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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Jordan watched the Avengers do what they do best apparently, "assemble". He nodded slightly in approval "Good, they haven't lost their will to fight."
National said:
Suddenly, a large spaceship flies down next to Finn. "Get on, big guy! And bring your friends too." The hatch of the ship opens to let them in.
@Steel Zinogre
Helga looked at Richie, and got in, and Luna groans as a pain shot up her arms. Helga then laid down on the floor of the ship, and looked around, finding intrigue in its interior design.
Joe looked at Dimitri, perplexed by his question, was he blind! Joe was currently a being made of pure magma, he was definition of hurt. Though Joe kept his cool, though he continued to back up, "I'm fine, I just don't want any trouble. I didn't mean any harm." Joe said, his fear was only making the magma around him heat up as the concrete he was stepping on soon started to form ash from the heat.
"Boom!" Terry shouted as he slammed Joe into the ground from behind. To him, Joe looked like a normal super villain. "Nova's here kiddos!" He grinned though he knew it was the complete opposite. He was probably the youngest hero among everyone here.
Joe was taken back by the sudden tackle, "It was a trap!" He thought to himself, Joe then became enraged by this trickery. His body then became superheated, the fire growing as near by lampposts and cars began to melt slightly. He then blasted his assailant with magma as he got up, he then retreated back. Throwing balls of fire to distract the Avengers as he ran.
"Uh!? Did you guys call him!?' Emily shouted as she desperately tried to find something to take cover with. Finally decided on a car, she slid over the hood and flipped up her hoodie. Okay, so once the magma melts the car it's going to hit me... It's gonna hurt like hell but at least I'll be fire proof like this.

"Hey! Where are you goin' pal!?" Terry called out to him and flew after the man.
(IC Terry and Connor have yet to meet but we can say during that two week skip they met and such.)

Connor was about to help Dimitri out with trying to calm the guy down when Terry came out of nowhere, slamming him into the ground. Of course the magma dude did what anyone would do, retaliated. Connor facepalmed, "Goodjob Terry, you spooked him." He said sarcastically before sprinting after Joe, throwing up his shield to deflect each fireball. "Hey!" He called out after the first, "you recognize the shield.." Deflected another ball, "right!?"

Terry was after him as well, "Don't gang up on him, he's afraid and your making it worse. Just keep a distance." He told him as he ran alongside the Nova corps member. "Look!" Connor called out once again at Joe, "I just wanna talk, thiis guys going to hang back."
Joe continued to run, throwing fire at his flying pursuer. However now he heated to the point where he was melting the floor below him.He heard Conor calling to him to which he responded to with another fireball, as far as Joe knew this was trick. However his escape was cut short when he then walked over a subway exhaust grate it melted, causing him to plummet into the subway tunnel below. He lay there for a moment regaining his sense before continuing on, his flames illuminating the path through the tunnels.
Smasher set Luna down inside before Finn crawled in. He looked appreciatively at Richie. "Thanks. I don't want to be that guy but is there anyway we can retrieve Marko's body? Thanks for the lift back to New York. Oh do you have first aid stuff anywhere?" He glanced over at Luna and Helga briefly.
"Oh hell no!" Terry smiled and increased speed. His hands lit ablaze with energy and once Joe entered the subway Terry knew dropping down now would just lead to disaster and he was plummet deep into the ground. Good thing subways stopped moving right about now, He thought and waited a few seconds before smashing a hole downwards.
(Sorry I'm,here)

Richie clenches his little paws on the steering wheel at the question. "Marko's body? No chance. Which is a little good. That means Thanos can't find the power stone, one of the infinity gems." He points at the shelf above Richie. "Medical stuff in there. If that big monster thing even licks my couch, I'm having minster BBQ tomorrow." @Steel Zinogre
The air was hot chasing after this magma man, and Connor was forced to run along the side of his path as the asphalt was melted in his wake. Ahead he could see the man go through an exhaust grate, and Terry flew after him. Seriously that kid hadn't heard a thing he said, though the same could be said for the one they we're chasing. The blonde slid to a stop by the grate and looked down the dark hole, he knew well enough that it wasn't the kind of drop he could handle.

With a grunt he started sprinting towards the nearest entrance to the subway. This situation keeps getting better and better.
Joe continued to flee, however now he reached a platform but he knew he couldn't go on for ever. Joe stopped and locked his feet, ready to face Terry as soon as he arrived. Joe was confident in his chances, as he then heard a crash down the tunnel. He prepared to fight the Avenger, to the death if need be.
Somewhere, deep under ground, a man was on his knees in what looked like a straight jacket with a large, bronze padlock on the front and a collar. On the floor were four chain, each connected to the mans collar, holding him down. The man sat on his knees silently, staring down at the floor. That was until he looked up to see his chambers doors swing open, showing a spiraling stairway leading up. Suddenly, the collar around his neck disappears. The man, actually quite baffle at what was going on, stood. At that moment, the jacket fell to the floor with a thud, echoing throughout the room. Peeling his arms off his body, the man moved them around as if he hadn't seen them in years. Which, to be honest, he hadn't. After three thousand years of unnerving silence and isolation, this former spartan had finally learned his lesson.

Not wanting to be alone for another moment, the man quickly ascended the stairs. Approaching yet another pair of doors, the man put his shoulder against the door and pushed, struggling to open it despite his otherworldly strength. Finally, the doors, the last obstacle standing in his way to gaining absolute freedom, swung open. The man fell to his knees, laughing for the first time in a very very long time. He was free to do what he wanted. And he knew exactly what he wanted to do. He wanted to share his story with others. To teach them not to make his mistake. He wanted to help people. No.…. He wanted to help the world. To- Wait..... Are those teenagers courting in a grave yard!? Getting to his feet, Akakios walked over to the teen couple, who seemed to be having some sort of outdoor feast, and grabbed the boy by his shirt, pulling him off the girl. "Hey, what's your probl-" Akakios covered the boys mouth. "Do you have any idea where you are!? You are in a graveyard. Courting your woman. ON TOP OF A DEAD MANS RESTING PLACE!" The boy jumped slightly, the girl finally standing to help her boyfriend.

"Let go of him you freak!" The girl dug her finger nails into Akakios' arm, but to little effect. Akakios looked to the girl and scowled at her. "And you... Do you have no respect for yourself or the man the was beneath you!? You should be ashamed of yourself.... Have some dignity! And put some clothes on.... And get a chastity belt!" Akakios let go of the boy, who began to suck in breath, having nearly been smothered to death. The girl comforted him as Akakios walked away, shaking his head. "Teens… No decency at all..."
National said:
(Sorry I'm,here)
Richie clenches his little paws on the steering wheel at the question. "Marko's body? No chance. Which is a little good. That means Thanos can't find the power stone, one of the infinity gems." He points at the shelf above Richie. "Medical stuff in there. If that big monster thing even licks my couch, I'm having minster BBQ tomorrow." @Steel Zinogre
Helga growls and tries to get up, but Luna screeches, warning her to not strain herself. Helga collapses as she tries to get up, but grew frustrated. @CasualDragon @National
Jordan watched the scene with a bit of disdain. "The second the threat is not immediately present, they go back to the same stupidity they were involved in before... How pathetic."
"Dammit Terry! Stand down!" Dimitri said as he followed suit. He zipped ahead and tried to speak to the flaming man again. "Sorry about that... You're not the only hothead around. I actually control fire too." Dimitri said as his right hand ignited. "See? Although it looks like your powers are controlling you, more than vice versa. That old buckethead that's following you? I won't let him hurt you."
In a Foot Locker, a giant of man is arguing with the cashier. "You do not have size 25's? I thought you would have my size! I've searched everywhere!" The cashier, trying not to wet himself from the massive mountain in front of him, stammers. "I am sorry sir. They just aren't in.. Stock?" They never had size 25's. Btaziel sighs as he walks out of the store and accidentally smashes through the door frame, forgetting to duck and making a hole in the wall. He walks down the street until a young boy ran out to the street to get his soccer ball. A large semi truck was barreling down the street, straight in the boys direction. The boy screams until Braziel gets in front of him. The truck slams into Braziel, but the hulking man doesn't even move an inch as the truck's entire front is crushed. The boy looks up at Braziel and smiles. "Thank you!" And he runs away quickly to his friends. @LucianGrey7971
Jordan turned his head slightly, there was something or someone with some serious power...well if he could sense him, it was highly likely that that something or someone could sense Jordan.
Braziel gently let's the semi truck down on the sidewalk before continuing to walks down. Suddenly, Braziel could feel a presence. A presence of immense power, power that rivaled, if not beat his own. He follows the power until he gets close, and looks up to see a young man.
Jordan felt the presence getting closer and looked down at Braziel standing there below him. He just stared at the man without a word "..."
Braziel stared back with just as calm and intimidating of a stare Jordan was sending his way. Braziel speaks. "You are powerful. I can sense mystical and mysterious forces inside your body."
Braziel in a single leap jumps up on the same roof Jordan. "I would hope not. I am Braziel, son of Hercules." Braziel holds out his massive hand to shake with the young man.

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