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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"I've heard I have a clone who is batshit crazy. At least he's handsome." Dimitri said as he got his smirk back. "Please tell me you've caught Osborn by now. That piece of shit turned on both of us."
Connor shook his head lightly, "I haven't even been out of that basement for twenty-four hours yet, cut me some slack. And no, the news said he died in that radiation leak at Oscorp. Saw a few other things, Bob died to Black Fist during an attempt on Hill's life...my father was seriously injured in an attack, and the registration ended. Sounds like I missed alot." The blonde crumpled the empty paper cup in his hand before throwing it at the trashcan, and letting out a sigh as he missed.
Finn was sitting beside Ivory, watching his friend lay on the hospital bed. It was painful just sitting there, not being able to do anything. Knowing that he had woken up once just to thrash around and scream. Was he in pain? If he was in pain where was Savage? There was no way that Savage would just leave Ivory in pain like that. There was nothing left to do but wait, and hope that things would be fine in the end.
CasualDragon said:
Finn was sitting beside Ivory, watching his friend lay on the hospital bed. It was painful just sitting there, not being able to do anything. Knowing that he had woken up once just to thrash around and scream. Was he in pain? If he was in pain where was Savage? There was no way that Savage would just leave Ivory in pain like that. There was nothing left to do but wait, and hope that things would be fine in the end.
Luna and Helga return from exploring the city, and return to their master's side, and luna sniffs ivory, and whimpers out of worry as he slept. Cindy then appears, having heard the news. She then enters with a bouquet of flowers and some chocolates, as well as a get well balloon.
Ivory awoke once more. This time he was silent, simply allowing a few tears to set in as he just looked into the distance expressionless. A doctor walked in, saw Ivory was awake and did some tests to make sure he was recovered. He left for about five minutes and dragged Ivory to another room to do more tests. He simply stood there quiet the entire time, as the doctors did tests they mummer, "It's incredible...." "He should be dead...." "How did he do it? Just some nobody kid...." He heard all of this but chose not to speak, allowing himself to bend and move at their will. After awhile they signed him out, dressed him in a hoodie and jeans, and sent him on his way.

Once outside Ivory was instantly bombarded by news reporters, they broke his concentration on not speaking as his thoughts began to come back with every flash of the camera. He yelled and ran down three blocks to an alleyway, in his rush of adrenaline the suit covered him once more, and out of instinct he jumped up to a rooftop and lost the crowd. It was there the suit came off as he simply looked at his hand in shock. His lip quivered as once again he heard everything.

The good....

The bad....

The dirty.....

And for once he was completely alone to face it.

(You guys just wanna time skip?)
LokiofSP said:
Ivory awoke once more. This time he was silent, simply allowing a few tears to set in as he just looked into the distance expressionless. A doctor walked in, saw Ivory was awake and did some tests to make sure he was recovered. He left for about five minutes and dragged Ivory to another room to do more tests. He simply stood there quiet the entire time, as the doctors did tests they mummer, "It's incredible...." "He should be dead...." "How did he do it? Just some nobody kid...." He heard all of this but chose not to speak, allowing himself to bend and move at their will. After awhile they signed him out, dressed him in a hoodie and jeans, and sent him on his way.
Once outside Ivory was instantly bombarded by news reporters, they broke his concentration on not speaking as his thoughts began to come back with every flash of the camera. He yelled and ran down three blocks to an alleyway, in his rush of adrenaline the suit covered him once more, and out of instinct he jumped up to a rooftop and lost the crowd. It was there the suit came off as he simply looked at his hand in shock. His lip quivered as once again he heard everything.

The good....

The bad....

The dirty.....

And for once he was completely alone to face it.

(You guys just wanna time skip?)
(Sure. Let's do it.)
~Two weeks later?~

Connor sat in the common area of Stark Tower in his comfy plaid pajama pants, he was sitting comfortably on the sofa with his feet on the edge of the table and a laptop sat firmly on his legs. The last few weeks he'd spent trying to track down his clone, when he wasn't out actually searching for Edge or chasing down sightings he stayed in the tower either watching the feeds or scouring the web for anything that would help him, almost obsessively. It felt weird, actually living at the tower again. One without Tony or Cassie around, and two with the registration over it was no longer a place of opposition for him. Steve had actually tried to convince the boy to start staying at home with his parents again, but he'd declined. If he stayed there he could paint a target on them, look at how often the tower was attacked, if someone came looking for him they'd be in the crossfire. Steve had already been injured once while Connor was incapacitated, he wouldn't let it happen again.

With a groan he let his head rest against the back of the couch, he was getting frustrated as of late with trying to track down his look-a-like who was seemingly a ghost at this point. Momentarily staring up at the ceiling he furrowed his brow, "What are you up to...." He mumbled.
redd walked into the common area, with happiness in him, he exclaimed "YARR Avast me matey, but there be the scurvy runnin' loose in me ship!!" with his pirate voice. he then looks at connor, and chuckled. "How was that? was that good?" he asked in his normal voice as luna wakes up from her cat nap in her massive bed. Cindy walks into the front door with groceries in hand as helga helped her bring them in, seeming to be stressed and in a rush. "He will be here.... any minute....!!!" she whispered loudly as she rushed out to get more groceries from the car. "Who will be here, The president?" redd asked as cindy shook her head. "No! Namor is coming to visit me for a few days, and i do not want to make us all look bad...! So i went on a shopping spree to cook up a huge feast for us all, even my dad." she stated as the last of the groceries came in. (I hope this is good enough. I put some thought into that, and wanted to reveal some backstory on cindy.) @Crono @LokiofSP @Reaper @CasualDragon @National @The Unamed Character @sitanomoto @Drumonkey @Pyosimros
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Ivory bumped into a piece of machinery as he crawled through the window of Stark Tower, "Shit." Her muttered. He put a hand through his black hair and slapped himself to stay awake. He then headed to the computer to try to get information about Cassie's whereabouts. Finding his friend had been the only thing that he could use to keep his thoughts at bay, it took all of his mental attention when he thought about her and where she was. He hadn't slept in weeks and hadn't been in contact with anyone since that day two weeks ago.

He stumbled to the computer but fell down from exhaustion, he breathed heavily and picked himself up again hoping no one heard him.

@Steel Zinogre

Pyrite looked at Perry from a building across the street, still munching on fingers he had from lunch, "Alright this is *Crunch* squad leader. *Munch* On position over."

@Pink Gorilla
LokiofSP said:
Ivory bumped into a piece of machinery as he crawled through the window of Stark Tower, "Shit." Her muttered. He put a hand through his black hair and slapped himself to stay awake. He then headed to the computer to try to get information about Cassie's whereabouts. Finding his friend had been the only thing that he could use to keep his thoughts at bay, it took all of his mental attention when he thought about her and where she was. He hadn't slept in weeks and hadn't been in contact with anyone since that day two weeks ago.
He stumbled to the computer but fell down from exhaustion, he breathed heavily and picked himself up again hoping no one heard him.

@Steel Zinogre

Pyrite looked at Perry from a building across the street, still munching on fingers he had from lunch, "Alright this is *Crunch* squad leader. *Munch* On position over."

@Pink Gorilla
Luna heard the commotion, and noone else had heard, so she goes to check it out, but found ivory. She screeched with joy and pounced on him, licking his face happily. She then hops off of him, and looks at him with a happy look on her face.
Dimitri zipped into the room to join the rest. He had just gotten out of the hospital and was eager to be reacquainted with his friends. One question was pressing, however... "Hey guys... What did you do with my clone? Last I heard he was tied up here."
Connor had been brought out of his thoughts by Redd's sudden outburst and shook his head with a smile, "Perfect Redd, bravo." The blonde might have been teasing a little but it really hadn't been bad. Sticking the tip of a pen in his mouth as he turned back to look at the laptop screen momentarily before Cindy came in like a twister with grocery bags flying. Puckering his lips lightly he set the computer onto the table before following her out to help with bringing the groceries, he needed to get off that couch anyways. "It's all a bit sudden isn't it?" He asked her as he carried more bags inside.

Dimitri suddenly appeared and Connor looked at him with a sigh, "Uhh...he might have starved to death in the lower levels..." He was giving his friend a look of shock and forgetfulness but it was in jest.

@Steel Zinogre @Reaper

Edge rolled his eyes at the noise coming from his earpiece, "Can you chew after you've spat out the information?"

@Pink Gorilla @LokiofSP
Ivory pushed away Luna and shooed her away, he turned back to the machine but as soon as he looked at the screen he passed out and hit the ground again, he awoke five minutes later and shook his head as he tried to focus on the blurry and small screen, "Stop moving dammit...."

@Steel Zinogre


Pyrite shook his head and licked his fingers, "No can do, that last haul was to damn good! That old lady had some meat on her bones"

@Pink Gorilla
Crono said:
Connor had been brought out of his thoughts by Redd's sudden outburst and shook his head with a smile, "Perfect Redd, bravo." The blonde might have been teasing a little but it really hadn't been bad. Sticking the tip of a pen in his mouth as he turned back to look at the laptop screen momentarily before Cindy came in like a twister with grocery bags flying. Puckering his lips lightly he set the computer onto the table before following her out to help with bringing the groceries, he needed to get off that couch anyways. "It's all a bit sudden isn't it?" He asked her as he carried more bags inside.
Dimitri suddenly appeared and Connor looked at him with a sigh, "Uhh...he might have starved to death in the lower levels..." He was giving his friend a look of shock and forgetfulness but it was in jest.

@Steel Zinogre @Reaper

Edge rolled his eyes at the noise coming from his earpiece, "Can you chew after you've spat out the information?"

@Pink Gorilla @LokiofSP
"Thanks, you buccaneer." redd said with a chuckle as cindy pants, catching her breath. "You know, I cannot say no to my dad, the king of atlantis, now can i?!" she said as she started to get stressed. "He is coming to visit, so don't........ Do Anything stupid....!" she said as she ran off to freshen up. Luna whimpers and walks off, looking sad as she came out. @Crono @LokiofSP
Ivory sighs and stumbles out the door, "Fuck it..." He quietly slips out the room and into the room across the hall, he lays down on the bed not noticing Cindy was with him, he winces a bit and puts a hand to his temple before turning on his side and trying to sleep, his brow furrowed as he did so.

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Ivory sighs and stumbles out the door, "Fuck it..." He quietly slips out the room and into the room across the hall, he lays down on the bed not noticing Cindy was with him, he winces a bit and puts a hand to his temple before turning on his side and trying to sleep, his brow furrowed as he did so.
@Steel Zinogre
Cindy sighs and groans as stress eats her alive. She then noticed ivory and facepalmed. "Sorry.... Did not know you were sleeping." she said as she went to her own room and got ready for the big visit from Namor, the king of atlantis.
Ivory hears Cindy's voice and shoots up like a jet, grabbing her arm, "NO! Stay please! I'm so confused and scared and-and things make more sense when I hear your voice!" He hugs her tight, "I need to talk to someone."

@Steel Zinogre
Connor put his hands up submissively, "I'll be a good boy and you should probably tell that to some of the others." Honestly he felt like he was the last person to do anything stupid...but then again. Going back to grab what was left of the groceries, "I know she said a feast...but this is alot." He said setting down the last few bags in the kitchen and surveying the area of groceries before returning to his seat on the couch.
LokiofSP said:
Ivory hears Cindy's voice and shoots up like a jet, grabbing her arm, "NO! Stay please! I'm so confused and scared and-and things make more sense when I hear your voice!" He hugs her tight, "I need to talk to someone."
@Steel Zinogre
"O...... Oh. Really? Go ahead.... Shoot." She said as she sat on his bed willingly listening to his thoughts.
Finn walked in just in time to hear Dimitri ask about his clone. "Ahh, yeah. Um the clone. You'll have to ask Redd about that. Last time I saw him he was up close to the top where we all met up just before Ultron the second. If we're lucky he will be lying there dead." He mumbled. "Though he was pretty quick to betray Osbourn when the weight of death or serious maiming was above his head. Maybe he could still be of use to us." He looked around until he spotted Redd. "Hey buddie. What ended up happening to the clone?"
CasualDragon said:
Finn walked in just in time to hear Dimitri ask about his clone. "Ahh, yeah. Um the clone. You'll have to ask Redd about that. Last time I saw him he was up close to the top where we all met up just before Ultron the second. If we're lucky he will be lying there dead." He mumbled. "Though he was pretty quick to betray Osbourn when the weight of death or serious maiming was above his head. Maybe he could still be of use to us." He looked around until he spotted Redd. "Hey buddie. What ended up happening to the clone?"
"No idea where it went, matey." Redd said in his pirate voice. "Although, your feline friend seems troubled, maybe ya should talk to her." He said.
Ivory shook his head, "Ya know....On second thought....." Images of her and Perry flashed through his head as he pushed her away in anger, "Just go!" He then turned back over.

@Steel Zinogre

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