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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Ouch..." Perry said silently as he heard Dimitri shouting and he took off the comm. If anything really bad happened they could just text them, except it was probably a bad idea to text while fighting. Probably worse then texting and driving. "Well um... Thanks," Perry nodded over at Namor.
Pyosimros said:
"Ouch..." Perry said silently as he heard Dimitri shouting and he took off the comm. If anything really bad happened they could just text them, except it was probably a bad idea to text while fighting. Probably worse then texting and driving. "Well um... Thanks," Perry nodded over at Namor.
Luna and Helga then enter the living room. Luna hops onto the couch, laying next to perry as Helga stood next to namor. "Amazing..... I have never seen creatures like this..... They look majestic as a shark feeding frenzy." He said as he pest Helga's head.
Connor had happily seen what Dimitri was going to do coming and had already muted his comm. Chuckling softly, he almost felt bad for the others, but for once his ears we're as safe as could be.

Once the hole was filled in Finn spoke and he was reminded that Ivory was indeed supposed to be waiting for them, maybe if the talk went well it'd be one more added to the roster for taking down the AI. Connor jogged at a pace to catch up to the two of them, "What, you two going to leave me out?" He said teasingly, "Between the three of us, Ivory won't know what hit him."
"Strength, skill, and speed! That's our team name! Get ready, Ivy! You can't handle this!" Dimitri said, walking goofy like a cartoon.
She smiled "Well the hole's gone for good' she smiled, feeling bad she didn't do anything "Where are the others?" she asked, she looked around, spinning in a small circle as her crimson hair followed behind her head "What are the other doing/" she asked, raising a brow
The girls greeted Cassandra and Ivory except for Liona and Jamie. That was typical for Jamie, but all Liona did was sit staring out the window.
Finn grinned as he looked between the two people who had joined him. "You know, from everything that's gone on, I wouldn't be surprised if we were attacked by some angry murderous robot. But we won't jinx our luck." The store he had stopped at wasn't too far from where the crater had been and he quickly looked back at the two that were still standing there. "Wait, we shouldn't just leave them there. What should we do?"
It was quiet. Space... It's always quiet. Farther out, a figure is floating in space, injured and hurt. Their Oxygen tanks were thankfully unharmed, but there was only so much left. Marko was slowly dying out in space trying to help his friend Richie, but then they were attacked. They were no match for this powerful force. It was dangerous, and deadly, and very, very large. A minute passed and it seemed as if though Marko would die out here. But suddenly, Richie's ship flies close next to Marko, and the hatch opens, slowly pulling in Marko. Once Marko was inside, Richie scrambles over to him and rips off his oxygen mask. "Breathe buddy breathe." Richie says as the hatch was closed. Richie goes onto his piloting seat and heads off to Earth. Marko was unconscious and bleeding heavily. He needed medical attention from whatever attacked them. A few minutes pass, and the ship lands in a mountain in Washington. Richie grabs Marko's old commlink before he mysteriously disappeared and frantically shouts in it, "All Avengers or whatever you guys are, Marko needs help! I need medical guys to come to where I am and help him! Please! (Skip to the bottom if you don't wanna read it all)
CasualDragon said:
Finn grinned as he looked between the two people who had joined him. "You know, from everything that's gone on, I wouldn't be surprised if we were attacked by some angry murderous robot. But we won't jinx our luck." The store he had stopped at wasn't too far from where the crater had been and he quickly looked back at the two that were still standing there. "Wait, we shouldn't just leave them there. What should we do?"
"Maybe help them? or we should get them to the nearest medical facility." Cassie suggested as she cracked her neck, her hood hiding her face, but left her eyes glowing an eerie red.
"I haven't either. Well I have for a... Uh three months now?" Perry guessed. He couldn't remember when he first saw them.

"So what've you guys done while I was away?" Cassandra asked them all.
"Hmm... Symbiote'll patch you up soon enough!" Cassandra patted Ivory's shoulder and looked over at Liona. "You've been pretty quiet lately. And there's a person literally named that," She shrugged and pointed over to Jamie.
Rochoe was now getting pissed. No one was picking up on the commlink. He grabs a mega phone and holds it up to the commlink and shouts "ANY OF YOU AVENGERS COME TO WHERE THIS COMMLINK IS NOW. MARKO IS DYING." Richie takes a deep breath. "Damn heroes." He says to himself
Pyosimros said:
"I haven't either. Well I have for a... Uh three months now?" Perry guessed. He couldn't remember when he first saw them.
"So what've you guys done while I was away?" Cassandra asked them all.
Namor looked at helga and smiled. "This one is very beautiful, and strong looking as well. But i also see a Hydra symbol on its chest, as well as the other one's. Maybe they escaped for some reason." He said aloud as he saw luna's collar, and a small usb drive in the collar. "Maybe we should watch the film in this." he said as he pulled the usb drive out of the collar.
Ivory got up slowly and groaned, "Fuck today." He got up wobbly and swung away, attempting to get to Richie, he rested on a building to catch his breath, "You woke me up asshole.....Where are you?"

"How the hell do you turn on this things locator.... There ya go." He turns on the locator. He shouts back at Cassandra first. "How the hell am I supposed to know ?! I turned on the damn locator. For all I know, we could be in fucking Canada!" He switches over to Ivory. "Follow this stupid things locator." @LokiofSP @Pyosimros
Ivory slowly stood up and winced, "Yeah yeah....." He returned to swinging but lost his balance, he crashed into a hospital's back room, medicine and antibiotics everywhere. He slowly got up to continue swinging but looked at a box labeled adrenaline. He looked around and lined his jacket with the needles, hoping they would come in handy. He stood up and took one last one and stabbed it into his leg, his eyes widening as he jumped out the window with new speed, he was still drunk and in pain, but now he could focus and ignore it. Giving himself a moment to do work to fix himself he continued swinging, feeling better than before. He laughed as he swung, "I found my new secret weapon!" He felt a bit bad, but took comfort in the fact that he would be able to help people a bit better.

He looked at the locator and paused, breathing heavily, "Wait, this is in South Dakota, I don't know U.S. geography or geography at all for that matter but I do know this isn't New York, this might take awhile, time we don't have."

"Not if you can fly really fast!" Terry said through his comm and put on his Nova helmet. "Cya people! You guys can uh... Catch a flight there," He waved and jumped out of the car.
Liona was glad for the distraction so she wouldn't have to explain. Boss turned around and headed to Marko's location. "This is Boss, we will be there soon."
"Sure. Let's watch it," Perry shrugged.

"Hey Boss? It's... The place is really far away," Cassandra said. It was be a really long road trip to drive all the way.
Pyosimros said:
"Sure. Let's watch it," Perry shrugged.
"Hey Boss? It's... The place is really far away," Cassandra said. It was be a really long road trip to drive all the way.
Namor and perry go to a computer, where the film started with Luna waking up as a smaller cub, a kind female scientist working for hydra was feeding and holding her, until a soldier came and took Luna away, and put her in a lab to be tested. The first test was endurance, which entailed running away from a bigger monster.
Dimitri grimaced. Marko had always been an amazing friend to him. "Tell me the coordinates. I'll get there quicker than anyone." He said, getting into the running stance.
Richie rattles off the coordinates to Dimitri. "And get here fast! There's more blood on the floor then there is in him!" Richie exclaims as he looks back at his friend. @Reaper

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