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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Should you be here then? Connor thought, and wanted to say, but he could tell that Redd was concerned. If it came to it he'd grab Ivory and run or just fight Hades. "For now atleast he should just rest. The doctor's said he'd be fine but moving him too soon might not be in his best interest." The blonde huffed unsure of what to do, should he get on the comm and let anyone who was listening know? Should he ask for backup? Eyes wandering over Ivory's frame and resting on the boys face before pushing the comm button. "Connor here, just uh...Ivory's in the hospital, I'm here now. Doc says he's fine but if anyone wants to visit or help keep an eye out." He paused afterwards, would anyone believe that it was him? He wasn't sure what had gone on while his clone had taken his place but if the thought occurred to him then it might to others as well.
Crono said:
Should you be here then? Connor thought, and wanted to say, but he could tell that Redd was concerned. If it came to it he'd grab Ivory and run or just fight Hades. "For now atleast he should just rest. The doctor's said he'd be fine but moving him too soon might not be in his best interest." The blonde huffed unsure of what to do, should he get on the comm and let anyone who was listening know? Should he ask for backup? Eyes wandering over Ivory's frame and resting on the boys face before pushing the comm button. "Connor here, just uh...Ivory's in the hospital, I'm here now. Doc says he's fine but if anyone wants to visit or help keep an eye out." He paused afterwards, would anyone believe that it was him? He wasn't sure what had gone on while his clone had taken his place but if the thought occurred to him then it might to others as well.
"You are right...... Shall I take you home?" Redd said as he looked at ivory, sadness filling his core. "I'm sorry ivory...... I'm sorry." He whispered as he walked out of the room.
Connor shook his head lightly with a smile, "No, I think I'll stay. But thanks anyways, Redd." He watched the bot leave, and the situation just sucked in general. Standing up he moved to the window of the hospital room and stared through it, he was going to stay here as long as he needed to. He'd just lost Dimitri and he'd be damned if he let anything happen to Ivory while he recovered. Besides, he owed him.

Carter leaned back against the sewer wall, enjoying the show.
Crono said:
Connor shook his head lightly with a smile, "No, I think I'll stay. But thanks anyways, Redd." He watched the bot leave, and the situation just sucked in general. Standing up he moved to the window of the hospital room and stared through it, he was going to stay here as long as he needed to. He'd just lost Dimitri and he'd be damned if he let anything happen to Ivory while he recovered. Besides, he owed him.

Carter leaned back against the sewer wall, enjoying the show.
Redd then headed off to the shield HQ, and and went to the tech labs, where he plugged himself in to a supercomputer. He then runs an antivirus program, where it weakened hades slightly. "No!!! I will not be denied!!" Hades shouted as a battle in his head went on between hades and redd.
(Sure probably lol) Mimic's head slanted back, but no blood came out of the wound. The skin reattached and her head tilted up. "Your loss."
Pyrite laughed again, "Oh, and sassy? A girl after my own heart." He put his sword back for now and sat cross legged, "After that display I'm rethinking my answer. So tell me doll, what qualifications do you and your friend got?"

@Pink Gorilla

"I was designed to be a perfect killing machine. Though technically I'm not even a year old, but I do have several assassinations under my belt." Mimic stated.

"I was raised as a child soldier. I have the ability to make bullets and projectiles curve away from me and make explosives ineffective. Plus, I got this big ass gun." Helena said. @LokiofSP @Crono
Pyrite whistled and grumbled, "Useful on the bright side...But on the downside I'm a pedophile.......Ah fuck it." He stood up and extended a hand, "Welcome to the whatever the fuck we're called."

@Pink Gorilla

"Well we're just a cute little family of miscreant misfit's now aren't we?" Carter said, pushing off the wall. "Who want's to take bets on who betrays who first eh?"
Pyrite pointed at Carter, "Probably you, your gonna try to kill.......Little miss luck over there and break our bond of friendship."


Mimic shook her head. "Fine, but you aren't any sort of leader. I have my own employers, we are just working together to take out targets." Mimic said.
After many hours of fighting, redd has come out victorious, and the data virus that was Hades disappears, leaving upgrades for him whenever he needs to use them. "Ivory will never be harmed by me....... Ever again". He stated proudly as he walked out of the labs, workers cheering as he emerged. @anybody
Drumonkey said:
Dru handed him a gun with a full clip. "Shoot me then, If it comes to it because that triggers my healing factor and my healing factor consumes my energy and keeps me from exploding. Lead me to him." Dru cracked his knuckles. @CasualDragon
Finn gestured up ahead. "The hazmat guys put him on a stretcher, so we'll have to get him off of it. I've got that covered." He cautiously took the gun and tucked it into his waistband before walking back over to them. "Hey umm sorry 'bout that. I'm going to have to pull my hero card, they want him to be with us." He grabbed the stretcher and slid it towards the waiting guy. "I'm sure they'll leave us alone. I'm Finn by the way, I don't think we've actually had a chance to talk yet. This is him. Do I shoot you now or later?" That was something you would never imagine that you would say until you actually said it. He heard Connor's voice come over the comm. "Connor? Hey, quick question, is there another bed in Ivory's room?"

Dru rolled up his sleeves "Call me Siphon and shoot me in a minute." Dru put his hands on his friend and began to absorb the radiation, the more he absorbed the more he bulked out going from lean to ripped in minutes and his eyes went from normal and dark to full gold and seemed to be glowing, through clenched teeth Dru said "Shoot me in the thigh." @CasualDragon
Connor smiled lightly at hearing Finn's voice over the comm as he stared out the window, it was nice to hear from him though his voice not exactly the calm tone that Connor was used to, the question was an odd one and the blonde turned around to look at the room and spare bed. He knew there was a bed but he still felt the need to look, he nodded silently to himself. "Yeah, there is actually....why?"


Carter chuckled deeply at Pyrites bet, "Personally I think it'll be you. And you'll try to kill me, you seem like the lone wolf type, so I'm guessing once I'm done being useful to you...you'll have no reason to keep me around." Grinning as he looked between the three of them.

@LokiofSP @Pink Gorilla
Luna and Helga finish exploring the city, and proceed to finding finn, having a good smell, she managed to find his scent, which led them to the hospital, where he was with Dimitri and dru. Helga recognized him and growled a happy growl, and luna screeches with glee as she walked up to Finn, and rubbed her cheek on his leg. Helga noticed the gun in Finns hand and then at finn. @Drumonkey @CasualDragon @Crono
Dimitri coughed, waking up. He looked around at some faces with familiarity, and some without. "Where am I? How long was I out?"
@Steel Zinogre @Reaper

Finn switched off the safety and shot Siphon in the thigh. It was slightly awkward, shooting somebody on demand. Usually people would ask to not be shot, not ask to be shot. The dude was looking pretty buff though, that was probably the reason why he needed to be shot. "Sorry about that man." Connor confirmed the spare bed which was a gift. He pushed on the comm again. "Okay, we're going to come up and visit Ivory. At the same time, Dimitri could use some rest." He grinned. "We found him and he's alive." Luna and Helga showed up and he rubbed Luna's head. "I'm not killing anybody, I swear." It seemed like the treatment was working because Dimitri woke up. "Hey, we're outside the Hospital. We're going to go in and visit Ivory and let you rest a bit."

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