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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Ivory reached Liona and collapsed to one knee, "Alright.....Let's get these people treated and make sure their alright." He attempted to stand but collapsed with a yelp.

@Pink Gorilla
"But my writing hand's messed up!" Terry shouted as he held his hand in pain. "I have a test coming up tomorrow! You guys are so lucky you ditched school."
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Carmen sees her cousin and his clone she thinks. She races up to him 'What are you guys doing? What is everyone else doing? They are all over the place" she sighed then watched a man jumped into the water, a few minutes later the ground began to shook and water began to fill "DIMITRI!" she yelled at him over the rumble of the ground "WHAT IS GOING ON?!?" She kept yelling
"We are handling it, Carmen! This is the easiest way. He's going to replace all of this water with dirt and rocks from the bottom of the ocean. Then we can have stable ground to rebuild on. Smart, eh? Thought of it myself."

Alex landed next to the two and absorbed the wings back into his back.
The bullet fire had no effect with the symbiote on. If bullets could kill Cassandra, she would've been dead years ago. Morphing her multi gun into an assault rifle, she started firing at them.
Connor jogged up winded, hearing Dimitri's explanation as he did, putting a hand on his shoulder as he caught his breath. "Are you sure your not a clone? I don't remember Dimitri being this smart." He said, giving the speedster a cheeky grin.
Dimitri gasped. "Not smart?? Dont you have some fireworks to set off or something, Uncle Sam?" Dimitri said, folding his arms.
"Sure, hand me some firecrackers and I'll toss them in your suit." Connor watched as Dimitri's clone and Finn did their thing, it was uncomfortable watching others do work and being unable to help. But in certain situations he was just that, helpless, but the little things helped. This he'd learned over the years that he just needed to do what he could. Luckily however, the police had already quarantined the area and he didn't actually have to direct traffic like he'd planned.
"What is the rest of the team up to? We might need to give them a hand." Dimitri asked Conner. Maybe helping Finn or Redd could speed up the attack on VOCS, Dimitri thought.
"Sure, just as long as you don't drink." Boss gestured towards her car. Liona looked saddened and when Amelia went to say something Liona just walked past her.
Cassandra sighed and quickly hopped into the car before anyone else got in.

"I'll... Um I wanna come too..." Terry said sadly and walked over to them.
Connor shrugged, "No clue, all off doing their own thing I'd guess. Nobody really spoke up when I asked on the comm remember?"
"Let me try." Dimitri activated his comlink. "WAZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP?????????" Dimitri screamed into it. "Who needs some reinforcements from two Dimitris, a witch, and a super- well a soldier...."
"Sooo... What are we doing here?" Perry asked curiously. He wasn't sure if this was just a normal meeting or something more.
Boss pulled the comm link out of her ear as Dimitri screamed into it. "We don't need anyone else. Thanks for trying. Ok everyone, pack into the car."
The hole for the most part seemed to be fixed, or in the process of being fixed. Smasher stepped behind a building and came out Finn. "Good work team. I'm going to find Ivory, we only have one shot to remind Ivory that we're his friends for the long run. If you want to join me than the more the merrier. Then, we all hang out, watch a movie, and wait for the next disaster to search us out." He started walking in the direction of Ivory's home. After a block or two though he stopped at a clothing store to pick up some stuff.

The rest of the way to Ivory's was pretty peaceful, just Finn and his thoughts. What happens if Ivory just won't come back? What happens if the Dimitri clone isn't as friendly as he appears to be? What if the registration act did more damage than we can tell at the moment? There were too many what if's and not enough answers. He shook the thoughts from his head and focused more on the grid layout of this huge city.
Dimitri zipped next to Finn. "I'm down to clown! We haven't had a Smasher-Mercury team up in a while. It'll be just like old times! Except instead of fighting robots, we are having an intervention.... Are you sure there's no evil robots around?"
Pyosimros said:
"Sooo... What are we doing here?" Perry asked curiously. He wasn't sure if this was just a normal meeting or something more.
"I do not know yet." Namor said as Cindy fell asleep. "Content, she feels secure with you." He said to perry.


CasualDragon said:
The hole for the most part seemed to be fixed, or in the process of being fixed. Smasher stepped behind a building and came out Finn. "Good work team. I'm going to find Ivory, we only have one shot to remind Ivory that we're his friends for the long run. If you want to join me than the more the merrier. Then, we all hang out, watch a movie, and wait for the next disaster to search us out." He started walking in the direction of Ivory's home. After a block or two though he stopped at a clothing store to pick up some stuff.
The rest of the way to Ivory's was pretty peaceful, just Finn and his thoughts. What happens if Ivory just won't come back? What happens if the Dimitri clone isn't as friendly as he appears to be? What if the registration act did more damage than we can tell at the moment? There were too many what if's and not enough answers. He shook the thoughts from his head and focused more on the grid layout of this huge city.
(I think you ignore my Cassie. She was helping as well.)

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