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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

It was a bit odd, hearing Ivory go from I'm quitting to full Hero mode but Connor thought it a good thing. Dimitri showed back up suddenly after telling them on the comm that he was coming for a Finn pickup, and then was off once again with the boy in hand. Connor couldn't prevent his chuckle, "Well this three man intervention turned into a solo mission." Though with Ivory's sudden assertive actions he wasn't sure it was even necessary, best be safe than sorry. If need be he could always get them in on the conversation through the commlink, or just ask Dimitri to run over. Though the speedster was running really far, and he'd gone back and forth, he might need to recharge soon. Glancing back at where the whole had been he could still see Dimitri's clone, Alex, Cassie, and Carmen. They'd be fine between the four of them, so he waved before jogging off towards Ivory's.

Once there he gave a knock on the door and poked at his comm, "I'm at the right place, right?" He asked, hoping Ivory hadn't pulled some prank and sent him to some random person's house.
Marko looks at Dimirti and Finn. "Oh right, I need Connor as well. There is something I need to tell you guys. Dimitri knows a part of it. Remember the orb?" He asks Dimitri
Ivory opened the door, letting Conner in and collapsing on his couch. His head still hurting like a bitch, "So, lets talk about this Thanos guy, on a scale from one to ten, how much of a chance do we have of beating him as we stand currently?"

A panting Dimitri frowned at the "needing Conner" comment. "Yes... I remember the orb... It told me how Thanos will die... What about it?" He asked between breaths.
"While Thanos is a cause for concern you know why I'm here." Connor said, walking inside. "How much of a chance? Probably somewhere around none. But don't change the subject." The blonde stood in front of Ivory, looking him over. "How is it you look even worse than you did earlier?"
Marko looks at Dimitri, his eyes serious, with a hint of sadness. "That means we still need time. And you know how we have to get that time Dimitri."
Ivory shrugged, "I don't know Conner and I really don't care, this is just another thing that I have to overcome." He stood up and went to the door with a slight limp, shutting it, "I've had worse. Broken bones, broken spirit, hell, I shot myself Conner. As in a bullet passed through my head and splattered my brains on the floor, yet I'm still standing. Do you really think I'll let migraines slow me down?"

"What do you mean?? I don't know what you're talking about... At least I hope I don't..." He said, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
Finn barely had time to register what was happening before he was swept away. He arrived at the destination a little out of breath and huffed to regain it. "You really know how to sweep people off their feet." He puffed. The speed was not something that you could get used too, and Finn's stomach was rolling in nausea. Half stumbling, he moved over to Marko and dropped down. "What's going on Marko, Dimitri?"
(*Insert conspiracy theory* What if Ivory's really still dead and this Ivory's a skull!? DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!! Or just one of Harry's clones :/ But that's boring)
"Your attitude stinks lately. I get it, you lost Savage, I won't pretend what that's like because none of us have had a bond like that. But disappearing for two weeks and making everyone worry, including your parents, the alcohol, and wanting to quit the hero business?" He was pacing a bit at this point, unconsciously, spotting a suitcase laid out and half packed he arched a brow. "Already made your decision before the Thanos business started?" He asked, pointing to it.
Ivory sighed and quit the act, he pulled off his bandanna and pulled down his hood, showing Conner the bags under his eyes, and the blood that caked his face, "I've been a freak since birth Conner." He sat down and rubbed a hand through his hair, "I have an alien goo that I can't be separated from, I was told I was dead by my parents, who by the way are clones, then I was tested on and mad fight just so somebody could have a weapon." He put a hand to his temple, "Now I'm just supposed to fight crime and threats and not worry about it? No, I'm done after Thanos, I want to have a normal life Conner. One where I'm not constantly fucking everything up, one where I don't make loved ones get killed, one where I'm not fighting for my life."

"I haven't been in a school in six fucking years Conner! I'm not a hero, I'm a freak! The people know it to! They look at me in horror whenever I try to save them, and then you guys go behind my back to talk about things and treat me like fucking glass! I'm done, I want to live in the suburbs, go to High School, maybe start a family before I somehow fuck up my parents as well." He looked Conner dead in the eye, "This IS the real me Conner, strip away the god awful voices and this is what ya get, so fucking deal."

Marko sighs, and he positions himself in a good sitting position. "Finn, Dimitri and I have peered into the future. And we knew Thanos will come. Good news is Dimitri knows how to win against Thanos. Bad news, we don't have enough time." He looks at Finn, then Dimitri, and back at Finn

@CasualDragon @Reaper
Boss came back to the base with Vicky. All the girls greeted her. "What have you been up to?" Amelia asked.

"Oh, not much. I did start a private army, which Boss said might be useful against Thanos?"

"Yep." Boss stated.
He eyed up the two of them suspiciously. "What do we have to do to stop him? Why do you both look so ominous? Somebody has to die, that's it isn't it." If there was ever a time that a Banner wanted to be proven wrong, it was when death was involved. And that was exactly what was running through his mind now. "Does somebody have to loose a limb? I've lost one, I'll loose another if it means that Thanos goes away and leaves us alone."
There it was, he got Ivory to let it out, he was hoping it would help Ivory feel better honestly but he couldn't deny that it made himself feel better hearing it. The worst part was not knowing what Ivory was thinking or doing, now he did. So he huffed as he plopped down in a chair across from Ivory. At first he gave the other boy a smile, which might have been out of place but it's how he felt. Then the smile faded as he sat forwards with his elbows on his knees and his fingers intertwined as he stared down at them.

"I didn't come here to convince you to stay a Hero, I can't speak for the others, and they'd be here if they could. I came here to help you make sure that whatever you decide to do, it's what you want, and it's what will make you happy. First off, stop calling yourself a freak, or I'll have Dimitri drop you off in the middle of the Grand Canyon without a ride home." He smirked lightly, "The hero life isn't for everyone, that's a fact. But I will tell you to look at the good you've done, the people of this city owe you alot. So do alot of our friends, and so do I. You've saved my butt countless times, and you saw through that clone when my family, and friends who've known me alot longer, didn't. You don't give yourself enough credit. And now you've lost Savage, and your scared, your putting out this hostility and anger but it's clear as day. Maybe you don't think you have what it takes, maybe you don't think you can keep people save without him, but you two we're a team and you both played big parts."

"You want a life free of fighting, I get that. But just because your a hero doesn't mean you don't make time for school, don't make time for family. Sure it's rough but you can make due, because your not alone. You think Dimitri and I had (have? no clue if they are graduated) it easy going through school while training and fighting? We used each others brains constantly when it came to school, reminded each other, helped each other, and even Finn and Cassie would help out. They might have been two grades lower but they're both kinda genius's so ya know... And we never talked about you behind your back. We might have treaded lightly on certain subjects but that was because we care."
Marko sighs as he sits up. "I have to delay Thanos. We need strictly two more months for Dimitri's plan to work. We only have a week. I knew we didn't have enough time, so I asked the orb how I can buy us more time. And it told me the only way. I will die to make sure you guys have enough time to prepare for Thanos." Marko looks down at himself. It was the way this had to be. @Reaper @CasualDragon
Ivory sighed and clapped sarcastically, "Well golly gee! You sure convinced me to stop this act and-Aw shut up" He leaned back, "Now can we please move on to how apparently Marko put all the fucking Infinity Stones in one place and we now have about-Oh I dunno, a week to gather them, train, evacuate the city, and get places to hide them in?!" He banged his head against a wall. "God dammit Conner! We're literally about to fight for you're lives and we're sitting here taliking about MY life decisions? Let's move and get stuff done before someone important dies!"

Dimitri chuckled. "Oh. Yea. That's not happening. I won't lose another one of us to this purple fuck. I've seen too many of us die in a war I started. If anyone's dying, it's me. I'm unstable, a raging alcoholic and there's two of me. You are worth more to this team, Mark."
Marko looks at Dimitri, and sighs as he covers his head with his hands. He knew Dimitri would say this. "You can't Dimitri. You can't die. The world needs you for the plan to succeed, and so I'll take the bullet. Besides Dimitri, you are worth more to this team than you could ever think of. Sacrifices must be made, and that just happens to be me."
"You don't think I know that!?" Connor snapped, pushing himself off the chair. "I'm making time to help you figure shit out before everything turns to chaos and everyone get's swallowed into hero mode where there's no time to talk. So take a second, have a breather, and stop being an ass. Your the one who decided to have a mid-life crisis a week before Thanos shows up, not my fault. I'm sure that's where Dimitri and Finn are and I'm sure they are handling it, and the moment they need us they will say so. You want out of here so badly, to stop talking about you and your feelings then go! You don't want to be a hero then why prepare for Thanos? Why not leave now before things get hairy?"
"BECAUSE I CAN'T FUCKING LOSE YOU GUYS TO!" Ivory was standing now as well, tears in the corners of his eyes, "As much as I hate my FUCKING life, as much as I hate this FUCKING city and it's damn people, you guys are my friends." He began shoving his finger in Conner's chest, "I'm not leaving you guys to die, I'm taking care of this then, I'm gone. And I'll do WHATEVER I need to do to last until that fight!" It was on this last poke that a needle was knocked loose and fell to the floor.

"I would sooner force you to sit the fight out, than let you die. He already killed one bolt. He won't kill you too. It's out of the question.... When I needed a kick in the pants after my dad died, you were there. I'm thinking you might need one now." He zipped away and returned with a roll of duct tape. "And well... You might thank me for this later..."
Marko looks up at Dimitri sadly. "Cmon, duct tape? At least get me some vibranium shackles. " he jokes around, trying to lighten the mood, but knowing it was futile. "Dimitri, I am the only one who can delay him. My voice.. Its the only thing that can delay him. And you know this. You saw it."
Connor took a breath and was about to go back to arguing when he heard the syringe hit the floor and looked down curiously, his eyes went wide as he looked back up to look Ivory in the eyes. "You have got to be kidding me!" He said through grit teeth, opening the flap of Ivorys jacket he could see more and basically took to manhandling him as he pulled the jacket off of Ivory. "The change in moods, the alcohol, wanting to quit, all of that is fine, but this?!" Pointing at it in his hands angrily while looking at Ivory, "You don't get to do this and be a hero. You don't get to do this and have a normal life, this ends now. What's in them, explain!"

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