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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

The doctor and one of his nurses walked in expecting to find a corpse, but instead found a boy that was nearly fully recovered. The doctor walked forward in shock and checked his vitals, "Astounding......He should be in a coma of sorts for two days at most." He put down the paper with wide eyes, "He should be dead....." He turned to the nurse and yelled, "GET THE NEW YORK TIMES!"

In a mere few hours the story of a miracle child and how he'd gone from certain death after an unknown indecent, to a simple few day coma at most. There were two pictures, one of Ivory with burns all over his body, barley recognizable. To him laying in the bed uncouincess, fine besides a few burns and scars

(Also @Atto

@Everyone else
Amelia and Tanya walked in the room. "Alice is shy, Jamie isn't easily trusting and Liona is naturally cold." Amelia said.

"Fuck you." Liona replied.


Mimic and Helena walked down the street. Helena stopped and turned around. "I feel strong presences in the sewer."

"Well let's go visit." Mimic responded. They both entered the sewer and began looking around. @does peeps in da sewer @LucianGrey7971
Connor stood at a crosswalk patiently waiting when he received a tap on his shoulder. Turning to see an elderly woman looking at him with a smile he returned it and lowered his hood respectfully. "Sorry to bother you, but I wanted to express my condolences." She told him, his first thought was that word of Dimitri's death had gotten out or maybe she was reading his mind. "I saw the attack myself. The child didn't stand a chance against that red machine...the poor dear." Connor gave her a look of confusion before she continued, "I overheard the paramedics talking as they we're loading him in. They spoke as if he was gone already, so I wanted to offer my sympathies. I've seen you around a few times Connor, your father as well back in his day. You two do this city a great service."

The blonde wanted to thank her but he was having a hard time figuring out exactly what she meant. "Thankyou, and I'm sorry to interrupt but do you know which hospital they took him to." The woman seemed surprised by his question, and in understanding she pointed him in the right direction. If someone had been that badly hurt he should find out more. Connor sprinted down the sidewalk, dodging through the crowds, the hospital was only a few blocks from his current location. In reception he showed his shield to get by the whole
family only business, perks with being well-known. He'd asked for the room of a recent burn victim and at first she had a hard time locating it. "Oh! The miracle boy." She perked up and Connor cocked his head to the side. "Miracle boy?"
"And her? At least the others said words to me" Jordan said

(Jordan: oh come one! HE heals from wounds and its a miracle, when *I* do it it's just everday stuff!)
(Oh yeah, I forgot.)

Pyrite put a hand up to stop Carter, "We're not alone." Looking around and forward he saw Mimic and her associate (I refuse to call her Fortune) he wolf whistled and said, "Man you two look delicious, not in the way ya think though.... Who am I kidding, in both ways"


@Pink Gorilla
Carter paused in his steps, turning to look the same direction as Pyrite. Eyeing the two girls with suspicion, "Wait. I know you." He started, looking at Mimic, "You we're at Oscorp. Tried to take off with Rogers in tow if I'm not mistaken."
(Call her Lady Luck, or your majesty, either one.) "Well, you're not gonna get a taste." Mimic stated. She bowed at Carter. "You know my work." she said sarcastically. she sttid back up. "So these are the strong presences?" She asked Helena.

"Yes they are." She looked over Carter. "Though on is not an original," she looked over at Pyrite. "And the other a mirror."

Jamie reluctantly signed back accepting his apology. "So why do you need Boss?" Amelia asked. @LokiofSP @Crono @LucianGrey7971
"Someone needs to know what I am, someone outside of my group of friends, and while telepathy would be the fastest way to help understand and solidify what I have to say, plus unless it was someone who I could at least halfway trust and has a strong mind, it could end up going badly...but it is a mute point, I don't know any telepaths" he shrugged and leaned against a desk
"You realize that I was off saving another one of your group, I don't have any contacts that would tell me things like that, other than Tech and at that point she was just in the wind being Tech, and I don't know you. In fact, my first time knowing about something named Hollow is when I killed it, well as far as I'm concerned I killed it." he said without being harsh or dry, he was just stating why he didn't know. "I'm not gonna tell you to do anything you don't want."
Dimitri, groggy as he was, looked at Finn as he carried him away. "Eyyy green... Machine.... We need to look out buddy.... Thanos is coming and he.... Probably works out...."
Reaper said:
Dimitri, groggy as he was, looked at Finn as he carried him away. "Eyyy green... Machine.... We need to look out buddy.... Thanos is coming and he.... Probably works out...."
"Thanos? If he's coming we need a few more treadclimbers. Some of us look pretty out of shape." He joked. Thanos? They would need to get more information about that but now was not the time, now was time to get Dimitri to the closest hospital. Outside of the building the light was almost blinding. It had felt like years down in that basement. The nearest hospital wasn't all that far from Oscorp and soon enough he was wheezing outside of it. He anxiously tapped his knuckles against the window, drawing the attention of the receptionist. She came over but he gestured for her to stay inside. "We've been exposed to radiation." He yelled through the glass. "Help him!" She hurried off and moments later hazmat guys had shown up, carrying Dimitri Finn followed them.
Dru was walking down a street whistling to himself his hands in his pocket, he was thinking how nice of a night it was and how glad he wasn't in any crazy situation then he saw Hazmat guys and heard one of them say radiation "Hey wait I can absorb radiation if that helps?" Dru picked up pace and jogged towards the group as they were getting taken away. @CasualDragon
Helena laughed. "Maybe where you were from, but you don't belong here. But that doesn't matter, what does matter is what are your plans?" Helena asked. Mimic began walking back and forth in front of them.

"Yeah, what is the clone of the great Star Spangled Kid and freak that looks like Ivory doing here?" She asked.
(It's funny how all this crap's happening while Terry and Sorin're eating Asian food xD )

Perry tried to stay low profile on the streets but he couldn't. Nearly everyone in the city knew who he was. He needed to stay on the rooftops so he swung up onto a nearby apartment building. "Sir, did you hear about what happened to your relative Ivory?" One of his employees asked. "Nope, was he partying without me or something?" He joked as he ran across the rooftops. There was a short pause until there was an answer. "He was found with severe burns across his body. He's in the hospital right now," The scientist said and Perry immediately started to switch course. I'm never here for things like this! He thought as the hospital came to view.
Carter gave a low growl, "My, my, we have quite the mouth don't we?" He wasn't a fan of being called a clone, but the way she'd said it got his skin burning. "What's it to you what our plans are?" Even though Pyrite had already said his...very original by the way. "We're down here because we choose to be, the real question is what are the two of you doing tracking us?"

Connor was lead to Ivory's room, peeking through the glass in the door as a doctor was talking he spotted Ivory laying in the bed. As if the doctor saw the question written all over his face he cleared his throat to get Connor's attention, "He'll be fine. he's just going to be out of it for a few days." Connor responded with a nod. "You can go in if you'd like." The doctor stated. The blonde was about to protest when some commotion back towards the lobby pulled the doctor away. Connor opened the door and moved into the room slowly, he knew the boy was out and wouldn't wake from noise but it still looked like he was only asleep. Sitting down in the chair by the bed he kept his eyes on Ivory, it was odd seeing him this way. He'd seen the boy beaten, bruised, burned, and broken but he'd always been conscious and still trying to fight.

There was no outward appearance of fighting on his face but Connor knew he'd been fighting for his life on the inside. "They're calling you the miracle kid." He chuckled, talking in a quiet tone, a little emotional from the days events "How'd you go from saving me at Oscorp to a hospital bed?" He guessed Ivory couldn't hear him, or maybe he could, but he didn't expect answers. He was talking just to talk, to break the silence, to let Ivory know he wasn't alone. Connor planned to stay here for now, if word got out that an Avenger was in the hospital there was no telling who'd come running to try and finish him off. "Maybe we should get you transferred to a Shield facility."
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Tanya rolled her eyes. "Now that long winded answer is done, whaddya need?"

"We are here to see if you would get in our way or if we can help each other. And I do believe we can. I need a few people dead and so does Lady Luck." Mimic stated. @LucianGrey7971 @LokiofSP @Crono
Pyrite laughed, "I dunno if ya knew this doll, but I'm sorta in all this for the killing and consumption of bodies.... All of them. The only reason Wonderlad over here is sticking around is because I like him, I DON'T like you." His eyes went up and down their bodies as he grew a malicious smile, "At least, not in the same way."

@Pink Gorilla


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