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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Dimitri turned to Conner in a semi serious manner. "Looks like the job found me. But If anything happens to me.... I hope you are up for it." He said, before putting him arm around corners shoulder. "Now let's watch the tryouts."
"I... Also saved a lady from getting eaten by cannibals from a guy who looks like you...." Emily pointed at Connor. "And some guy who looked like that spider guy back there."
Connor gave a light huff, "Can you not talk like that? Nothing is happening to you." Or to anyone, if I can help it. The girl spoke of someone who looked like him at first and he put it off momentarily until he realized it must have been his clone, but before he could ask further details the nearby car exploded from the panicked guy covered in fire and Connor flinched away in instinct. Raising a brow at Dimitri, "Isn't this a bit much for a tryout, especially considering the guy seems as scared of us as people are of him..."
Reaper said:
Dimitri chuckled. "Don't beat up. We don't know who or what it is. Apprehend. I'll be watching how you handle it."
"I would be willing to join the team." Cassie said as she sheathes her sword, Ruin disappearing into the wind.
Joe stood still in front of the team, hoping ti avoid hurling another ball of magma. He had hoped that what seemed to be the two leaders were discussing how they weren't going to attack him.
Boss turned to the girls. "I want you guys to stay with them for awhile." She gestured to the Avengers. "I need to handle somethings I may be gone for a few months, but I will be back." The girls began to complain, but Vicky put her hand up.

"We will do it. I'll watch over them since I have nothing left to go back to." They said goodbye to the Boss and headed over to the others. "So... Can we stay with you guys for awhile?" @Anyone who is in the group
Richie picks up his commlink. "Oh yeah. I'm in the Avengers right? And Kelai will be back soon. There's been a lot of bad things going on in Asgard. I'll talk to you guys about it soon. And... Dimitri, Finn,Perry, Ivory, Connor, Vicky... Marko's funeral is gonna be at my hometown. Was wondering if you guys wanted to go. @LokiofSP @CasualDragon @Crono @Reaper


@Pink Gorilla
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"Sure we will be there. Though Boss won't be. She said she was going to be gone for a few months. Don't know what she is doing." Vicky stated.
Dimitri spoke through the comlink. "R-right. Sorry. I got ahead of myself..." He said before turning to Conner. "He does look scared, but he is still destroying shit. Let's see if this girl can take him in without hurting him."
Finn heard the call for the Avengers and ignored it. He was spending all of his current energy not to 'Hulk' out. His eyes were squeezed shut, but images of what awaited him back in New York flashed against his lids. Who else was hurt, killed, or worse. He opened his eyes for a fraction of a second to see his two less human companions hurt. They were in bad shape, but he couldn't help them here. There was also an announcement about Marko's funeral, but that also passed over him.

Wobbily he stood up and allowed himself to change when he was in enough control. Gently he scooped up Luna and set her on his back. He gestured for her to claw into his back to get a hold. He looked over to Helge, she was larger but he could carry her back to New York. He bent down on one knee and gestured for Helga to drape herself over his shoulder.
CasualDragon said:
Finn heard the call for the Avengers and ignored it. He was spending all of his current energy not to 'Hulk' out. His eyes were squeezed shut, but images of what awaited him back in New York flashed against his lids. Who else was hurt, killed, or worse. He opened his eyes for a fraction of a second to see his two less human companions hurt. They were in bad shape, but he couldn't help them here. There was also an announcement about Marko's funeral, but that also passed over him.
Wobbily he stood up and allowed himself to change when he was in enough control. Gently he scooped up Luna and set her on his back. He gestured for her to claw into his back to get a hold. He looked over to Helge, she was larger but he could carry her back to New York. He bent down on one knee and gestured for Helga to drape herself over his shoulder.
Helga shook her head, since she was hungry, she had to eat to regain her strength. She found a butcher shop and began to dine, she did not want to steal, but had to. After her binge, she shook off, and lowered her head for Finn to step on, so he could ride on her back, and allow Luna to rest.
(We're we waiting on me? I was just going to leave it at that and figured you'd post but I'll do a post. xD )

"Your the boss." Connor said to Dimitri with a light shrug. It was true, he was being a danger to others with his sporadic powers, and if he was just going to run from them they didn't have a choice. But that didn't make him less nervous with the fact that they we're letting someone they only just met do it without knowing anything about her or her powers.
"Hey uh... I'm on exactly fire proof sooooo.... Could saving a life from cannibals be enough?" Emily suggested. She didn't really want to fight someone with fire powers. Even though her clothes are fire proof her face isn't.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Helga shook her head, since she was hungry, she had to eat to regain her strength. She found a butcher shop and began to dine, she did not want to steal, but had to. After her binge, she shook off, and lowered her head for Finn to step on, so he could ride on her back, and allow Luna to rest.

This time it was Finn who shook his head. He may have been tired and sore, bit he wasn't overly injured like Helga. He stomped along side her on their slow trip back to New York. If Helga thought she could run than they would be back in a matter of hours, but if she couldn't then they would be a day or two. Either or, he would rather walk than run if it were easier on his companion.
Joe backed up cautiously as the Avengers conversed, hoping it would give him a head start if they attacked. Thoug he had been a fan of the Avengers, he wasn't planning on going toe to toe with them. He looked around himself, looking for possible avenues for escape.
Suddenly, a large spaceship flies down next to Finn. "Get on, big guy! And bring your friends too." The hatch of the ship opens to let them in.

@Steel Zinogre
"Not fireproof?" He said, scoffing. "Alright, alright I'll deal with him." Dimitri zoomed at the fire being, stopping a few yards in front of him. "Uhh... Hey there. My name is Dimitri. Are you hurt?" As it came out of his mouth, he realized how dumb it sounded.

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