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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Ivory looked a bit hurt at Tanya's comment, and went to retort, but was cut off by a bullet, he rushed forward and tied Helena up, "That's were I draw the line. Nope, you don't shoot at people, especially not with civilians around." He rubbed his drunken bleary eyes, trying to make himself seem sober as possible as to llok like he was in control, what he actually wanted to do was leave already. But he was already to deep in this shit so he might as well finish it.

@Pink Gorilla
Mimic pulled Ivory off of Helena and ripped off her bindings. "Did you think it would be this easy?" Helena looked at all of them.

"I want to see you all in pain!" She shouted as she fired again and Mimic pulled out her pistols and began firing. The girls began taking cover.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Boss narrowed her eyes, but let it go and turned towards Redd. "We need you in case anything hoes wrong."
Tanya gave Ivory an angry look. "You know, I didn't realize you were a complete jackass.

Helena laughed. "Hello Boss, still the one in charge I see. I am going to enjoy killing you."

"Don't do this, Helena. Come home with us." Liona pleaded.

"There is no home with you any more. You betrayed me. And now, there are consequences." Helena stated and fired at Liona. She barely dodged it but didn't return fire.

"I am not sure i like where this is going, but i will stay if you need me." he said as he looked at helena

[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Mimic pulled Ivory off of Helena and ripped off her bindings. "Did you think it would be this easy?" Helena looked at all of them.
"I want to see you all in pain!" She shouted as she fired again and Mimic pulled out her pistols and began firing. The girls began taking cover.

Redd deployed his massvie shield for the girls to go to. "Hurry ladies, while i move, stay behind it!" he called as he slowly shimmies to Helena.
Ivory's eyes widened as he attempted to jump away, he stumbled a bit as he got behind Mimic and held her up in the air, he shouted, "Alright Savage, now would be a good time for some tendril to restrict her!" He simply stood there for a few moments before realizing, "Oh shit, that's right."

@Pink Gorilla
Mimic wiggled out Ivory's grip and turned around to punch Ivory in the face. Helena kept firing at Redd's shield, hopeing to destroy his shield.
Ivory stumbled at the punch and collapsed to the ground, "Alright, might as well try this now." His eyes glazed over as all of his concentration went into imagining the next events. Tendrils would appear, only five or six, each of them sharp and precise as hey would cut into Mimic's skin. Tendrils then appeared and began to do this.

@Pink Gorilla

(Probably the last post for tonight)
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Mimic wiggled out Ivory's grip and turned around to punch Ivory in the face. Helena kept firing at Redd's shield, hopeing to destroy his shield.

The shield still held up, tiny dents formed as the bullets hit. He fired an occasional fireball at her.
Mimic began dodging the tendrils, though some cut her. She didn't really care because she would anyways. She jumped back and fired a bullet at Ivory's head. Helena kept firing, the fire balls curving away from her into a different direction. (Probably my last post as well.)
"Thank you," Perry smiled and went out of his hero wear before it started to kill him. He heard a call on his comm but he shut it off, it was probably not that important. "Well... At least the air conditioner gives me an excuse to hug you," He sat next to her and put an around her.

"I'm busy right now!" Cassandra shouted through her comm as a flurry of bullets whizzed past her. Ever since the act ended she was back into military work. "Um.... Once I come back in a few days I'll go... Do whatever you want!" She said and turned around, firing at them.

While they were distracted by the group, Terry was silently in the air and while Mimic was firing the bullet he flew as fast as he could into her.
The sound of a gunshot got Ivory's attention as his attention slipped, he hoped something would catch the bullet. He looked up to see a tendril holding the bullet. He smiled before shouting in pain, it felt like he had used his hand to catch it.
Cindy felt warmer when perry wrapped his arm around her, she stopped shivering, and cuddle him. "Thanks." She said with a content sigh. Namor smiles at the both of them. "Adorable. I remember when I was as young as you are." He said to the both of them. @Pyosimros
Killing all the hostiles with her multi gun, a helicopter landed and Cassandra boarded it. It wasn't like any of the Avengers would see murder considering how far she was from home. Though the call sounded urgent, so she would just tell her dad to cancel any future missions for the time being. "I'm headed home. Get the plane ready. Well uh... If you can I mean."

Patching into the Avenger's comm, she leaned against the wall and began talking. "Sooo... I'll be here in an hour at maximum. Keep doing whatever you're doing."
Jordan stared at the world from the moon in complete silence. He was no longer sure about what he was supposed to do, every choice he made seemed to be the wrong one. He tried to keep the Civil War from becoming utter bloodshed and he didn't succeed. He took out someone who could have enslaved the world, and all he got for it was flak. Hell he had just helped stop an assassination on Perry and didn't get so much as a thank you card. He didn't understand what he was supposed to do...all the power in the universe couldn't help him save the world from itself if they constantly fought him at every turn questioned his every move.

It is not yours to question what they do, it is yours to defend them from those who would destroy them. I can not do this, even when I return, I must watch over the universe itself and protect the whole of it. You, you are my solution, you are me now. We are one in the same. You must watch over humanity whatever the cost...ESPECIALLY from themselves.

Jordan said nothing, just listened to the voice that had long since taken refuge in his head. "I know. I know that I must protect them...but how am I supposed to judge every grievance? I don't use enough force and people die...I kill to protect and I am an outcast...Is this truly the only way for me to live...to protect?"

I did not choose you out of mere coincidence and desperation...Your past...the parts known to this world...and the parts that they will never know are what made us one. You have not given in to your own delusions of being God, you keep the part that would abuse our power under complete lock and key, limiting yourself as you do. Even if the world does not show its gratitude for what you do and what you have and will yet sacrifice, you are keeping this universe's greatest evolutionary potential safe and the universe will thrive because of it.

Jordan pulled his hood back over his face and stood up "Yea, yea I got it...Even if they blast me into oblivion, I'll come back and protect the shit out of them...you just worry about bringing yourself back you overgrown chicken." Jordan's mouth turned up in a half smirk and he shot back towards Earth.
Mimic laughed as Terry punched her and then she began to imitate his moves perfectly and punch his fists, but with extra force. She hoped it would break his hand, she wanted to hear his bones crunch. Helena turned away from Redd and fired a shot at Ivory. @LokiofSP @Pyosimros
Ivory chose to move out of the way of the bullet this time, taking a moment to throw up behind a car. He panted a bit as cold sweats rolled down his face, he took a moment to ponder his decisions before realizing what he should be doing. He stood up on a car and shouted, "EVERYONE REMAIN CALM! THIS IS SIMPLY A MINOR AVENGER SKIRMISH! PLEASE WALK CALMLY AWAY FROM THE SCENE!" He began to escort people out.

@Steel Zinogre
"Ow! Okay turn off your comm before you start yelling. I think my ears are broken forever now," Cassandra said and took the earpiece slightly away from her head and looked down. She was nearly there.

Terry quickly yelped in pain and fell to the floor. While he was holding his hand, he shot up into the sky to avoid any attacks.
Ivory blasted across the street and hit a concrete wall. Normally he would get back up and let the suit heal him, but now he had to focus to do that. Between his drunken state, the pain and the people that were now screaming in the streets. Many other cars had exploded causing a domino effect. Many were dead or injured. Ivory slowly got up and tried to stumble back t everyone.

@Steel Zinogre
Dimitri and his clone zipped away to the sinkhole, causing a huge gust of wind behind them. Alex shrugged. "That's a yes, then. Let's get going." Running to the patio, he jumped off and grew giant dive wings on his back to glide there.
Helena looked as Redd. "I know when I am beat." She turned around and began walking away and Mimic followed. "Ciao, Sis!"

Liona looked at the ground and didn't say a word. @anyone
"You're not leaving!" Cassandra called and shot black webs at them both. "Those are the bad guys right?" He shouted over to the people she did know.
Connor's head lolled to the side in despair as the other three took off, "I'm officially asking dad to let me get a car or a bike or something." He grumbled, heading down the stairs and starting his jog down the sidewalk, traffic was backed up so a Taxi was out of the question. Yeah, he was totally convincing his dad to let him get some sort of Motorcycle, getting around was a pain and with it he could easily dodge through the traffic.
Rush zipped around the crater. "Hmmm I could fill this... But I need a place to take earth from."

"How about the bay?" Dimitri chimed in.

"I thought you were single."

"No. I mean underwater. If the sea level lowers a bit, it'll be a smaller problem than this."

"Oooohhhhh. smart boy. I guess it's in your genes." Rush zipped to the docks and jumped in the water. The area around the hole shook as the hole began to fill itself.

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