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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Ivory was about to respond when he heard Marko on his comm, he snorted, "Marko, ya there. Yeah it's Ivory here to tell ya to stop being stupid. You're voice is the exact reason why we CAN'T let you die. Lets face the facts, you can do the most damage to him in a short burst, and there's no way in hell that you alone could buy us more than a few hours. Use you're damn head, lets send someone expendable." He breathed out a breath, "Which begs the question..... Who is that person?"


@Pink Gorilla



Marko sighs. They didn't understand. Marko had the plan for all off this. Suddenly, Richie calls into everyone on the commlink. "Everyone, bad news. You don't have a week anymore, you only got an hour left. I'm sending Mega Vision down. Everyone get ready." A few seconds later, Mega Vision walks into the hospital next to Marko. "Hello Marko. Richie sent me." Marko whispers. "Oh no."

Out in space, only a hundred thousand miles away from Earth, a giant apocalyptic sized war space ship was drifting casually to Earth. Millions of aliens were on the ship, ready to invade the world. Out in the base of the ship, Thanos sits in his large throne, his hulking presence sending nervous chills down anyone's spine. "Ahh, hello Earth. Today is the reckoning." He laughs evilly as the ship gets closer. @LokiofSP @Reaper @CasualDragon @Crono @Pink Gorilla @Pyosimros
Ivory paled, "Shit.....Fuck.....No! I need more time! AH, okay Dimitri, grab every damn Gem you can and fucking run as fast as you can! Scatter them NOW! Someone get me Jordan on the damn line! And Conner, stay out of my damn way!" He dropped his bag and began to run as fast as his legs would carry him to Jordan's mansion.



Connor snorted, "Who even are you right now? Nobody is expendable. I wouldn't even send that clone of mine out there to meet Thanos head-on." Crossing his arms over his chest, trying to think of something other than Marko going on a suicide mission, that's about when Richie came over the com-link telling them the bad news.

"We are nowhere near ready for this. We uh...we need everyone aware, not just those that could help us fight but the civilians. There's no time to evacuate so they'll just have to take cover in shelters...and that's only if he lands in New York. We should have an early warning system, someone who can track where he's going to land." He rubbed at his head harshly, and listened to Ivory throwing out his own thoughts. Wincing lightly at Ivory's words towards him, they we're all about to be in a fight for their lives and that's all he had to say to him. But shook his head, things had changed, Ivory was nowhere near a priority at the moment.
A half hour passes (let's say you guys got most of the citizens in a shelter), and the large ship shadows over New York. The large ship opens up a hatch, and aliens start to pour down on the city. Small ships come out and start to fly towards the city. Thanos laughs. "My onslaught begins now." The aliens rampage down the streets, raising hell wherever they go.

Marko slowly gets out of his hospital bed, and changes into his supersuit. He holds tightly onto his chest that holds the gems, as Mega Vision waits for further orders.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](Omfg!!! Damn notifications!!! What is going on here?)

(Dude......Thanos literally just arrived!)
Ivory got to Jordan's door, panting, and gave a knock on the wood,"Jordan, open up right now! This is a matter of innocent lives, one of the few things we actually agree on!"

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](How should I jump in? Idk what to do!!!)

(It's fucking Thanos, just have Cindy stop making out with Perry and help save people, fight!)
Marko calls back Boss. "No. Trust me when I say this. Dimitri and I have seen the future. They'll need you Boss. They'll need you big time." Marko and Mega Vision fly off to New York. Once there, Mega Vision goes to work on the aliens, demolishing the puny aliens. Marlo helps out by firing energy blasts. He picks up the fomm again. "Everybody who is able, start fighting against the massive horde. Don't worry about purple boy just yet."
"Okay I gotta run. I'll go watch Luna kill stuff later bye!" Perry said quickly and flipped on his mask. Once outside, he turned on his comm and sprang into the air. "Hello? Guessing alien invasion's happening now right!?"
Cindy looked around the city as she walked about, looking for the one called thanos. Cassie gets into the fight and did her battle cry. "By death's hand, your soul is mine!!!" She shouted as two demonic wings cover her, and open to reveal a hulk sized demon that has been set on fire. She looked at thanks, and chuckled as Luna and Helga arrived.
Without warning, the grounds in Jordan's unnecessarily large acre mansion opened up wide enough for...there are no words to explain the confusion and dismay that Jordan would feel when he found out that Tech had built her laboratory under his mansion, and had stored what could only be called a Hulk sized Gundam. The Gundam had spray paint all along it's side, clearly letting the world know it was Tech's and it took off towards the aliens, blasting any of them stupid enough to get in its way.
(@Steel Zinogre he is in his ship and I said would bring him in after... You cany just bring Cindy right to his damn face.) Marko throws an alien into the ground before punching another one in the face. Mega Vision calmly dispatches the aliens, cutting off their limbs or just plain disintegrating them. "Keep going. The main show hasn't come yet."

Thanos watches from his hulking ship as he looks down, seeing his invasion and the earth heroes who are fighting against them. "How nice. All the heroes are in one city." Thanos evilly smiles as he presses a button. His large ship fires off two large bombs. A few minutes later, the bombs land on California and Texas, completely annihilating the two states.
National said:
(@Steel Zinogre he is in his ship and I said would bring him in after... You cany just bring Cindy right to his damn face.) Marko throws an alien into the ground before punching another one in the face. Mega Vision calmly dispatches the aliens, cutting off their limbs or just plain disintegrating them. "Keep going. The main show hasn't come yet."
Thanos watches from his hulking ship as he looks down, seeing his invasion and the earth heroes who are fighting against them. "How nice. All the heroes are in one city." Thanos evilly smiles as he presses a button. His large ship fires off two large bombs. A few minutes later, the bombs land on California and Texas, completely annihilating the two states.
"No, Marko. I have taught everything I know to my daughters. I'm old and you still have a life to live!" Boss stated and began sending the girls and the army out. "I can do this!"

"Trust me Boss." Was all Marko said before he crushed his commlink and flew towards the spaceship at top speeds

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