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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Thanos looks around as he feels the first shot firing and hitting him in the shoulder. His body was insanely tough, and the titan looks at Boss. "Idiot earthling. Bullets don't concern me. They only harmlessly bounce." Thanos gets struck in,the head by the sniper bullet, angering him even further. He opens the palm of his hand, and teleports behind Quiet. "Idiot humans." He goes to kill her, but Marko slams his fist into the purple behemoths face, sending Thanos back a few yards.
Fortune looks at his arm, "Shut up and stop squirming!" She rips off her jeans at the ankle and wraps the fabric around his wound, "There, now sit down for awhile okay? There's no way I could do any more than this with what I have."

Quiet looked in fear behind her and she turned invisible. She hid behind a wall and saw Marko was the one who punched Thanos. Vicky ran to where Quiet was and saw Thanos and Marko. "Is she alright?" She asked Marko. @National
Marko fires an energy beam at Thanks as Mega Vision tackles Thanos. "I'm pretty sure she's okay!" He says as Thanos grabs Marko and slams him unto the building. The force of the slam echoed through the building, the building now starting to collapse. Mega Vision grabs Vicky, and uses his Heat sensing to grab Quit and get them to the street to safety. Once the dust of the debris dissipates, and all left from the building is a heap of ruin, Marko shakily gets up, and Thanos kicks him down the street.
"I could take him out of the battle for uh... Actual medical attention. No offense," Cassandra offered as she went closer to the two.
Ivory had enough as he jumped into action and punched Thanos a few times until he heard a crunch in his hand, he looked up eyes wide to see he had barley made the Mad Titan stumble three feet back, "Marko, run now!

Thanos slams his large foot into Ivory's chest, hurtling him down the street. He looks at the bullets, the lead bouncing off his skin harmlessly. He opens up his hand, and he shoots energy blasts at Vicky's soldiers, incinerating them. Thanos slowly stalks Vicky
(I totally missed your first Cassandra post, my bad. :x )

Connor puckered his lips at being ordered and stretched out his arm and waved it around, "The patch-up is nice but it'll take more than this to bench me." He heard Cassandra's comment about taking him out of the battle, "It just grazed me, I'm fine. Stop smothering me and let's get back to what's important. Nice to see you again by the way." The last time he'd seen her was during the whole Justice thing when they fought Kelai.
Thanos' steps would slow as the ground beneath him turned to quicksand. Rush then entered, charging a huge fireball, before Dimitri zipped next to him to add to the fire.
Dimitri kept his hands creating fire with Rush, but turned his head to Ivory. "ACTUALLY that doesn't need to happen. What would be better, is anything else."
(For ice cream?)

"Good to see you too," Cassandra nodded and began to run in the direction where the aliens are concentrated most. "I'll be killing some things bye!"
Thanos looks down at the quicksand, and he looks back at the fireball. Thanos grunts as he slowly tries to pull himself from the stupid sand.

Marko shakily gets up, and he looks at Ivory. "I will trust me. It's all part of the plan. Mega Vision, to me." Mega Vision appears next to Marko, and Marko starts to walk down the street towards Thanos. "Here's the thing with Mega Vision. Mega Vision IS the six infinity stones. He is like a walking infinity gauntlet. The stones that Dimitri snagged are fakes. I out them there because I knew Dimitri would try to find a different way to delay Thanks. But there isn't." Mega Vision rushes in at immsense speeds and grabs Thanks. Before Thanos could react, however, Marko jumps on as well, and Mega Vision teleports all three to an entirely different galaxy, trillions of billions of gazillions of light years away from Earth onto an abandoned planet with an atmosphere Marko can breathe in. No one could teleport here. It was just too far. Marko got help from the Watcher to find a perfect spot where no one could interfere, and where Thanos and Marko could be for Marko's final fight. Mega Vision rips off his right arm, and the power gem materializes from the arm. Marko takes the stone, and swallows it. Marko grits in pain as the stone's immense power tries to consume him, but he calms it down. It settled conveniently in the lungs, the power source of his voice. He smiles up at Mega Vision. "You can go back to Earth buddy. Once you get everyone together, project the recording, then the visual. Go!" Mega Vision teleports back to Earth, and he opens his mouth to speak. "Every hero in New York. Please come to my location. Marko has a message for you all." @Steel Zinogre @Pyosimros @LucianGrey7971 @Pink Gorilla
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The fire sizzled away and Dimitri fell to his knees. "Damn you, Marko. You didn't have to do this."

Rush put a hand on his shoulder. "I think he did. You heard vision. Let's regroup."

"You regroup." Dimitri said, pushing Rush's hand away. Rush took a few steps back before zipping to vision.
National said:
Thanos looks down at the quicksand, and he looks back at the fireball. Thanos grunts as he slowly tries to pull himself from the stupid sand.
Marko shakily gets up, and he looks at Ivory. "I will trust me. It's all part of the plan. Mega Vision, to me." Mega Vision appears next to Marko, and Marko starts to walk down the street towards Thanos. "Here's the thing with Mega Vision. Mega Vision IS the six infinity stones. He is like a walking infinity gauntlet. The stones that Dimitri snagged are fakes. I out them there because I knew Dimitri would try to find a different way to delay Thanks. But there isn't." Mega Vision rushes in at immsense speeds and grabs Thanks. Before Thanos could react, however, Marko jumps on as well, and Mega Vision teleports all three to an entirely different galaxy, trillions of billions of gazillions of light years away from Earth onto an abandoned planet with an atmosphere Marko can breathe in. No one could teleport here. It was just too far. Marko got help from the Watcher to find a perfect spot where no one could interfere, and where Thanos and Marko could be for Marko's final fight. Mega Vision rips off his right arm, and the power gem materializes from the arm. Marko takes the stone, and swallows it. Marko grits in pain as the stone's immense power tries to consume him, but he calms it down. It settled conveniently in the lungs, the power source of his voice. He smiles up at Mega Vision. "You can go back to Earth buddy. Once you get everyone together, project the recording, then the visual. Go!" Mega Vision teleports back to Earth, and he opens his mouth to speak. "Every hero in New York. Please come to my location. Marko has a message for you all." @Pink Gorrila @Steel Zinogre @Pyosimros @LucianGrey7971
After making a junkpile of a space ship, redd gets a message from mega vision, and forwards it to Cindy and Cassie as they fought off a dreadnaught. And Helga and Luna sniff mega vision out, and screech, alerting him to their presence.
Ivory simply stood looking at where Marko just was before collapsing, tears ran down his face as he realized what had happened, "Dammit Marko, you damn idiot! We could've won.....We just needed more time you asshole!"
Marko and Thanos look at each other as they get ready to square off. Thanos laughs. "You really think you can beat me boy? Even with the stone, I am out of your league. I have to admit however. You are stronger than you were that day I laid waste to your city." Marko grits his teeth. "Ya know what Barney? You're a real douche." Thanos laughs as he charges at Marko, but he stops. He falls to his knees as Marko's fist was on the Titans stomach. Thanos slams down Marko as the two fight it out.

Once everyone was in radius, Mega Vision opens his mouth, and a recording starts to play. "Is this stupid thing on? I thought I told them to make sure you could record messages. Is it recording? Perfect. *ahem* My name is Marko Boltaggon, son of Black Bolt, also known as White Bolt. But most of you just know me as Marko. Ever since I was here on Earth, a lot of things have changed. First day I was here, and a crazy alien thing kills Pietro and Iron Man. Days later, Justice attacked us. After that, the spider invasion and so forth. And yes, there were a few dents in our team work, but we're all a team. We all fight to protect this city. Ever since I was here, I made great friends. You were all crazy and fun in your own ways, and that's what made my trip here. You guys have comforted me, fought with me, and I have done the same back. Now, as we all know, Thanos came. If you are hearing this, that means Thanos and I are fighting in a planet so far away, you won't be able to reach us. Trust me, I got help from The Watcher to make sure of all this. My plan will buy you guys enough time to fight Thanos again. Yes, this does mean I meet my end, but I'm happy I am sacrificing myself for such great friends and out entire home planet. It's an honor. Dimitri, make sure you get the plan ready. After this recording, Vision will bring up a hologram, showing you guys my last moments fighting Thanos. Its a live show! Sorry, not time for jokes. And Dimitri, don't Blame yourself. You guys have been all my best friends. Thank you." The recording stops, and Mega Vision waits a little before he switches on the hologram to show the live fight.

@Steel Zinogre @Pyosimros @Crono @LucianGrey7971
"Eh..." Sam turns to Connor. "Ya know. What with all the guys with us, and the fact we're going to fight a guy who's practically a frikken god... I suddenly feel immensely underpowered. I mean, I'm just a guy in a suit that lets him get small... he's going to crush me like a bug... Featherweight... eh, I got nothing better to do. Anyway, heroes come back to life all the time, right? It'll be fine... my dad never fought Thanos. Let's do this."
"Or not... That guy's seriously fighting him alone? Guess we're cleaning up the alien invasion then. Or we watch that guy get beaten to death... And then wait for Thanos... great..."
Mega Vision informs Jack in on everything, and once everyone is looking at him, Mega Vision opens his palm to fire out a ray of light that projects itself in the air, showing Marko and Thanos fighting it out.

Marlo falls to the floor, his breathing heavy from the fighting. Thanos laughs as he gets closer and closer to Marko. "You know what boy? Once I kill you, that means I killed off the entire inhuman race! What fun that shall be! A quick genocide." Marko gets up, and glares at Thanos. "Just a heads up, there is one more inhuman out there. And for your information Mr. Eggplant, Earth isnt going down without a fight." Suddenly, a powerful and mysterious red aura surrounds Marko. It was the power stone giving its full strength to Marko. Marko runs over at high speeds and left hooks Thanos. "That one is for my dad." He sends a demolishing uppercut. "That's for my mother." He punches Thanos with a tremendous punch. "That's for my city." Marko clenches his fist, and a red aura surrounds his fist. He sends out a planet shattering uppercut right into Thanos's chin. "AND THATS FOR COMING TO MY PLANET." Thanos is thrown far up into the planets sky. Marko looks up in the sky, making it look like he was looking straight at the hologram. Marko smiles and he takes off the mask that let's him speak without unleashing his powerful voice. He uses his sign language at the hologram. "Dimitri, I remember when you learned sign language just for me. I want you to translate thus to everyone. Good bye." Marko waves at everyone before he turns back. Thanos groggily gets back up. "What are you planning now boy?" Marko opens his mouth and shouts as loud as he can. "FUCK YOU." The power of the scream annihilates the entire planet, destroying it and disintegrating half of it. Thanos is sent hurtling through space at unimaginable speeds, traveling faster than light. The sonic boom of his voice combined with the power of the infinity gem shattered half the galaxy they were in. With no more oxygen since the planets atmosphere dissipated, space started to suffocate him.

Marko smiles as he closes his eyes for the final time. @Steel Zinogre @LucianGrey7971 @AnnoDomini @RiddleWrappedEnigma
Connor chuckled at Sam, "I'm technically just a guy with a shield soo..." He shrugged, "But it's what we do that matters right?" Mega Visions voice came over the commlink, telling them to regroup and the blonde didn't ask questions, just looked at the other two momentarily. "Looks like something's happening." Turning he sprinted off.

Arriving just as Marko's message started to play he spotted most if not all of the others in the vicinity, smiling at the clumsiness at the start of the video. His eyes started getting a little watery by the end, "You shouldn't have to..." He mumbled to himself as Marko spoke about sacrificing himself, but maybe that was Connor fooling himself. The blonde tensed up with clenched fists as the live feed of the fight started up, it was incredibly hard watching a friend fight someone whom he arguably had little chance against, and not be able to do anything to help.

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