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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Dimitri shook his head in confusion. "The other what? Dimitri? He's right here." He motioned to his clone and chuckled at his own joke, not understanding the grim situation.
"No silly" she giggled "Your twin? Pietro?" she said. She didn't understand why Dimitri was acting like that. Sure they were older than her but she really did care for Pietro "Dimitri, please tell me it's a joke?" she asked, her face soften but filled with worry and fear
(Pietro was his father)

Dimitri's expression dropped. "I... Can't believe you didn't hear. I'm sorry... He died in the New York Massacre. It feels like so long ago...." He trailed off.
She sat down in a chair, covering her mouth with one hand "No... It can't be" she said to herself. She only trusted Pietro and her mother since she had no friends. A tear fell down her cheek "No..." she said in denial. "It can't be" she thought to herself
Dimitri placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry. He died fighting. We could've have won without him. But not a day goes by that I don't think about any way I could've prevented it."

(No, the super villain massacre made a massacre in New York to make the New York massacre in New York)
"And not a day goes by that I wish I'd been there to help." Connor added, wiping the blood from the cut onto his shirt sleeve.
She stood up and got out her phone, showing a photo of the hole in the city "We need to fix this hole" she said sternly "I don't care how, or how long it takes we need to fix it NOW!" she ordered, bringing the photo up to a holographic screen "Recent report say that the hole is as big as half a football field and we need to fix it" she leaned against the table and waited for an answer
"A hole in the ground? Easy. My clone can control rocks n shit. You can take him there. It's only a question as to if we can trust him..." Dimitri said, thinking out loud.
"That's the thing. If we take a large enough of rock and rubble we will have another hole' she said, blinking "Any other ideas?" she asked Wondering if she should be really doing this. Her grandfather won't be happy
Finn turned to the clone. "First of all, I guess I'm a little sorry that I threatened to beat you to a pulp. Now that the awkward apologies are over," He turned to face the newcomer. "I guess some of us could go and work as a team. You know, like we're supposed to." He joked trying to lighten the mood a bit. "Somebody should stay back with Ivory though." He walked over and sat down beside his friend. "Unless you think you can sober up enough to join us? It would be like the good old times you know."
Ivory looked up, "Good old times? No. I'd just hold you back. I haven't been able to think since.... Since....." He sniffled, "Since Savage died its been hard to deal with my thoughts, I don't want that to hold you back."

Dimitri looked up at ivory. "Savage is gone? Oh my god. I didn't know that was possible.... How are you holding up?"
Ivory looked up as he began to try to stand up and go home. He looked at Dimitri, "Fucking terrible." He stumbled to the door.

Pyrite growled and rushed forward, "FUCK YOU!" He put a force field in Jordan's arm to make it sluggish and heavy as he stuck his sword in the other arm as he twisted.

Jordan merely pivoted away from his sword and allowed Pyrite's momentum to carry him past Jordan. He didn't even attack him "Now see, THAT'S about what I expect from the weaker Ivory, you think you can dish it out, but I KNOW you can't take it."
Pyrite's eye twitched as he calmed himself, "You're absolutely right, I'm acting pathetic." He rushed forward and grabbed Jordan by the neck, "It's time I stopped that."

Jordan's own had shot out and he made a grab for Pyrite's neck. His hand was white hot and he spoke very calmly. "See, you just confirmed that you know absolutely nothing about me."
LokiofSP said:
Ivory looked up, "Good old times? No. I'd just hold you back. I haven't been able to think since.... Since....." He sniffled, "Since Savage died its been hard to deal with my thoughts, I don't want that to hold you back."
Finn moved over to Ivory and gently put his arm on Ivory's shoulders. "If you fall off a horse and you don't get back on, then you'll never be able to again. You've fallen off your horse, and we need to get you back on. Savage was a great friend to us all. He helped us all in more ways than we can count, and the world's a different place without him. But think of this, would Savage want you to be drinking yourself raw like this? He would want you to get back up on the horse. Nothing will replace Savage, but between us all we'll get you back into the game. You won't hold us back, you never have and you never will."
Pyrite bit down on his lip at the pain he felt, but lifted his sword and began to repeatadly stab Jordan, powered by spite, "Okay.... You might be a bit better than other Jordan.... But Im still better than you!"


Ivory turned around and shook his head, "I can't get on that horse Finn! I'm sorry but right now, anytime I want to use the suit I have to focus every ounce of my being, it's to different and someone might get hurt."

So that's why he's so out of it... Connor gave a huff before jogging to catch up to Ivory and Finn, "Adequately put." He told Finn, "Now let's go patch up a hole and make sure nobody else falls in shall we?" Raising a brow in Ivory's direction, "Don't use your suit if you don't want to." The blonde lowered himself to a crouch and stuck out his hands, motioning for Ivory to hop on his back. "You can help me direct traffic or something, and sober up on the way."

@LokiofSP @CasualDragon
Dimitri zipped to ivory and then back to where he was standing, holding the bottle. "You heard him! Sober up on the way."

The clone looked at the bottle curiously. "Can I-"

"No." Dimitri interrupted.
(CRAP no notifs)

(Wait nvm my last post didn't even get posted ;- ;)

"And I'm better than you!" Perry shouted and backhanded Pyrite into the wall with his new strength from the suit.

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