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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Gwen was watching from the street, Her wings folded in, and she could see The three of them. She just stared at them and didnt move

((Thats right..... Im back peeps))
Edge watched blankly Akakios ride off towards the tower with the intent to attack. "Well then." He said turning to Pyrite with an amused look, "Hadn't expected him to be so...impulsive. The question now would be do we actually go with him or let him do his thing. He could prove a useful ally if we kept the charade up."
Brzaiel stands next to Jordan, waiting for the avengers. He picks up a Hershey's kiss in his hand from the small bowl, and then just took the whole bowl and ate them, bowl and all.
Jordan just stared at Braziel before looking back at the receptionist "Y'know what? I know the way, we'll show ourselves up." Jordan started walking towards the stairs, mainly because he knew Braziel wouldn't fit in the elevator
Braziel walks up the stairs with Jordan, each state straining under his weight as he continues to walk with Jordan. "Nice tower this is. The stairs a bit creeky though." He looks back at all the now sloped stairs, straining under his weight, and he quickly follows Jordan.
Akakios sighed and summoned his glaide, causing the boots and caduceus to disappear. Had his 'friends' deserted him? It seems like there was no longer any honor to be seen on the battle field..... After finally finding an entrance that led into the maze of a building, Akakios took a deep breathe and stealthily stepped inside. He quietly made his way through the tower, hoping to find the ones who did this and take them pay for their crimes.
"I'll make it a priority to help you though," Perry smiled. He was just about to pat his shoulder however he noticed the guy was on fire and he immediately recoiled. Turning his head for a second due to the action he saw a figure with wings for a second. Weird.
Pyrite shrugged before wincing as his stomach growled and his nose bled, "On second thought, I need to kill one of them, now! We follow!" He began to run to Stark Tower

Jordan knocked twice on the door before it caved in on the third knock "...doors don't like me." he muttered before walking into the room "Well, all the Avengers in one place...more or less...good, I'd rather not repeat myself."
Braziel walks in, this time crouching under the door frame, but the door frame wasn't wide enough, so he left a nice hole once he got through. "They don't like me either." Braziel stands behind Jordan, his colossal arms folded and his eyes looking around.
"Five if you count us." Connor said as he entered the room from the opposite end as Braziel and Jordan, with Sam. Letting him down onto one of the spinny chairs of the lab, maybe bringing Sam in here wasn't the best idea but they did need a bit of the medical supplies. He just hoped Joe wouldn't freak and that Sam wasn't bothered by it.

"You think with your stomach too much." Edge told Pyrite with a shrug but took off after Akiakos. (I'm going to wreck this name forever and ever...)
Braziel looks at the five. "My name is Braziel. I'm the child of Hercules. I was pulled out of my time by mysterious forces, so I chose to make the best of it and help you with your new threat."
"We don't have any new threats right-" Perry was cut off as his spider-sense went off and he side-stepped only to find someone with wings crashing into the room.
Braziel looks at the angelic being. "Being interrupted. Not something I enjoy, but nonetheless." As he stares down the angelic being.
Akakios made his way towards a room where there seemed to be a generous amount of commotion going on. Peeking inside, he saw what he believed to be the ones responsible for the cities destruction. He noticed the tallest man in the room looked slightly familiar to him and was shocked when he heard the man say his name. 'Hercules' son...... Destroyed a city? No..... It can't be...' Akakios thought to himself. He was about to make his way into the room to confront the man when someone, or something, crashed through the wall. 'And there's another..... Perfect.'

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