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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Mimic and Helena walked towards where Perry ran off too. "Perry is very cowardly like."

Helena looked towards Jordan. "I've got this." She lifted her rail gun and fired towards Jordan.
Carter shrugs hearing Jordan coming in behind him, "Tell that to Pyro the Destroyer over here. My plan would have worked just fine." He turned to look at Jordan with a raised brow, "And what brings you here? You can't resist a damsel in distress can you?"
"Nah, you idiots are just so loud I can here you from my perch. I mean honestly, an assassination that takes 4 people and is so loud it can be heard rooftops away. That's just sa-" Jordan took the brunt of the rail gun and looked at the hole in his chest as it started to heal "....rude."
Pyrite sneered as he heard Carter's comment,"HEY SHADDUP! IT'S DIFFERENT HERE OKAY!" He then shook his head and turned back to Perry, "Now where wer we-" He was cut off by the sound of Jordan's voice as he grew a sinister smile, "Ya know,on second thought, my pawns might gain more from taking you out, I got bigger fish to fry." He turned on his heel and pushed Lady Luck, Mimic, and Carter back as he stood in front of Jordan, "You guy take care of Parker, I'll take mister "God" here."


@Pink Gorilla


Mimic turned around as did Helena and walked in Perry's direction. "Works for me." Mimic stated. As Perry was trying to put his suit on, Helena fired her gun at him.

Edge frowned, "So the moment Parker makes a run for it you decide to change dance partners?" He saw the two girls going after Perry and simply took a few steps back and rested against the wall. "Maybe I'll just watch, could use some popcorn though."

Connor exited his room fully clothed, walking back to where the others we're he could see Ivory and briefly smiled even though he was a bit angry at him, but sighed as he got closer. "What in the hell do you think your doing?" He asked, propping himself onto a stool at the counter, reaching out to grab the bottle away from him.
Pyrite muttered under his breath, "Lazy fuck, no one would notice if I 'accidentally' stab him mid-fight" He turned back to the Jordan with that DAMN SMILE still on his face, "Hey Jordan! Remember me? The one that made you helpless as I ate your friends!" He hit his head, "What am I talking about? If your anything like cooler Jordan, you don't have friends! You're a lonely fuck who sits in his mansion all day being edgy about how much power he's gonna have one day!"



Ivory hook his head and jumped back, slightly surprised at the arrival of Conner, he kept the bottle in hand, "No! It's my only friend now!"
Carter literally giggled, "Oh no. You've got him pegged, trust me. He came for a visit one day and he almost had an all out brawl with like half of the Avengers. I really tried to get that to happen." He smiled from his sideline position.

Connor growled, "So you disappear off the face of the earth after almost dying, not getting in touch with any of us while we all sit and worry. And now you show up here drunk off your ass." He opened his palm, "Give. Me. The. Bottle."
"Right...like I said, I get stuck with the crazy one who thinks he knows who I am." Jordan moved his hair out of his face "I didn't start that fight, Ivory did...not this one, the less pathetic Ivory."
Pyrite's smile wavered for a moment before rushing up to Jordan and putting the blade in his mouth, threatening to cut it, "What the FUCK did you just call me?! My name is Pyrite, get it through your fucking skull! Ivory is a weak loser"



Ivory yelled as one thought came to his head.

Smash the bottle.

He swung the bottle on instinct, acting on a base impulse. It was hard enough to hurt but not hard enough to injure or knock out. Ivory simply stood breathing heavily and crying, "YOU DON'T GET TO FUCKING JUDGE ME! YOU'RE NOT MY FRIEND!" He shook hi head, "I-I mean you are but-but......." He cradled his head and began to choke on his sobs, "I just don't know anymore."
Jordan bit down on the blade and it melted in his mouth "I agree Ivory, you ARE weak. But I guess I should call this universe's Ivory Pyrite. Cause as annoyingly whiny and self pitying as he is, he didn't turn into a bitchy annoying bad guy because of one bad day." Jordan spit the molten metal out "But what else can I expect from someone as weak and as pathetic as you....IVORY."

(I love how Jordan actually said something nice about Ivory, but then turns around and calls Pyrite Ivory because he said that Ivory was weak. Back-handed compliments for the win!)
Carter bounced his head back and forth a little, "There was that time to but that was Rogers. I was speaking of when you went to visit Hill, that was close to being a blowup, and I was there for that one." The blonde shrugged, "You say Ivory started it but I distinctly remember you egging him on to it." Unsheathing his sword he started grinding it against a part of a side table out of boredom. "You might blame Ivory for that little shindig but Rogers sure blames you." He tapped his finger against his head.

Connor recoiled at the sudden aggressive attack from Ivory, the bottle breaking over his head. Other than the cut he felt on his cheek he was fine, seriously annoyed, but fine. He opened his mouth to yell but was cut off by Ivory doing the yelling. He sighed aftewards, the kid was emotional, drunk, and Connor had no idea what he'd been through for a long time, thanks to Harry. Instead of knocking Ivory upside the head like he wanted to he simply grabbed at his shoulders in an attempt to pull him in for a hug, forcing it if need be. "I'm sorry." He said simply, it was all he could muster at this point.
"I'm sorry, I don't speak clone. It almost sounds like a language I understand but...it's just not real." Jordan said as if he were sincere and smirked at Pyrite. "Guess I should have learned that language instead of yours Ivory. Just having to hear whiny bitch annoys me"

(Oh Ivory gets drunk and its ok, Jordan has an expensive scotch and you lose your shit!)
Pyrite growled and went back three seconds, pulling his sword out before it was melted and instead settling for biting into Jordan's neck, "One day?! Man you should really stop acting like ya know me! I was like this from birth!" He stopped as he reeled a bit from a sudden nose bleed but then recovered with a headbutt.

(Sh, Pyo might hear you and then chew ME out)


Ivory shook off Conner and got up, he picked up another liquor bottle and stumbled to the cabinet before downing more, he winced and sat back down. He stayed silent for a few moments before piping up, "How do you do it Conner? Ignore the bad thoughts and not act on them?" He put a hand to his head, "I-I just don't get it, all the sudden I have these thoughts and urges that I didn't have before, and they're not ones I want to have...I'm just so scared, what if thoes thoughts are the ones that I really wanted to have, but just never heard over all the noise?" He finally looked up, "What if these thoughts are the real me?!"


Jordan took a step back and allowed himself to heal "What? A whiny bitch from birth? Man, I have to give the better Ivory more credit...he could have ended up like YOU."
"We should seriously do something about Tony's liquor stash..." Connor mumbled before following after Ivory, again he held out his hand for the bottle. "I can tell you that this isn't helping. And it's clear you aren't thinking too clearly, I mean you did just smash a bottle over my head. Do it again and I'll chain you to a pillar got it?" His tone was half sarcastic and half serious, he just didn't want another bottle broken over his head. He stood there with one arm outstretched, waiting for Ivory to give it up. "I don't know what happened to you but..." He huffed, "The bad comes with the good, everyone has them. You just have to choose which to act on, and sometimes it's not clear which side of the line they are on...."

His thoughts immediately going to the moment he wanted to kill Harry, he'd never wanted to kill anyone, ever. But he would have that night had the chance presented itself, of that he was sure. "Think about how the people you care about would react, if you made the choice. Think about what they would do if it was their choice to make. If it's one they wouldn't want then it's probably a bad one...but that's not always accurate. For instance..." He flexed his fingers in a
gimme kind of grab, "the fact that you refuse to hand over the bottle. Not making me happy." With his head cocked to the side slightly.

"These thoughts your having, you haven't had them until now for a reason right? That reason was probably a good one then. They aren't the real you, I know the real you, Ivory. The
real you saw a fake when nobody else did, the real you staged his death so that he could prove that to the others, the real you risked his life coming to Oscorp to save me when you didn't even know if I was alive." The blonde gave Ivory a smug smile, "I know the real you. Just like you knew the real me."
Dimitri and his clone sat opposite one another playing patty cake. The clapping grew faster and faster until it sounded like a roar of applause from a stadium at a sports event.
Carmen was just walking around the street until she saw a gigantic hall "Holy fuck!" she retorted then grabbed her phone. She dialed Carter number's and moved the phone up to her ear "Hello Carter?" she asked waiting for a reply, once she got one she would continued to talk "Now listen.. Is my cousin there? You know what forget it. WHY IS THERE A MASSIVE HOLE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CITY!" She yelled into the speaker then started to run nearly the speed of light. She kept the phone next to her ear "Where are you guys?" she asked "Stark Tower? Got it?" she smiled then hung up. Taking a right turn then headed towards Stark tower. She stopped and raced inside. She went to the receptionist and slammed her hands on her desk "Where...Are...The..Other...Kids?" she asked panting. The receptionist gave a strange look "Darling, you need to have some manners. Highest level" she retorted and Carmen left her, she went into highest level, hoping the elevator would go faster "Come on come on!" she yelled at the elevator. Once the elevator opened she saw Carter "Carter! What the hell is a hole doing in the MIDDLE OF THE CITY!" She yelled in rage "I nearly fell and died because there is a hole! IN THE CITY!" She kept yelling then sighed and took a deep breathe. She plopped her butt onto a nearby chair and crossed her legs "Well?" she smirked, trying to be professional
Connor felt his phone buzzing, and decided to ignore it at first....but it kept going. Maybe Ivory was drunk enough not to notice or care at the moment, or just understand. "Carmen?" He said as he put the phone to his ear confused, he hadn't heard from the girl for the last few months. "Listen can I call you back? I--" He was cut off as she continued talking, casting Ivory an apologetic glance and kept his hand out waiting for the bottle. When Carmen arrived the blonde simply pointed at Dimitri and his clone with a smile, "That what your looking for?" He wasn't sure what she was talking about with the hole in the city and hoped she was joking, that was the last thing they needed was a chunk missing out of the streets. "I have no clue why there's a hole...meteor?" He asked with a sheepish shrug, not moving from his spot in front of Ivory with no plans to for the time being.
She raised her eyebrow, is that is answer? "Yeah well? PEOPLE ARE FALLING INTO THE HOLE WITH CHILDREN IN THE CARS AND PROBABLY FALLING TO THEIR DEATHS!" She yelled for the last time, things like this bothered her "Connor, this is serious! If we don't do something there are going to be a lot of death casualties here in the city and if we don't do something~" she cut herself off then crossed her arms then looked around "Where's the other one?" she asked about the cousin "What happened?" her face expression became worried
"Carmen!" Dimitri said as he stood to greet her. "It's been a while! How is aunt Wanda?... Also, what about a giant hole?" His clone stood with him and folded his arms and looked back and forth between everyone in the group.
She smiled and hugged Dimitri "Mom's fine" she said softly "Where's the other?" she asked "Dimitri, this better not be a joke" she crossed her arm, doing a small hair toss with her crimson hair. Her dark purple hues watched him to see if he was playing a prank on her "Dimitri?" she stopped as her facial expression turned worried and scared. Her eyes filling with fear

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