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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Connor felt a shiver run through his spine as Alex turned into a mirror image of him, "Yeah, that's uh...something. Kinda creepy though, maybe it's because I ran into a clone of myself recently. Mine didn't want to play pat-a-cake with me like these two did however." His head leaning towards Dimitri and his clone.

"So are we hitting up Finn and the hole along the way or are we heading straight there? It seems kind of rude to let him handle a job like that on his own."
The all headed there and saw a drunk Ivory with a cart full of liquor. "Where the Hell did you get all that liquor, Ivory?!" Boss exclaimed.
Pyosimros said:
"I'll wait until you're done talking!" Terry whispered loudly over to Ivory who was on the phone.
"I uh... Yes..." Perry answered and shuffled his feet awkwardly.

(Wait oh shit)
(Oh well...... shit.)
Boss pushed the cart over and began throwing the bottles out of the trunk. "Where did you really get it, Ivory? And don't you lie to me!"
"I see. You could not wait to bond with each other, could you?" he asked jokingly as cindy calms down. "I like you, and you are one of the best men I have ever seen with my daughter." he said as cindy looked at perry with a sad smile. "Ivory...... he hurt me...." she said as she gripped her head out of pain. "Headaches, nothing a little rest won't cure." Namor said as he laid her on the couch of the commons. @Pyosimros
Ivory collapsed, "My friends....." He turned back to the Boss, the first reaction he had was rage, "What the hell are ya gonna do if I don't tell you huh?!!"

@Pink Gorilla
"Um... I'll be over there if you- Bye," Terry waved and he flew upwards. It seemed like a situation he shouldn't be in right now.
"Nothing." Boss said as she threw the last bottle. "I am just going to leave you here to find your own way. I don't need a drunk disrupting our search. Go home, Ivory."
"Thanks...?" Perry nodded slowly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Wait he hurt you!?" He ran over to her. That Ivory from another world was right, this Ivory probably was super pissed.

"I'm always here for you man," Terry said and flew back down. He planned on coming back down in a few minutes but he wanted to be there for the guy. Though being comforted by someone 5 years younger didn't seem that cool.
Ivory growled and got to the edge of the bridge, he stood so his heels were hanging off, he turned over and flipped the bird, "Alright fine, I'll be seeing you assholes never." He fell backwards and began to swing away into the distance.

@Pink Gorilla
Pyosimros said:
"Thanks...?" Perry nodded slowly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Wait he hurt you!?" He ran over to her. That Ivory from another world was right, this Ivory probably was super pissed.
"I'm always here for you man," Terry said and flew back down. He planned on coming back down in a few minutes but he wanted to be there for the guy. Though being comforted by someone 5 years younger didn't seem that cool.
"He did...... Her heart is broken because of him." Namor said as he looked over cindy and perry. "It was apparent he was in a drunken rage when he appeared, and she said she loved you, and that ruffian." he added. "I mean no offence by the word 'ruffian', but still." @Pyosimros @LokiofSP
"Dude wait up!" Terry put his helmet under his right arm and started running after him.

Perry looked over at Cindy and crouched down and put a hand on her shoulder. "Look. The guy was drunk and he couldn't think straight. He'd probably forget any of this even happened anyways."
Tanya got in the car and they looked for Helena. They found her in a street with Mimic. Liona ran out of the car and towards Helena. "I can't believe you are alive!"

"I know you can't. You left me for dead." Helena stated and pointed her gun at Liona. Liona stopped in her tracks.

"We didn't leave you for dead. We had no choice." She stated.

Boss began whispering over the comm. "Any available Avengers head towards Lincoln road." She said. @anyone
"I can forgive him, but I WILL NOT forget." Namor said as cindy curled up, and shivered from the air conditioner kicking in. "So..... Cold." She said. Redd picks up the message boss sent and transforms, then takes off to her position. @Pink Gorilla @Pyosimros
As Ivory was swinging he stopped at the buzzing in his ear. He was going to ignore it but sighed, "I'm bored......Kinda queasy and bored, I need something to do." He stopped on rooftop and changed before landing on scene less than gracefully.

@Pink Gorilla
Ivory shook, getting serious as he was in costume and needed to be as aware as possible, "Name's.....Savage..... I guess Miss, be grateful that anyone at all showed up." He got into a bit of a sloppy stance but straightened out as good as he could.

@Pink Gorilla
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Boss smiled when Redd arrived, but groaned when Ivory showed up. "Go home, Ivory, you're drunk. Get some rest and sober up."

"Did you require any help?" Redd asked boss as he kneeled down and looked at her.
Boss narrowed her eyes, but let it go and turned towards Redd. "We need you in case anything hoes wrong."

Tanya gave Ivory an angry look. "You know, I didn't realize you were a complete jackass.

Helena laughed. "Hello Boss, still the one in charge I see. I am going to enjoy killing you."

"Don't do this, Helena. Come home with us." Liona pleaded.

"There is no home with you any more. You betrayed me. And now, there are consequences." Helena stated and fired at Liona. She barely dodged it but didn't return fire.

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