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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LokiofSP said:
Ivory shook his head, "Ya know....On second thought....." Images of her and Perry flashed through his head as he pushed her away in anger, "Just go!" He then turned back over.
@Steel Zinogre
"Alright alright. Sheesh." Cindy said as she went to her room to freshen up, for the king of Atlantis is coming to visit.
Dimitri saw the clone zipping about the penthouse and clotheslined him. "Apparently he has been here. Your eyes were just too slow. Nice to meet you, not me."
"So what, he's been watching us?" Connor asked as he stepped across the room and over to the clotheslined clone, his tone growing irritated by the thought. "What's the deal, you copies hanging out together? Where's my clone?" The blonde crouched down on his haunches, he guessed the clone wasn't going to be hostile since it seemed as if he had plenty of openings to attack them. As well as the fact that if he did lash out, the real Dimitri was there and frankly Connor trusted his friend to be faster.

Edge stood quietly at his location nearby, "And people tell me I'm impatient..." He mumbled to himself.
The clone appeared to be afraid of Conner. "N-not spying! I just wanted food. That's all! I don't know where Edge is either. S-sorry."

Dimitri looked at the clone. "I think he's telling the truth."
Maybe it was the fact that the clone wore Dimitri's face and that same face was showing fear, or maybe it was the fact that he too believed the clones words to be truthful but he sighed as he stood back up. "So Harry dies and Edge takes off. And you have no idea what to do? I mean if you we're hungry you could have robbed a grocery store or something..." Not that he was condoning the act in the least but he didn't exactly put it past one of Harry's creations either.
"You want him to rob a grocery store rather than helping him?" Dimitri asked. "You have changed, buddy." He offered his hand for the clone to stand, and the clone accepted.
Connor frowned and crossed his arms over his chest at the accusation, "I didn't mean it like that. It just seemed weird for him to show up at the tower for food rather than a place that sells it is all."

"Cindy bought a bunch of groceries today for a dinner, I'm sure she wouldn't mind if he had something. I'd cook something but..." He glanced over at the kitchen, "...we all know how that would go." He didn't need others to tell him he couldn't cook, he stayed as far away as possible from making anything other than sandwiches and cereal.
Crono said:
Connor frowned and crossed his arms over his chest at the accusation, "I didn't mean it like that. It just seemed weird for him to show up at the tower for food rather than a place that sells it is all."
"Cindy bought a bunch of groceries today for a dinner, I'm sure she wouldn't mind if he had something. I'd cook something but..." He glanced over at the kitchen, "...we all know how that would go." He didn't need others to tell him he couldn't cook, he stayed as far away as possible from making anything other than sandwiches and cereal.
After copious amounts of time just finding the right dress, she heads downstairs. "Who's hungry?! I am making lunch, so talk quickly!!" She shouted as she started the oven, and looked at the clone with a smile. @Reaper @Crono
Jordan sat on a high building and let his feet dangle over the roof, things had been quiet lately and that didn't bode well to him. He sighed and looked over the city, the problem with him being who and what he was was the fact that he didn't have any real relationships. Sure he had Olivier, Tech and Emile, but they were old friends.
Edge chuckled through the comm, "Did you just..? Your really bad at this whole teamwork thing."

Connor nodded Cindy's direction, "See? You should probably keep an eye on him or something though..." The blonde said as he started to walk away. "I'm good, but thanks Cindy!" He called out, heading towards his room. Deciding it was time to atleast change out of his PJ's.

You've changed. Dimitri's words echoed through his head as he dug into a drawer. Now it was starting to bother him, and it bothered him that he was letting it bother him, they'd all changed, and Dimitri had misread his intent. Letting out a sigh as he sat on his bed with a bounce, clothes in hand. "He doesn't have a whole lot of room to talk." He mumbled and started to change clothes.
Ivory woke up, deciding his thoughts were unable to allow him to sleep. He groggily got up and began to stumble out of the room and down the hall, with any luck some of that magic juice he had seen Dimitri drink a few times, he always did say that it made it hard to think, and Ivory had already seen it a few times. He tripped over himself a few times but made it to Stark's stash, his tired mind was so focused on getting the drink, he hadn't noticed anyone at the table. He pulled out a bottle of scotch, and knocked it back, he briefly paused to gag on the taste and heat, but kept guzzling, desperate to stop thinking. He had downed about half the bottle when his mind started getting fuzzy and his legs got weak, he collapsed on a chair and simply sat there a few moments lost in his thoughts, he then simply said, "Man fuck Perry." and finished the bottle.

@Steel Zinogre
"Why can't you people go murder someone else!? I mean. It's always, 'let's go kill the CEO yay!'" Perry exclaimed and slightly jumped back, giving him room to swiftly disarm him.
Pyrite smiled and kicked Perry in the gut, taking back his sword as he kneed him in the chin, "Don't remember me cousin?" He got closer and began to stalk near Perry

"Yeah. Is this my karma for dating Cindy or somethin'?" Perry threw a wild grin at him as he held his stomach from the last blow. "As much as I'd like to bond. I gotta leave," He said and launched some smoke bombs. I keep five in a hidden compartment for things like this, He thought and ran off into the suit room.
(Technically a four on one I believe. I wasn't really going to have Carter get involved unless necessary or something. But if you want something to do. lol)

Carter smiled nonchalantly as he entered through the window Pyrite had broken, watching the two of them with a smirk and arms crossed over his chest. "I owe him a few knocks to the face. I don't particularly enjoy being hit in the face, and have a needle shoved into me."
Once arriving to the other room, Perry started rapidly pushing buttons to activate his strongest suit. It would take a while since he added extremely high extremely security measures so it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands. Producing a remote from his pocket, the four iron doors closed and turrets sprang up. It would hold them back for a little bit.
Pyrite ran after Perry a he saw the turret, taking a deep breath, he rushed forward and threw his sword at the turrets, breaking them. He then proceeded to begin to punch a hole in the wall, after making one bug enough to fit his head in he stuck it in, "You actually grew balls big enough to ask her out in this world? Man the me here must be pissed." He then opened it and steeped inside,he used his body to block the entrance, "Ya know? I fucking loved killing you in my world, so glad I get the chance to do it again."



@Pink Gorilla

"See," Edge waves a hand in the air, "this is what happens when you don't plan ahead. They scurry away and hide behind a whole lot of doors. I thought you'd like...conquered plenty of Avengers from different dimensions? And you didn't see that one coming?"
"Y'know what I don't get?" Jordan lowered himself so that he was floating in the broken window, "You idiots could have shot him, poisoned him, snuck up and slit his throat, BUT of ALL THINGS, you show up and give a villainous monologue. You people are just cliche."
"Voice recogni-" Perry quickly cut the voice off by saying. "What's up?" After a few seconds of processing, a piece of of machinery sprang up and he pressed it. A few seconds later, a tube popped up and he got ready.

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