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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

(I assumed Finn was talking about Cassie and Alexander but I have no clue. :o )

Connor looked back along with Finn and shrugged, then heard the claims through the comm that Marko was hurt. Others we're calling in, claiming to be on the way and the blonde paused. Ivory was one of them, weren't they supposed to be on their way to see him? Not that it mattered, Marko took priority, but like some had said...he was really far away. Dimitri was right though, he'd very likely beat anyone else there. "Don't take a wrong turn." He told him in light jest, giving the speedster a light smack on the back as if to start him up, even if the situation didn't fully call for it. Not everyone could take off and leave New York, it was a hotspot for destruction afterall. If they all left who knows what would happen.
"Ive never run that far without stopping, but I guess I have to now." Dimitri said.

"Wait! Take me with you! I can keep up!" Rush replied.

"No you can't." The gust of wind made rush fall over, as Dimitri set off towards his destination.
Ivory simply leaned on the building his thoughts slowly becoming more clear as the adrenaline made his head pound, he talked Richie through everything, "Uh yeah, so I don't know anything about first aid, but someone here might, so describe his injuries while Dimitri gets to you."

"Oh, we are just taking the car until we are out of town." Boss stated. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed someone's number. "Terry? I need a helicopter pick up at the south side point outside of New York."
Richie nods. "Alright. He has several ruptures on his lungs and stuff, several broken bones, broken shoulders. I'll tell ya what happened once Dimitri gets here." He says into the commlink
Dimitri screeched to a halt next to Marko and Richie. Between deep, panting breaths, he said, "Should I... Take him to a local hospital.... Or back to New York?"
He nodded. "Two trips... No problem..." Within a few moments, Marko laid on a hospital stretcher in the lobby. "Somebody help him! He's an avenger!" Dimitri screamed before returning for Richie and placing him next to Marko. "... Now what happened... Richie, is it?"
Richie nods

"Richie Racoon. Kid to Rocket Racoon. Anyways, that isn't the important part. Mega Vision, Marko and I were exploring the nearby universes with the new Guardians of the Galaxy. We were getting strange energy frequencies, so we decided to check it out. Once we got there, the entire universe was in shambles. Destroyed planets, destroyed space ships. Everything was in shambles, except an enormous warship m it looked about the size of a small planet. And to make matters worse, it was Thanos's ship. Thanos tried to take Mega Vision to get back his infinity gems, but that didn't work out. Marko got in front of the big purple oaf and caused enough of a distraction to let us all out of there. He said he would be just fine, and that we should just puck him up once he distracted Thanos. But Thanos is no idiot. He crushed Marko to leave us a message. He's coming Dimitri. We maybe got a week. He left Marko drifting in space. He probably thought he killed him. Thankfully, Marko is no pushover." Richie sighs as his tail frantically waves around.
Dimitri smirked and handed Richie two earpieces, one for him and the other for Marko. "Leave it to Loudmouth to fight Thanos and survive. I thought Mega Vision was our weapon against Thanos??? What happened to that?"
Richie sighs. "He was never meant to fight Thanos. Not until later. He isn't strong enough yet. He has to get used to all this power he has. For now, he is a decoy do Marko can buy us more time." Richie takes the earpiece and puts it in. "Right Noe Mega Vision is with my team. Once big bad purple arrives, we'll send him down."
Dimitri looked downward before an idea hit him like a rocket. He jumped up and down and turned on his comlink. "Oh my god I'm brilliant. Rush? Conner? Finn? Alex? I have an idea. Thanos is coming in about a week. He could mean the end of everything... Including all hope of bringing Harry Osborn back. That's right. We use this VOCS problem to our advantage."
Connor raised an eyebrow at Dimitri's words, glancing at Finn before speaking into the comm, "Are you suggesting we let VOCS stick around for another week, in hopes that it'll help us against Thanos?" He remembered the conversation he'd had with Marko shortly after coming home from Siberia about Thanos, he'd taken it seriously but there had been so much going on since then. "How's Marko?"

"VOCS is...a problem in the AI department, that's trying to revive Osborn." He told Ivory, "We we're heading your way, are you still at home?"
Ivory ignored the last part of Conner's question, "Why do we need these VOCS? How bad could Thanos be, I mean we've beaten killer robots, giant hulking beasts, a guy who literally controlled a god and an army. We could take this guy..... Right?"

This was not very fun information. The last time Thanos was here, Finn wasn't born yet, but he had heard the tales. He knew enough that if Thanos were to return this time, it would be disaster. Even if Thanos couldn't get a hold of the Infinity Stones, there was still the more modern technology that Thanos would have at his side. He wouldn't even think of what would happen if Thanos were to get the Infinity Stones as well as the technology. "Does anybody know where the Infinity Stones have gotten to? We should have somebody stand guard over them until the threat of Thanos is gone. We cannot let Thanos get them. If he does than it's game over."

Battle strategy. If they ever needed a leader it would be now. If Marko and Richie were right then they had a month, that only left them a month to develop the best technology they could create, and to train harder than they had ever trained before. Training wouldn't be all though, they would have to set up watches over the Infinity Stones and the major buildings in New York. They would also have to have a watch created to keep track of the rest of the world in case Thanos hit somewhere other than New York. It was more work than they had ever really had to worry about before. Usually it was beat them up and then cleanup. "We might also want to think about setting up watches in New York, and the rest of the World. Who knows where he'll land when he does."
Connor snorted, "Ivory, take Massacre and multiply him by a hundred if not a thousand. That's Thanos. If....no, when he shows up, the entire world is in danger." The blonde stood still, no point in heading towards Ivory's if he wasn't there, and he'd let the question go unanswered. Then he decidedly shrugged and started moving again with a nod to Finn, "Well we will be at your place soon, so just meet us there if you aren't."

"I think Marko said he'd been collecting them." He told Finn after the boys question.

We have a hard enough time just protecting the city, how can we protect the world?
Ivory paled, now this had to happen? Just when he was about to leave town? He couldn't just leave them hanging now, not when they faced such a threat, well, that's only if what Conner said was true. He began to swing back to his house, "Okay, if we're going to have to train AND create checkpoints on the stones, it'd be best to expand. Perry, I need you to pick up, you're arguably the richest of all of us. We need large facilities all over all 5 boroughs to house and facilitate us all, we might also have to look for help in other ways." He landed on his roof and swallowed the lump in his throat, "....I know this sounds bad but.....I think we might need everyone for this. Our enemies that can be reasoned with, people with abilities that we may have just met even!...... Maybe even our parents...... We need them all so we can win this if Thanos is really that bad."

"It might also be smart to evacuate the city." He held his head and winced, "....I think that's the longest I've stayed on one subject so far."
"I'm on it," Perry answered. He didn't really pay attention to who it was but it was something doing with buying facilities.
Boss decided to drop the girls back off at the base. "You guys stay here and train. There is someone I need to go find first." They all said goodbye and Boss drove off towards the edge of the city. The helicopter picked her up and she headed towards the Pacific. (I think I am going to bring up my character count to like 8 or 9 now lol)
Marko wales up from Hus hospital bed from all the commlink commotion. "The infinity stones... They're safe.. With Richie..." Marko coughs violently, a spatter of blood coming out. He looks at Dimitri. "Dimit..Dimitri... Call Finn... Please... I need to talk to you guys personally.."
Dimitri spoke into his Com. "Finn, I'm coming to bring you here. You, Marko and I need to talk about something." Before turning to leave, he looked at Marko. "It's good to have you back, buddy." WHOOSH
Marko smiles. As Dimitri leaves, Marko says to himself. "This might be the last time we see each other Dimitri." He quietly waits for Dimitri and Finn.
Dimitri stopped in front of Finn and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Hold your breath, not-so-jolly green giant!" He said before zipping away with him.
Boss drove to the outside of the city and talked over her radio. "Alright, drop the rope!" She said. The helicopter dropped the rope and she attached herself to it. It pulled her up and she sat on on of the seats.

"Where are we going?" Terry asked.

"These coordinates." Boss answered and handed him the paper.

"Alright, buckle up."

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