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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Connor gave a light oof at the sudden tackle hug, it was surprising and at first he didn't know how to react as Ivory let the words flow. But he wrapped his arms around him and hugged back tightly. "I-I know." He told him voice cracking lightly as he himself started getting emotional. "I knew you we're hurting and confused and...maybe I should have been more patient with you. I hadn't given up on you though."
So, at this point in time, Akakios being confused was an understatement. If this was the group responsible for trashing the city, then why were they talking about helping the injured? And who was Thanos? Akakios had the sudden realization that he had been tricked. He wasn't here to destroy the ones who had destroyed the city..... He was here to destroy the ones trying to protect the city. Akakios turned to make his way out the building when, suddenly, the building began to tilt. Akakios slid to the other side of the walkway and was about to hit the wall when the building corrected itself. 'Hercules' he thought to himself before exiting the building, ending back at the helipad, where he found Hercules' son. "Oh.... Hello there. You're a lot taller than your father....."
"I was... Giving you the keys to a room. Nothing else. Avengership'll probably come later," Perry sighed at his excitement. It probably made him disappointed about this new knowledge.
(Hmm... should I add more to the veritable sh*tstorm of stuff happening right now? Yes. Yes I think I shall.)

Suddenly a black tendril of a substance similar to Spiderman's webbing hits the chair that Sam is sitting in. Sam looks down at it and his eyes widen before he is yanked out of the window. "Oh shi-!"
Joe froze for a moment, taking in the information, he then slumped down in disappointment. "Got it" He said sighing, though he was still kinda happy to be allowed to work with them, maybe this hole magma man thing wouldn't be so bad. "So I need a hero name, cause I don't think Joe will be very convincing when I look like this."
Ivory was about to reply when he heard Sam's yell followed by a familiar pull in his gut, he released Conner and began to get cold sweats. He but baxk on his bandanna and raised his hood, "No... no no!" He jumped out the building and caught Sam, he attached a web to the roof and swung throu through a window, tumbling as they landed

Gwen runs in front of the door, her metallic footsteps could be heard in the door way as she camoflauges into the wall on the other side of the door

((@Anyone that wants to interact with her))
Sam cries out in pain as his leg is knocked before proceeding to just lie there whimpering slightly. That is until a thicker tendril wraps around his leg and pulls him away with some force.
Braziel looks over his shoulder and sees a man. No... Not any normal man. He could smell the familiar blood. A spartan. Braziel grins as he claps his hand on the mans back. "A spartan! I remember you! Akakios! Yes, I remember your imprisonment. I was there combatting with your army when you were captured. We still won that glorious day. It has been long since then however. I am Braziel, son of Hercules!"
Steve runs to where the others were, his leg tapping from excitement. His first time crimefighting! He opened his mouth to introduce himself, then someone went through a window. He rushed forward, but even Apex Speed was not fast enough. He looked at the others, with a helpless look. "We have to go after him! Or wait what if that's what they want?! Who's the leader here?"
(Wow this is moving fast)

Steve runs to the young man and uses every ounce of his Apex Strength to hold the young man . "I can't keep this up! I skipped lunch!" He then uses his head and tries to shock the tendril and pull the man to safety.
Instead of going for Sam, Terry tried to go after the person who looked like Venom. Is that military lady finally going all crazy? He thought and filled his hands with energy halfway down. "Let him go!" He shouted and began rapidly firing energy at the symbiote.
Slaughter frowns and turns to Terry, letting go of Sam and screaming at Terry in an alien language, it then proceeds to whip sharp a tendril at Terry, intending to just slice him like all the other meat-sacks he's encountered, apart from his meat-sack of course.
Slaughter bares blood stained teeth at the heroes as it turns between them, unsure which to focus on "Leave... alone..." it's eyes widen as Ivory's tendril hit it, it then proceeds to ignore the other two, turning to Ivory and beginning to converse with him in a strange language, it reaches out it's hand towards him.
Ivory looks on confused as he feels a tickle in the back of his head. A memory? What was going on, in Savage's passjng it seemed the suit although under his control, still had a few instincts, he barley understood what Slaughter said, and spoke in the same tounge, although it was broken, like a foreigner trying to speak a language he had just began to learn. He would have to take a closer look at this later. He tentivly took the creature's hand.


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