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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Alex looked at the message. He could feel every hit when he saw the hologram. Suddenly his eyes widen, and his metal hand goes at his mouth, not believing what he just saw. His eyes teared up a bit, and sniffled, taking the hand from his mouth and putting it on his head, giving a military salute. Alex could not open his mouth and his eyes were closed, trying to hold back the tears.
Boss listened to the message and fell to her knees. She began to cry. She hated that he had to sacrifice his life when he was so young. She let out a scream and then leaned against a wall. The girls walked around her and they cried, too. Except for Quiet and Vicky. Helena and Mimic left the battle and headed elsewhere.
Or it should have been, it would have been had it not been for Jordan's insane tendency to butt in where he was not needed. He didn't know if he'd made it in time, but he formed a small atmospheric shell around Marko's body and he floated next to him "Sheesh, it's like you idiots have the market on idiocy..." Jordan saw that the live feed was done broadcasting "hmmm" He grabbed Marko and headed back to Earth, whether to revive him or bury him, he did not know.
Ivory stood up and looked at Dimitri, "So.....This means we finally get our shit together right? Stat acting like a team, like Avengers? This is were we bounce back and find our friends and kick Thanos's ass.....So lets start with this. Dimitri we NEED a structure, we need a leader, hell we haven't acted as a unit for months before this happened, and structure starts with a leader. You're the only one of us who knows what to do next so......" He raised his hand in the air, "All those in favor of Dimitri being leader, say aye."

@Steel Zinogre
"Um... question?" Sam raises his hand slightly. "I kinda don't know who any of you guys are other that Connor, although it seems the Connor I knew was an evil clone so... I'm just gonna abscond myself from any votes of leadership... yeah..." he lowers his hand again, feeling rather foolish, just something about being around actual heroes makes him feel like a stupid little kid messing about at something he doesn't understand...
In the city, Richie was pissed. He was boiling in anger. His best friend died, died to protect the planet. Why couldn't it have been Richie? Why did it have to be ? He knew it was because of his voice, but it just wasn't fair. "Damnit Marko. You asshole! You left me! You left everyone just to... To do a stupid heroic deed!" Richie slams his little raccon fist into the ground. "Why why why?!" He shouts, weeping for his lost friend
"Cool with me I guess," Cassandra shrugged and walked over to the group that was forming. "Hold up. Civilian's coming," She said and gestured over at Emily for a second before looking back.

"Hi uh... Bad time to ask for membership...?" Emily asked them and she slowly inched towards them. "I... Beat up some of the aliens back there too..."
LokiofSP said:
Ivory stood up and looked at Dimitri, "So.....This means we finally get our shit together right? Stat acting like a team, like Avengers? This is were we bounce back and find our friends and kick Thanos's ass.....So lets start with this. Dimitri we NEED a structure, we need a leader, hell we haven't acted as a unit for months before this happened, and structure starts with a leader. You're the only one of us who knows what to do next so......" He raised his hand in the air, "All those in favor of Dimitri being leader, say aye."
@Steel Zinogre
"Aye!" Redd said, saddened that Marko left earth with a bang. "Aye." Cassie said as she swings her blade, shaking off the blood on her blade. "Aye." Cindy said as she looked at the sky, and sighed.
Richie walks over to the group, his head bowed, his eyes saddened. "Aye." He says sadly as he leans on his space RPG.
Ivory shook his head, "Hold up, wait!" He turned to Emily, "You just came at the perfect moment, I'll get to you." He turned to Cassie, "And you! The fuck are you?!"

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Ivory shook his head, "Hold up, wait!" He turned to Emily, "You just came at the perfect moment, I'll get to you." He turned to Cassie, "And you! The fuck are you?!"
@Steel Zinogre
"Cassie heller, daughter of War." She said as she removed her hood, her white, silky hair flowing in the breeze. "Who are you?"
Ivory shook his head, "First off, you're vote doesn't count, not even an Avenger yet, and second, I don't kiss and tell on the first date anymore, for now just call me Savage and leave it at that."

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Ivory shook his head, "First off, you're vote doesn't count, not even an Avenger yet, and second, I don't kiss and tell on the first date anymore, for now just call me Savage and leave it at that."
@Steel Zinogre
"Savage. Name is fitting for that attitude." She said with a chuckle. "And besides, you avengers are something else, where other humans would run, you fight till the death."
Ivory held back Richie, "Woah! Look dude, we still got shit to figure out, personal and team wise. So don't get chopped in half by the chick with the giant sword okay?" He set him down, "So, I take it you wanna join up? I know! I know, terrible timing but we have to begin getting ready for Thanos now that we have more time, and new members could help with that."

"Well... That was a thing..." Sam looks around nervously. "Anyone else want to fight for no reason or can we get back to doing whatever? Is the invasion thing still going on or are we banking on them leaving with the big purple guy?"
Richie growled. "Of course I wamma join. Marko didn't deserve this. It was an unfair curse! Why did he have to die? I don't care if he has a super voice! I'm gonna avenge him." Richie claps his his paws, and the masked men and women come back. "The aliens are mostly gone. We don't have to worry about them any more." He flips a switch, and a wormhole appears. The men and women go through the portal, and Richie flips the switch again, closing it. @LokiofSP
"Right um... can I... can I ask something that is probably quite stupid and insensitive? Um... You're a talking raccoon? I uh... What? I don't even... this is crazy." Sam chuckles weakly, he is very out of his depth. (Wait... it is Richie Raccoon right? Like Rocket Raccoon? I read that somewhere iirc... your characters are like Guardians of the Galaxy types, right? Eh... if not I blame tired. Sense I am not making.)

LokiofSP said:
Ivory held back Richie, "Woah! Look dude, we still got shit to figure out, personal and team wise. So don't get chopped in half by the chick with the giant sword okay?" He set him down, "So, I take it you wanna join up? I know! I know, terrible timing but we have to begin getting ready for Thanos now that we have more time, and new members could help with that."
"I am willing to join your team. But i am more than just a girl with a giant sword." She said as she summons her horse, Ruin stood there, flaming mane floating on the breeze.
Ivory snorted, "Look, first, we already have a Cassie. Second, the horse is a nice trick, but just because you got a horse and a sword doesn't mean you're ready for us yet." He turned to Emily, "And you? You're just a civilian, your hearts in the right place but you don't really got anything to offer us."

@Steel Zinogre
"Eh..." Sam turns to Emily. "I uh... I wouldn't bother so much, these guys are kinda cliquey, I tried joining up with them a while back but... I ended up just patrolling on my own and dealing with the more street level crime." He shrugs.
LokiofSP said:
Ivory snorted, "Look, first, we already have a Cassie. Second, the horse is a nice trick, but just because you got a horse and a sword doesn't mean you're ready for us yet." He turned to Emily, "And you? You're just a civilian, your hearts in the right place but you don't really got anything to offer us."
@Steel Zinogre
"The horse is not my only trick." She said as activated her stoneskin ability. "I do this, and raise the dead." She said as she lifted her hand, and a Walker screams as it awakens, breaking through the asphalt. Once it came out of the ground, it walked to cassie, and stood still, waiting for her orders.
"I'm the daughter of future Spider-Man!" Emily blurted out but quickly covered her mouth. If this was the future someone could easily track 2099's real identity with Emily's last name. Noticing that there wasn't really any consequences with the comment she let go of her mouth. "And my clothes are made of the same material that are in uh... My dad's suit. Long story short it's made of stuff that makes it practically invincible. Blunt force still hurts like a bitch though."

"Oh really?" She looked over at Sam.

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