so he could have had a condiment gun. I'll have to ask him. First though, hero stuff. HOLY, IT'S RAINING SOLDIERS!" He leaps across the battlefield to get to Gwen and starts healing her. "Stay with me. We all will need to clean this damn things' clock."
Gwen starts to go to non metal form and is electrocuted from the electricity in her metal state. She yells out in pain and is knocked out again
Ivory rushed up to Emily and grabbed her shoulders, "Future girl! Look I-I need help with a few things. First off, what do you know about Symbiotes?"

'I know that they go crazy around fire and large noises..." She said with a confused look. Though he was probably trying to attack the symbiote as well.
Akaios took a couple of steps back before jumping out the window, taking a leap of faith. It had been awhile since he had had a good fight and Hercules son was sure to provide a good one. Turning in the air, Akakios summoned Hermes gift as he neared the ground, slowing his descent. He hit the ground gracefully not soon after Braizel and got into his fighting stance. "When you're ready."
He lets go of her and walks away, "I-I'm sorry. Thanks for the help." He walks back upstairs and collapses on a couch, what the hell just happened, what made him realize what the other was saying? And why did it stop hurting him? He shook his head and looked out the window. He muttered, "Two months......We're so screwed."

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