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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Sam chuckles, taking a step forward. "Yeah, I can wal- ok. Ow, no." He rocks backwards and slumps to the ground again. "Ok. I... May need a little help... And uh... thanks. I'm sorry about what I said earlier... about you guys being cliquey and not caring about the little people and shit... I uh... I guess I was wrong. At least about some of you..."

"I'm here!" Perry called out and he put on a lab coat. "Who are we talking about-" He looked over to his left and he saw a man completely covered with fire and magma. "Well that answers my question."
Connor chuckled, "No problem, everyone's allowed an opinion and I didn't think of you any less for it. We're not exactly the most organized team, but we try. I care about people as a whole, there are no little people to me. I don't know if my clone gave off that perception but he's not me. Now..." Connor crouched low with his back to Sam and his arms at the side, "Either I carry you or you lean on me, just uh...watch the arm." Nodding his head lightly towards his right arm where there was a makeshift bandage, he'd rather not having Sam accidentally slap at the injury.
Pyrite sneered, what the fuck happened? Why did he feel so much weaker here, and why did he have to rely on his sword so much more? It was GOING to kill him if he kept on using it this much, he needed more substance, a super-powered being if he was going to keep on using the damn thing like he was. He WOULD kill Edge, but at this point he was purely keeping him alive out of spite, Edge said he would be the one to betray them first, he intended to make sure that didn't happen.

He looked up to see him calling out to some dude, the horny fuck. He laughed and called out to him, "Ya know, if you REALLY wanted, I bet we coulda find a dude in the city. No need to come to the damn cemetery ya creepo."

@Crono @AvidElmV2
The moment the boy called out to him, Akakios summoned his glaide. "Are you one of the ones that did this?" Akakios said, looking at the damage done to this city. "At first , I thought your architects were out of there minds, but after I saw that bodies...... Someone has definitely been here. Speak slowly boy." Akakios stared deeply into Edge's eyes with his own, which were really just beady white pupils floating in a sea of white. Akakios turned his head to the side, cracking it. Looking over to his friend Akakios sighed. If they attack him, the battle would be a tough one. But he could prevail if he fought hard and well.
"Right. I'll uh... I'd prefer to go with the leaning option if you don't mind... I'll watch the arm..." He carefully moves around to Connor's left side and leans on him, keeping weight off of his right leg. "So... I'm uh... sorry about your friend. He seemed like a good person..." He says this rather awkwardly. Seriously? This is the thing he decides to say? So stupid...
Edge ignored Pyrite with a roll of his eyes, keeping them focused on the stranger in front of them. When the destroyed city was mentioned he looked back at a few crumbling buildings and chuckled amused, "Nope, sorry. Wasn't me, I don't exactly have the power to destroy buildings. This guy though.." Carter hitched his thumb to point at Pyrite, "He might, seems like he pulls a new power out of his ass every-time I turn around." He curiously looked at Akakios' weapon, poking the tip with his finger, "Interesting weapon."

Connor frowned lightly as he stood back up, that was the second time his ride had been declined today. "Everyone declines the piggy back. I always thought I gave good piggy backs..." He mumbled jokingly as he helped keep Sam up as they started walking. He nodded a reply at Sam, "You mean Dimitri? Yeah..he's a good person, when he wants to be. Too many pranks growing up." Also when he's not dying, drinking, or attacking me. But the registration was in the past, the blonde just hoped all of that was as well.

When they got to the surface Connor let out a huff, "I'd call us a cab but I'm not sure there are any in the city that still work after today." Atleast they could see the tower from here above some of the smaller buildings. "So that suit..alot of....technical stuff. How long do you think it'll take to fix?"
"Eh... I honestly don't know... it took me about a year to make... But then again I was working with all new tech... But I probably should just be able to rewire a few things, change some of the armouring. The wings are damaged beyond repair so I might not be able to fly again any time soon... I'd say maybe a couple hours on the suit and a couple days to a couple weeks for the wings. They are extremely fidley. If the wings weren't broken I'd fly us... bad luck I guess..." Sam pulls off his helmet so that Connor can see his face and smiles apologetically. He tucks the helmet under his left arm. "Um... Thanos is gonna be back, isn't he?" He looks worried.
Joe saw Perry and have him an awkward smile as Perry stared at him. "Hey Doc, I'm Joe. Dimitri tells me you can help me with my...um....condition" Joe said offering his hand to Perry, cooling down so he didn't turn him into an amputee.

Akakios pulled his blade back, glaring at Edge. "It was a gift from Ares." Akakios looked to Pyrite once, before turning back to Edge. "What year is it?" Akakios asked, staring at the advanced technology around him. The scholars back at his home never could have dreamed up something like this. It was extraordinary! Horses that didn't need to eat, large screens used to convey news quicker than by horse or ship. Was this the future? Had the gods really kept him under lock and key for so long?
(You can probably post them arriving if you want, if not I will in my next post.)

Connor nodded at Sam's description of how long it would take to fix, not too surprised by the estimate other than the wings. At Sam's question Connor breathed out through his nose, Marko coming to mind before glancing up at the sky his demeanor becoming more serious. "Yeah...he'll be back. But next time, we'll be ready." Turning his head he looked at Sam with a smile as they continued on. "Everyone's going to have a part to play and we're going to need all the help we can get, but we'll win."
But at what cost?

It was amusing to see someone so wide-eyed and confused at the same time by his surroundings, what year? Time traveler, alternate dimension, this guy was a a big question mark. "2030, who are you?" He asked with narrowed eyes.
Sam smiles weakly. "Yeah... I don't know what my part would be though... he could literally squash me like a bug... I'm uh... I'm really sorry about your friend Marko..." Sam looks away. (You can post the getting there part, I don't know anything about the Avengers base...)
"My name is Akakios Demon....... I was a spartan. I died and was resurrected as a demigod. But, I'm not that know, unlike the other gods." Akakios started to bite his lip. Had he really been underground for such a long time? Had the gods forgotten he was even there? The thought of that made a burning anger swell up inside of Akakios, but it quickly resided. He deserved his punishment and he had learned from it. He had learned to be a better person. "Thank you for this information. What is your name?"
Connor shook his head with a smile as they entered the front door to Stark Tower, "He could squish you and me both. Doesn't mean I won't fight him though, fight to protect everything I care about." A relieved huff escaping his lips once inside and heading for the medical area, "First things first, let's get you patched up."

A grin played across Edge's face at the question as a lightbulb went off in his head, "Connor, Connor Rogers. I'm an Avenger, and this.." He pointed at Pyrite, "Is my sidekick, his names not necessary. You want to know who put the city to shambles." He pointed towards Stark Tower, "There's a team of assholes, one a clone of me even. That lives there, they go out and destroy whatever and whenever they see fit. We just finished fighting them ourselves."
Pyrite went to retort but saw what Carter was doing and smiled, "Come on Carter, don't be rude." He walked forward and stuck out a hand, "Name's... Well for now just call me Ben."


Glaring up at Stark Tower, Akakios knew what his first challenge was going to be. He looked back to Pyrite- Excuse me, Ben, and shook his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet two warriors devoted to protecting their city in a land of scum...... You say you fought them before I came along? How about we pay them one more visit? I'd be happy to take care of them, provided you would fight by my side." Not waiting for the two to say anything, Akakios summoned his gift from Herme's, a golden caduceus and a pair of winged boots. He quickly rose into the air and sped towards the strange, glowing tower. While his speed on foot with these boots on was extraordinary, when compared to a human, in the air, it was outstanding. At best, he could narrowly beat Iron Man in a race. Akakios landed on a pad with a huge H in the middle and stood there, waiting for his comrades to catch up to him.

(Just saying, when Akakios finds out you two were lying to him, he's gonna murder you. Just saying.)
"So shall we Go introduce you to the Avengers? I suppose they deserve to know what I am as well..." he said and gestured to Braziel to follow him down
Braziel nods, and he jumps from the roof to the entrance of stark tower, creating a massive crater where he landed. He steps out if the crater and walks into the tower, his head crushing through the door frame. "Stupid small door frames." He mutters
"Good God man, can you go a minute without inadvertently destroying something? You really are a demigod." Jordan spoke, but the las line seemed to be spoken with wisdom that his short life could not have possibly had. Jordan decided to take the more...appropriate route this time "We request an audience with the Avengers." he said to the nearest receptionist
"I can probably help you. I mean my dad de-powered an electric dude so I could probably de-power a fire guy," Perry explained and shook his hand. He'd have to look at some old notes later.
"Honestly. No idea! I'm just going to look though my dad's old notes and hopefully use them to de-power you with some input from my scientists," Perry said over to him and sat down. Though his methods probably didn't help him get calm at all.

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