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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Ivory muttered, "Well shit." And used Tech's Gundam as a launchpad, in the brief moments he was in the air he saw the giant spaceship in the distance, he began to swing away, avoiding falling debris and buildings as he goes to the ship. He shoots out a few tendrils on the way to dispatch a few aliens. He landed on a building across the street from the ship, "Look, we can't kill all of this. That's clear, but what we can do is drive them back to buy us time so we can do this later." He landed on the ground, "So lets do this!"
(Gundam. Yaaas.)

Connor was on the south end of the city, doing his best along with local officials to get civilians calmly out of the city. When the first explosions and ships started coming down there was a full blown panic with people screaming and running, mostly in the same direction. Once they'd started opening fire on the people Connor threw himself into the fray, using his shield and tackling one into a building, quickly turning he sent his shield flying as it bounced between a few of the others. He wasted no time in picking up the first aliens weapon and firing back, while his shield did it's thing.

Reaching up just as it made it's course back to him he held it upwards as those who weren't knocked out or shot down started to retaliate with their weapons, the beams bouncing off his shield as he hid behind it. He knew the others we're in similar situations across the city and knew he couldn't ask for backup, he growled at the screams and sounds of the alien weaponry in the surrounding streets. People we're dying, and he'd never felt so powerless. With a cry he ran forwards behind his shield towards the group of aliens that had their attention on him, rushing into their midst.
Helena and Mimic came out to fight the aliens as well. Liona saw them. "Thanks for showing up.

"We are only doing this because it threatens our lives." Helena stated as she shot down one of the small ships.
Fortune crouched behind an overturned car as she panicked, what the fuck was going on?! One moment she was taking a walk and the next? BOOM! Giant alien invasion with thousands dead.

"Man fuck New York!"

She looked over to see WonderKid or whatever the fuck he was called crouching behind a shield, "Hey Captain Whatchamacallit, you got any ideas on how we;re getting outta here?"

Connor stood crouched over the final alien of the squad he'd been fighting, drawing back the arm with the shield on it he bashed it's face in. Likely knocking it unconscious not that he'd care if he killed it at this point. Standing up he took a breath and wiped the sweat from his brow, looking further down the street as he saw more gruesome scenes, there was no end to them. A smaller group of about three started firing at him from further along and he crouched low behind his shield, that's when he heard the voice coming from somewhere to his right calling out to him.

Confused at first he looked over to see an overturned car with a girl nearby, "There's no getting out for me!" He called out to her, waiting a few patient seconds for the alien weapons to stop firing, and the moment they did he put one knee down on the road peeked up and sent the shield flying at them. It was clear they we're grunts, and that having retaliation, as well as some flying object bouncing between them was a confusing matter as it gave him enough time to sprint at them. The first going down to the shield while Connor grabbed jumped onto the other and wrapped his legs around its neck, using his weight and the aliens weight against him, throwing him into the third.

Upon retrieving his shield he jogged back towards the car, "It's either fight or die. Hero motto, my motto, whichever." He stated with a half smile, he knew he had to help the girl escape. Pointing towards the traffic jam of abandoned cars with people rushing between them to escape. "You make a break for it and I'll keep you covered."
Redd flies through the city, taking down alien ships as he went. "These aliens sure do look like they are out for blood, but we are sitting ducks on our own." Howard said in Redd's mind as redd focuses on fighting. "Right, we need to find the others, find the coordinates of Connor." Redd said as his paint turned silver, and everywhere but the wings and legs in wyvern mode became heavily armored. In robot mode, the arms and legs remain unarmored. @Crono
Alex grew bone armor and fought the invasion with tentacles made of bone and flesh. Though he took them out by the dozens, the civilians ran in horror at the sight.

Dimitri snatched the box from them, with all the stones inside. He zoomed away, while turning his comlink to a different setting and talking to someone unknown. "You got it?? Holy shit, this just might work. Slight change of plans though, I'm playing keep away with the infinity stones."
The aliens continuously pour out, the city being ransacked. Marko continues to fly up, and he reaches the ship. Massive thing this is." He mutters as he goes to get inside it somehow. Suddenly, a huge energy blast fires from the ship, slamming into New York, decimating a mile radius of the city. Once the beam dissipates, one being stands up from the destruction. A cruel laugh bellows through the ruins of the city. "Hello Earth." Thanos says
An alien that was about to fire at Conner goes flying back and slumps against a wall as Sam grows to his regular height again. "Oh, hello there. Fancy meeting you here. Team up?"

Finn sat alone, staring at the spot that Marko had been at. There was only one way he could get back to New York. It wasn't his favourite mode of transportation, Smasher didn't have the lightest footfall. He sighed and pushed on his comm. "Where am I needed?"
"Uh... Pretty much everywhere man!" Terry shouted through his comm and kicked through one of the windows in Oscorp. "Alright I'm in Dimitri. What do I do now?"
Dimitri switched back to the frequency the avengers used to answer Terry. "The AI there can hear you no matter where you are. Just say that Thanos is here and can kill us all without their help. We need everybody in the world to know where Thanos is. VOCS can take care of that."
"Okay just gimme a sec..." Terry said and turned off his comm for a second. "Hey! Thanos is coming to kill us all without your help!" He shouted and turned on his comm again. "So... What was it about the corrosive stuff?"
"Oh there's nothing corrosive... There's lethal radiation." Dimitri replied. A few moments later, a drone flew from Oscorp tower, and arriving a good distance from Thanos with a camera pointed at him. The film instantly began streaming to every television set to any station, and for any electronic screen for that matter.
Turning from the girl he looked at Sam in surprise, pointing his index finger out. "Your uh.." His face winced and scrunched up as if he was trying to pull a memory from his mind. "Saaaamm...? Connor, nice to meet you. Technically the first time we've met, the guy you probably met before was a clone. But I read up on those who had joined while I was uh...tied up, so to speak." Conversation for another time Connor. The blonde nodded, "I could use the help."

Connor felt the tremor through his feet, heard the faint sound of destruction, and could see the cloud of dust and smoke floating up into the sky in the distance above the city as it dissipated. Thanos.

@LokiofSP @RiddleWrappedEnigma
Boss turned around to where the explosion was and saw Thanos. She saw the destruction he created. "How are we supposed to beat him?!" She asked herself. Boss has never felt so much fear in her entire life.
The aliens continue to pour out, ransacking the city and invading it. Every time someone killed one, it felt as if another took its place. Suddenly, a wromh hole appears, and several masked men and women charge out and start to shoot down the aliens. Richie walks out of the portal, and with a button, closes it. "Reinforcement!!" He yells as he blasts the aliens.

Thanos calmly walks down the street of New York, marveling the destruction. A little girl was caught in her seatbelt in a car, her two parents dead in the front seats. Thanos continues to get closer and closer, smiling at the girl. "I can give you the liberty to see your parents, young child. Let me just give you a quick dea-" Thanos is interrupted to a punch in the face by Mega Vision. Thanos shouts as he slams his fist into Mega Vision, chucking him into a building, the building collapsing on top of Mega Vision. "Impudent whelps." He mutters. He turns to kill the girl, but sees her gone. "What in the blazes?" He says, and he gets barrGed by energy blasts. Marko gives the little girl to one of the masked men as he stares at Thanos. "Hello, Thanos."
"Oh...Kay then. Clones. That must be pretty normal superhero stuff, right? You hear about it a lot. I'm relatively new. Who we fighting anyways? Random alien invasion? Just a sec." Sam shrinks down and sends another alien flying before growing back to normal and turning to Connor again. "Hey, what happened to your clone? He was nice."

"Move it Marko! It's time to beat up the purple guy! Wish it was Barney instead," Terry shouted and charged at Thanos. This is the stupidest thing I've ever done.
"Terry you're an idiot don-" but before he could say anything, Thanos punches Terry into a building. "Damn me" Marko mutters as he flies in And starts to punch Thanos. Thanos slams Marko to the ground. Mega Vision slams his fist into Thanos's stomach, but that only made the titan madder. He grabbed the being by the head and throws him through several buildings.
Ivory watched the battle with Thanos from the shadows, ready to jump in if needed.

Fortune looked at the two men before her quiet, before seeing an alien point a gun at Conner, she pointed behind them and yelled, "Look out!"

@Crono @RiddleWrappedEnigma
Boss fired one shot at Thanos. She would hoped this would distract him enough. "Fire!" She exclaimed over the comm. Quiet aimed from a building a good distance away. She fired a shot at Thanos' head. @National
"Thanos actually." Connor said. Snorting as he looked further along the street, "I don't know where he went but whatever he was like, it was an act. You meet him again, don't let him fool you." He was about to continue when he heard the girl shout a warning, spinning so that his shield faced towards the alien, one of the blasts from the gun nicked his arm but the others bounced off the shield, with a growl he threw his shield at it, slamming into the aliens face before bouncing back to him.

"Ouch." He poked at the spot where his suit and skin was burned, then looked up at the girl behind the car. "Thanks for the warning."

@RiddleWrappedEnigma @LokiofSP

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