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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Sam then turns to Cassie. "Huh. I'm calling Evil Powers, Evil Person. Also amazing powers aren't everything. Some of the greatest heroes are normal people." He turns back to Emily again. "And yeah, they strike me as the high and mighty, better than thou types, anyway so... yeah. Anyway, this has been nice and all, lovely chatting with you people, but I gotta fly. Gotta do my part to clean up this mess. And... here's my ride." A flying ant flies in and alights on his finger.
Ivory shrugged, "I'm alright with you all, talk to leader man over there." He walked away and began to head home,"I got some stuff I need to talk about before I do anything, so you guys just sit tight."

@Steel Zinogre
RiddleWrappedEnigma said:
Sam then turns to Cassie. "Huh. I'm calling Evil Powers, Evil Person. Also amazing powers aren't everything. Some of the greatest heroes are normal people." He turns back to Emily again. "And yeah, they strike me as the high and mighty, better than thou types, anyway so... yeah. Anyway, this has been nice and all, lovely chatting with you people, but I gotta fly. Gotta do my part to clean up this mess. And... here's my ride." A flying ant flies in and alights on his finger.
"I am half demon. So keep talking, and I will show you evil." She said as she snapped her fingers, and the Walker was instantly reduces to ash flying in the wind.
"I have... Military stuff to do so I'll leave," Cassandra said and left quickly. She didn't feel like sticking around too long if it was just Dimitri and those two other ladies.
"Eh... anyone want to take this bet? Evil Powers, Evil Person? I guess it could be more a case of Good Darkness but meh... anyway, I've got shit to do, streets to patrol, muggers to stop, that sorta thing... ciao." With that he shrinks down and gets on the ant's back.
Connor had stayed quiet, through the attempt at voting Dimitri into into a leader position, to which he hadn't even said his peace before he started receiving votes. The last time he'd been put in that position it hadn't gone well, while the circumstances we're different and he did indeed believe in Dimitri he wasn't sure if Dimitri would want it or was even prepared for it. Even through the almost argument and comments made by the two new ladies and Sam, followed by Ivory denying them despite knowing anything about them and the fact that they could in all honestly use the help if Thanos was coming back.

They we're a large group of heroes in the middle of the street arguing in the aftermath of what could have been widespread destruction, but instead was just a small slaughter compared to the amount it could have been. It was uncomfortable to say the least, especially in the wake of Marko's death to give them time. Then people started to leave, to help the city or head back to wherever. "Just keep your commlinks close, just in case." He told them before turning Ivory's direction, the boy already on his way. "We'll finish our conversation later." He called out, referring to everything that had gone down just before Thanos' attack started, then turned back to the part of the group that hadn't left.
First came the doubt. Doubt that what he was hearing was actually happening. Then came the anger. He had barely just gotten his sense of direction back after the last minute trip, and before he had even started heading towards the danger the danger had found him. Aliens pouring from the sky? That's sooo two thousand eleven. They seemed almost like an afterthought, with only a small few pouring from the sky here and there.

About halfway back to New York he stopped and switched back to Finn, allowing himself some cool down time before he had to keep fighting. As his head rested on his knees he realized that not only was that the longest time he had spent in Smasher form so far, but it was also the longest he had fought on his own. It was nicer with friends there by your side, it felt almost like an incentive to do your best for their sakes. On his own though, he almost didn't care if he wasted a lot of energy or was sloppy.

Mega Vision called everybody in New York to gather, and Finn stared angrily into the distance. He could almost guess what was going to happen, and sure enough it did. Faintly he could hear Marko's speech, and then he could hear their fight. The silence at the end, signified the worst. Marko was gone. Really and truly gone. The scared kid who refused help because of who his father was and his powers had quickly grown into someone who was proud of those instead. It was hard to imagine him gone.

Angrily he dug his fists into his hair and pulled. "There could have been a better way." He yelled to nobody in particular. "He didn't have to do that. We could have found a way. He didn't have to be alone. He was all alone out there." He choked out.
Ivory raised a hand dismissively at Conner and walked. After he got far away enough from the scene he cried, he cried because of Marko, because he had failed, because his entire body hurt and he was still confused, he cried because he finally realized what he had become, and how he had let that cloud his judgment, which led to a freinds death.

He should have been the one who was a lifeless corpse in space, hell he WANTED to be one to an extent. But because he was to busy trying to be an asshole and run everything, because he tried to be something he wasn't, things went to shit.

He walked through the door to find his parents there, slouched on the couch in costume, it was clear they had helped. They looked at him in shock and both opened their mouths to talk to the son they hadn't seen in weeks, but they were cut off as he hugged them and fell asleep in their arms as he cried.

When he woke up they had allot to deal with.
Boss finally stood up off the ground. Her face was emotionless. She began walking towards the base with the girls and she passed the Avengers arguing over their new leader. "How can they already be fighting?" She asked in disbelief.
CasualDragon said:
First came the doubt. Doubt that what he was hearing was actually happening. Then came the anger. He had barely just gotten his sense of direction back after the last minute trip, and before he had even started heading towards the danger the danger had found him. Aliens pouring from the sky? That's sooo two thousand eleven. They seemed almost like an afterthought, with only a small few pouring from the sky here and there.
About halfway back to New York he stopped and switched back to Finn, allowing himself some cool down time before he had to keep fighting. As his head rested on his knees he realized that not only was that the longest time he had spent in Smasher form so far, but it was also the longest he had fought on his own. It was nicer with friends there by your side, it felt almost like an incentive to do your best for their sakes. On his own though, he almost didn't care if he wasted a lot of energy or was sloppy.

Mega Vision called everybody in New York to gather, and Finn stared angrily into the distance. He could almost guess what was going to happen, and sure enough it did. Faintly he could hear Marko's speech, and then he could hear their fight. The silence at the end, signified the worst. Marko was gone. Really and truly gone. The scared kid who refused help because of who his father was and his powers had quickly grown into someone who was proud of those instead. It was hard to imagine him gone.

Angrily he dug his fists into his hair and pulled. "There could have been a better way." He yelled to nobody in particular. "He didn't have to do that. We could have found a way. He didn't have to be alone. He was all alone out there." He choked out.
Helga and luna find finn standing in the city, they were injured, and were weak. Luna whimpers to finn, signifying that they need help. Helga's horn and fists were broken, and luna's left eye was scratched out, and her wingblades shattered with blood caked on them. Helga rumbles and then shook her head, trying to stay awake.
Jordan stood on a roof overlooking the destruction. He looked down at the beaten heroes. This was good. The loss would make them stronger, they needed to be stronger. He couldn't constantly help them, they'd become too dependent on it...they needed this loss more than they knew...but it didn't make the death of someone with such potential any less painful. Jordan watched Tech fiddle with the damaged mech and Emile helping people he had webbed to walls to save them from falling to death. Good. There were more than enough people to worry on a small scale, he would worry about the race as a whole...and if the Avengers still proved to weak to beat Thanos when he returned, he would burn Thanos from existence himself.
Dimitri still knelt in the destruction. As the teammates around him spoke, he hardly noticed. Hours passed and he didn't seem to care. Civilians around him stared and whispered to each other. The avengers had to be over. There would be no way for the blame to fall on anyone else. He thought about leaving. He thought about hiding... Before....


Rush slapped Dimitri, bringing him to reality. Dimitri rubbed his cheek. "What the hell man? I was-"

"YOU WERE about to cry for three months like after you lost your father! Mourning is all well and good, Dimitri, and if you want to curl up in your racecar bed tonight and cry your heart out, go for it. But today, there is shit to do. The world needs the avengers, and you're going to make sure the world has them. You hate losing friends? Good. Never lose a friend again. You have a knack for solving problems, right? Well there is a lot of work to do. So quit bitching, clock in, and gather the Calvary!"

Dimitri stood slowly. "You're right... But there's something I have to do first...." Dimitri slapped Rush as he walked away, causing his ears to ring. Placing his finger to his ear, he spoke to everybody with an avengers earpiece. "We need to discuss strategy on public image, prevention of incidents, and combat in the case of incidents. Everyone meet at the penthouse of stark tower as soon as possible.... AVENGERS ASSEMBLE."
Dimitri turned to see Emily. "Umm who on gods green earth might you be?" He asked, having never seen her before.
"I uh... I have a supersuit..." Emily started and pointed at her clothes. Though they definitely looked like generic civilian clothes. Which was true if you didn't count the material it was made from. "Okay bad start..." She sighed and thought of other things to say. "My name's Emily... I have super-powers."
"Uh-huh. My name is Dimitri. Ditto. How can I trust you?" He asked, curiously. He saw her fighting with his friends so he already trusted her a little bit, he just wanted to be sure.
Joe walked into the Oscorp lab saddened, today was the last day. He'd just gotten an internship at the science division and had been aiding the research of a new non-polluting heat source. He moved to his station in the experimental section of the lab. There a doctor met him, "Ah Joe, good to see you. Lets make this last day count, huh." He said moving into the experiments room. Joe simply nodded as he looked at what they had made. The called it Bio-Magma, a piece of Lava using organic molecules along with a stasis machine to allow the generation of heat that would release no harmful gases. It was genius, and Joe was glad to have helped. "So do you think the stasis field will hold this time?" Joe asked anxious to see if the stasis field would finally hold as everyone in the lab prepped for another trial run. "Only one way to find out!" The doctor said as he hit the activation button, though to Joe's surprise nothing happened. "Son of a Bitch! The damn power coupling it loose again. Joe, its your last day, you can do the honors" The doctor said frantically. Joe rolled his eyes as he made his way into the chamber where the Bio-Magma was. He loosened the plate that held the power wiring, he then reclamped the correct wires. However when he did, he heard the test activation sirens, Joe's eyes widened at what he knew was happening. He ran for the door, but it was blast shielded for the test. He looked up and saw the workers scurrying to deactivate it to no avail. The computer than counted "Five....Four...Three....Two...One" Joe closed his eyes and said his prayers, hoping the stasis field would hold. The Bio-Magma emerged and expanded, generating a heat in the room that Joe felt. He opened his eyes in relaxation as he saw the stasis field controlling the Bio-Magma. However this didn't last long, in a split-second the Bio-Magma exploded outward covering the room in its burning fury. The Magma completely covered Joe and he screamed as it burned him, however as it burned he saw the Magma then seep into his skin filling his body but for some reason, not disintegrating it. However he could not dwell on this long as the pain caused him to lose consciousness. When Joe awoke he no longer felt the burning sensation, in fact he didn't feel anything. In the corner of his eyes he could see that there was still fire around him but there was no burning sensation. Then a unrecognizable person in a Heat retardant suit looked over him, "Joe, can you hear me there's been an accident. We are trying to help you we just need you to be calm." This reassurance only made Joe more frightened as he then saw the flames around him growing. "Joe please...Oh God! Run!" The person said before running out of the room. Joe felt restraints on his arms and legs, he pulled them of, surprised at how easy they were to remove. He then stood up and looked at reflective walls of the room. What he saw was something strait out of hell, the figure was covered in the Bio-Magma, it moved along the figure's skin. around it a steady projection of flame emerged. It only took him a few seconds to realize that the figure was him! He got up and looked at himself in panick, the accident had made him a monster! Joe ran to the door and went to open it, only to see the handle melt in his hand. He pushed through it rushing past a number of fleeing scientists. He neared an exit and ran out, and found himself in the streets of Manhattan, which gained him the gaze of every pedestrian around. All of them perplexed by this fire man that had emerged. Scared, he ran off into the streets as Police cars and Oscorp security arrived to apprehend Joe.
Dimitri chuckled. "Don't beat up. We don't know who or what it is. Apprehend. I'll be watching how you handle it."
Connor smiled at hearing Avengers Assemble, "It's been a while since I've heard that....feels right." Then he nudged at Dimitri with his elbow. "You sure your up for taking this on?"
Joe's running ceased when he saw the costumed member's of the Avengers. One of them audibly said she would take him down, "Look, just stay away from me!" Joe said rasing his hand at them. Though to his surprise, from his hand launched a ball of fire which detonated a nearby car. "Oh shit!" Joe said to himself as he backed away from the group, fearing retaliation.

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