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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Jordan glared at Perry "So you plan on just doing nothing until Thanos comes back?! You honestly believe that you stand a chance because you're all driven by rageb and vengeance?! You should be taking this opportunity to become stronger!"
"Huh. A metal angel just crashed into the room and I'm standing in the midst of a greek god. I suddenly feel very useless. Um... Hey fireguy. Sorry about hitting you, guess I got carried away. But you totally owe me a new suit. You kinda fried this one..." Sam grins at Joe. "I uh... No hard feelings, right? I think you broke my leg too..."
"I, personally have nothing to get pissed off about," Perry said and pointed at himself. Then he thought about it and he noticed he was wrong. "Well except for Ivory being a drunken ass to my girlfriend but he was drunk," He finished. "Also, yes. I do plan on making some upgrades to security and my suits."
Someone crashing into the room was a surprise, and had Connor staring, though she seemed like she wasn't a threat so he wasn't too alarmed...though now there was another window to be fixed. Connor sighed as Jordan grew...excited might be the term..frustrated? "Stop jumping to conclusions, it's been a few hours since the attack. There are still bodies lying in the streets for crying out loud, we regroup and figure something out. But first we help the injured, help those people out there where we can." The blonde starts digging into a cabinet pulling out a few bandages.
"If you guys can fix my condition, then we can call it even." He said to Sam, before looking at the Winged girl in the room. "Jesus Christ! Can this day get an fucking weirder?" Then he sees the Demigod, "I guess it can."
"Um... What're you doing? You've got wings. We can tell that you can probably fly. Even though you're made of metal. And so that wingspan shouldn't really be capable of keeping you aloft but... superpowers, braking the laws of physics since, like, forever... I'm not bitter." Sam chuckles to himself.

@The Unamed Character
Braziel rushes out and jumps out the window towards her. He gently grabs her mid air, and "THOOM". Once the dust clears, a giant crater is made, and he gently let's down the girl as he stands up, unscathed and unharmed. @The Unamed Character

(Braziel does)
Braziel nods. "Of course. A fair lass like you shouldn't be throwing their lives out the window." Braziel stretches his back as he looks up at everyone else from his position.
((it was just talk so we needed some action..... its basically all your goin to get outa me lol))

Gwen looks up at Braziel and stands up, dusting herself off "Th-thanks again..." she said once more

Gwen was so shocked "Im... i'm going to go....." she said blushing, not out of love but of emberrasment. she ran towards a building and ran through it after turning to steel
Connor poked his head out of the shattered window to see that both of them we're fine. "Well.." He said turning back to the others. "I'm still confused on who she was or what she wanted." He shrugged, it's not like he hadn't seen weirder things. "More secrets huh?" He asked Jordan as he walked back across the room over to Sam handing him a few things to fix himself up with. "If that leg of yours is indeed broken we'll have to reset the bone, won't be fun." He gave Sam a sheepish smile.

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