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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"...Jordan Grace. Phoenix Force." he shook the man's hand without any sort of hesitation, if it came down to it he was about 79.2 percent sure he could win...those were acceptable odds.
Braziel nods. "Jordan. Phoenix Force. A powerful sounding title. I came here on this Earth from my timeline sent from my father to help the heroes here. If I am not mistaken, a very powerful threat was here not long ago, correct?"
"If you're referring to Thanos...then yes...I believe the heroes of this world will need all the help they can get." Jordan said nonchalantly
Braziel laughed, his bellow echoing through the ruined city. "Help? I offer it, only to people who can give me a worthy challenge. I do not ally with people who I could crush with ease."
"I feel numerous presences in this city. Some are nice. But I feel a hidden presence. A strong presence. And that is you."
Braziel grins. "If that is how I can prove my worth, then so be it. I was brought to this time by strange forces, and I will do my best to make an impact in this time." Braziel cracks his knuckles and his neck.
"...Being what I am, I don't need to fight you to prove your worth...I also know that not all fights are necessary and don't need my interjecting...it's the Avengers you must prove your worth to..." Jordan looked down at the others with a stoic look on his face
Braziel grins. "They look rather busy at the moment if you ask me. However, I shall aid them. I know this being that recently left could easily eliminate every single being here. I shall help them. However, I am surprised they don't ask aid from you."
"They know not of my...true nature, to them I am just another super powered being." Jordan admitted "And there is only so much I can do without coddling the human race. If it is to evolve and conquer the stars, they need to be able to defend themselves without relying on my power"
Braziel grins as he looks over the ruins. "Then I shall aid them. You could call me your champion. "He says jokingly as he stretches his enormous back, looking down at the avengers.
Suddenly Sam grows out of seemingly nowhere in front of Joe and punches him in the jaw, knocking him back a couple paces. "Boom. I'm pretty sure he'll be easier to move and research and help and stuff if he's unconscious." The glove on the hand he hit Joe with starts smouldering. "Oh... Well that's not good... the wiring for the Pym particle injection..." He starts growing until his head hits the ceiling with some force and he falls down, shrinking back to normal size.
Joe staggered back, this time more annoyed than angered. "What the hell is wrong with you people?" He said, steadying himself. He noticed his assailant, namely his growing and shrinking, which allowed Joe to identify him as Ant-Man. Joe simply retaliated with a fireball to Ant-man's chest, which rocketed him through a few of the station's pillars before he landed at the other end of it.
Dimitri approached Joe calmly. "None of us want to hurt you, it's just that you've been destroying a lot of what you come across. If you can calm down and come with us, we can find out what happened to you and how to fix this."
Joe felt sincerity in the man's words, the flames on himself died down as he calmed down. His molten magma form had cooled to an Obsidian black as the flames only presented a light glow. "Okay, okay, just please find a way to help me. I can't live life like this." Joe said
"Of course. I wouldn't ask you to. You've seen stark tower right? I'm taking you to a laboratory there. Try your best to relax, okay buddy?" He said, grabbing him and zipping away to Tony Stark's old lab. As he let go of Joe in the lab, he followed up, asking "I never got your name."
"Joe, Joe Sheridan." Joe said offering his hand, though he reconsidered when he remembered it would probably burn him. "How good are your labs here?" Joe asked
He shook his hand, smiling. "Dimitri Maximoff. And it's not the labs as much as the geniuses we have on the team." He then spoke into the Comlink. "We have the fiery dude in stark labs. I need someone who knows how to use all this nerd shit in here, stat."
Sam groans and sits up. He then looks down and surveys his singed and smashed up suit. "Well. This suit's trashed. I'm gonna have to build a new one. With no equipment or resources. Guess I'm not eating this month... shit."
Connor reaches the area just as Dimitri zips off with Joe. Letting out a relieved sigh but hearing a light groan further along followed by some mumbling, attempting to follow the noise he notices the destroyed columns. Finding a thrashed Sam at the end, an amused smirk crossing his face as he puts out a hand to help the boy up. "He really did a number on you huh?"

Edge wipes the alien blood off his blade with a piece some dead guys shirt as he walks out of the street and towards the graveyard, "Stupid fucking aliens...and stupid weird spider girl..." He grumbled, frustrated before spotting someone walking through the area just as he enters. Carter cocked his head to the side curiously, He doesn't look like your average guy...kinda cute though. If he's another of these New Avengers I'll just kill him and be done with it.

His curiosity would get the best of him as he walked so that his path interjected with Akakios, "Hey you." He called out as they neared, bouncing the blade flatly against his own shoulder.

@RiddleWrappedEnigma @AvidElmV2
"I'll probably know what all the 'nerd shit' is... I'm coming," Perry said in response to Dimitri's message. He was originally going to check if any damage was caused at Parker Industries but he changed course to Stark Tower.
Sam takes Connor's hand and is pulled to his feet. "Heh... yeah. He torched my suit's systems, so that's basically useless. I think the suppresser's broken. So it's either atomic or sky-scraper. You uh...The Avenger's wouldn't happen to have a lab I could fix this in, would you? Also he threw me through some stone pillars so... medical attention would be nice... And..." He presses a button on his palm and his suit makes a whirring sound before making a clicking a sound over and over again whilst doing nothing until he presses the button again. "Yup. Wings are broken too. God damn it. Those are really fiddley..."

"Alright Joe. Our best spidery scientist is on his way. He shouldn't be long." He said. He looked Joe up and down. It didn't look so good, but if anyone could fix a mutation, it was Perry.
Connor smiled at what he'd call Sam's humor even after a hit like that as he helped him to his feet, "Yeah, no it's fine. Lab, medical, a place to crash if you need it. I mean your technically an Avenger aren't you...?" He shook his head lightly, "Doesn't matter, either way your always welcome there. Whether to use facilities or just to stop by, we heroes stick together right?"

The blonde looked down the tunnel towards the exit before turning back to Sam, "So you good to walk or am I giving a piggy back?"

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