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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Is that a reference? Not that up to date with your generation," Emily said and regained her footing. By the way he took her blow, she could tell just attacking wouldn't do anything. Instead, she feigned a punch and tapped his neck, though she knew the intensity of her paralyzing touch would depend on how strong he was.
Pyrite laughed at the touch as he lost feeling in his lower half, "NO WAY! I LITERALLY JUST GOT THE SAME POWER!" He grabbed Emily and returned the favor with his own paralyzing touch, "Gotta say though, things hurt allot more in this universe than in others, you guys are tough."

@Steel Zinogre
Carter grew bored with the tower, hearing some more fighting from the way he came he decided to return to the floor they'd dropped in from. "Well well. You sure have a way with the ladies." Edge smiled, crossing his arms over his chest.
"For fuck's sake. I spent two whole weeks creating that power!" Emily shouted in disappointment. While everyone else gets their powers in a flash she has a spend time researching and creating. Netherless, part of her body was frozen for the time being.

(First character of mine to loudly drop the F bomb :o )
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite laughed at the touch as he lost feeling in his lower half, "NO WAY! I LITERALLY JUST GOT THE SAME POWER!" He grabbed Emily and returned the favor with his own paralyzing touch, "Gotta say though, things hurt allot more in this universe than in others, you guys are tough."
@Steel Zinogre
"Keep running! I will try to reg...!" Redd shouted as hades shut him up. "You will die ivory! And redd and Howie will not save you!!" Hades shouted.
Mimic looked around to see Perry gone and she yelled in frustration. She went down into the lobby again and stopped. "If you are going to keep running away, I'll just bring you guys to me." She pulled out her guns and began firing at people in the lobby.
Pyrite flashed a smile at Carter and began to slowly stand up and make his way towards Emily, "Oh you have no idea...."

@Steel Zinogre
"I'm totally getting a secret identity again from some guy with magical powers," Perry muttered. Ever since he revealed himself it just gave him a large target of his back and all of his employees. Rushing in now to help would be suicide and she would end up killing the same amount of civilians and accessing the special suit would probably make him pass out mid-fight.

"Why are you so creepy!?" Emily exclaimed and she finally broke out of the frozen state. And what'd I get myself into?
Carter's eye twitched as he stumbled forwards gently at being bumped into, "Someone's got a big fucking mouth don't they!?" He growled turning around, nearly pulling out his sword and killing her right then and there, but instead smiled at the sight. "I know you. You we're at the funeral...for dear old Bob. May he rot in purgatory for his idiocy." He rocked onto one hip and started in a mocking tone, "If there was a bigger idiot than Connor it was certainly Bob. I mean...becoming an Avenger without even the slightest of powers or enhancements. Atleast Rogers has a Shield, that's something I suppose, something Bob should have had the moment Black Fist punched a hole through his chest." The blonde grinned, "And here we have Bobbies little sister I believe. Tell me, are we as stupid as Bob?"
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite flashed a smile at Carter and began to slowly stand up and make his way towards Emily, "Oh you have no idea...."
@Steel Zinogre
Redd took control of his mind, and spoke. "I'm..... Sorry ivory." He said as hades growled at redd. "Shut up you pussy!!" He shouted as he roasted ivory, to where he thinks his victim was dead, but redd made sure that his symbiote still remained to save him.
Fortune was quiet and simply jumped onto Carter with rage as she pushed her fingers into his eyes in attempt to pop them, "YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT MY BROTHER, FUCK YOU!!"

Carter was laughing, riling someone up was always fun, pushing buttons. The blonde simply grabbed at her arms as they hit the ground to keep them from his eyes, "Sorry, I can only think about how Connor truly feels about the guy. I mean he helped him out a few times, wanted to be friends, Rogers just found him annoying. Kinda sad really. The question is..." Carter raised his foot up against her and kicked her off. Standing up with a smirk, "I can tell you who killed your brother. From what I can tell the Avengers and Shield are actually protecting the guy now, he stands among them, forgiven for everything he's done. Sounds like Bob's just the dead and forgotten Avenger, and his killer took his place. So, how about it? Is the little sister up for some revenge?"
Ivory put his hands up to attempt to block the oncoming fire as parts of the suit sprang up to protect himself, he yelled out, "NO, DAMMIT NO!" His mind flashed quickly as the suit soon retreated inwards and he was left with his own body to block the fire as long as he could. Tears began to streak down his face as he began to wonder why. WHY?! All he had ever wanted to do was help people, and all he got for it was pain and suffering. Anytime he had wanted to give in and quit, he kept trekking on, for his friends, his family, new and old, but yet life kept throwing shit at him.

Why couldn't he just be happy?

He began to lose vision as his heart began to slow, someone on the street had seen what was going on and sirens could already be heard in the distance. His last thoughts were of the promises he now left unfinished, the friends he was now leaving, and all the unfinished things he left, he began to worry.

But then he saw her.

His mother. Not his TRUE mother, but she had had an equal part in raising him and loved her the same. A hand was outstretched as she smiled and readjusted her glasses as she used to do when he was a child, he then was back in his old house, before all of this craziness in his life had happened, back when it was just him, his mom and dad, and Savage. He was once again a child, curled up in his mother's lap as she stroked the hair on his head, he was on the verge of sleep like he used to be as she spoke, "See? Just like I said, you did something great. This is your reward now Ivory, we have much to talk about..."

Ivory gave one last smile before passing out on the ground, third degree burns all over his body, paramedics arrived just as Redd left, they brought him to the hospital, were he rested. The results were clear, all they could really do was keep his death at bay, not prevent it.

@Steel Zinogre
Fortune put her hands to her ears and yelled, "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" She headbutted Carter and sweeped out his legs, "NONE OF YOU HAS THE RIGHT TO TALK OF HIM, YOU NEVER TRULY KNEW HIM! MY BROTHER WAS A HERO! A MAN WHO DESERVED HAPPINESS, A FAMILY, LOVE AND APPRECIATION!" Her knees buckled as she realized something, "And now he'll never get it....Ever......."


(What? I have plans, trust me @Pink Gorilla)
LokiofSP said:
Ivory put his hands up to attempt to block the oncoming fire as parts of the suit sprang up to protect himself, he yelled out, "NO, DAMMIT NO!" His mind flashed quickly as the suit soon retreated inwards and he was left with his own body to block the fire as long as he could. Tears began to streak down his face as he began to wonder why. WHY?! All he had ever wanted to do was help people, and all he got for it was pain and suffering. Anytime he had wanted to give in and quit, he kept trekking on, for his friends, his family, new and old, but yet life kept throwing shit at him.
Why couldn't he just be happy?

He began to lose vision as his heart began to slow, someone on the street had seen what was going on and sirens could already be heard in the distance. His last thoughts were of the promises he now left unfinished, the friends he was now leaving, and all the unfinished things he left, he began to worry.

But then he saw her.

His mother. Not his TRUE mother, but she had had an equal part in raising him and loved her the same. A hand was outstretched as she smiled and readjusted her glasses as she used to do when he was a child, he then was back in his old house, before all of this craziness in his life had happened, back when it was just him, his mom and dad, and Savage. He was once again a child, curled up in his mother's lap as she stroked the hair on his head, he was on the verge of sleep like he used to be as she spoke, "See? Just like I said, you did something great. This is your reward now Ivory, we have much to talk about..."

Ivory gave one last smile before passing out on the ground, third degree burns all over his body, paramedics arrived just as Redd left, they brought him to the hospital, were he rested. The results were clear, all they could really do was keep his death at bay, not prevent it.

@Steel Zinogre
After the ordeal, redd felt deep grief and sadness for what had happened. "We did it!! His did it feel?" Hades asked him as redd angrily growled. "I did not want to do it....... We were friends...." He said as hades laughed. "Friends? You pansy." He said as redd growled. "At least I am not a murdering dumbass who kills people out of spite!" Redd retorted, with not reply from hades, which hit him hard, since it was true, he murdered out of anger and hatred, and did it to ivory. "What have I done.....?" Hades asked himself as Howard took over. "You murdered a friend, and Redd's bestie, as they call it." Howard said.
Helena walked down the street with her gun slung around her shoulder. Several people ran out of her way and eventually the police arrived. They yelled at her to freeze, but she kept walking towards them. They opened fire and all the bullets flew away from her. Helena cocked her head and gave them a dark look. "Today is another bad day." She stated.

Helena pulled her gun up and fired at the police. The cars blew up and the police flew everywhere.
Dimitri groaned as he became weaker. "I don't... Know..."

The clone yelled "I told you! Basement level 24! Wait.... You're talking to him?!?!" He seemed as surprised as the rest.

After being picked up and flung across her room, hitting her head pretty roughly against the wall forcing her unconscious.

  • Neon Spectrum

    He looked at the male and smiled "I can't believe its free either, these comic-cons always seem to amaze." He chuckled and placed a piece of sushi in his mouth, "Mmm... Oh yeah... That hits the spot, for sure."
"Yah," Terry nodded and he hugged his backpack tightly. Ever since he gave away his identity he realized at least one person would steal his back and his helmet. Which either creates a supervillain or a really bad hero.

"Someone's pissed," Emily whispered to herself and she watched the scene unfold. It seemed like Pyrite was doing that as well since he didn't start attacking again. Looking over to her right, she saw the girl who was getting attacking earlier. It was time to ditch. Grabbing her quickly, she ran over to the edge of the window crash and turned around. "Goodbye freaks!" She gave them a salute and jumped.

Perry muttered a few more commands and protective bubbles started appearing on all the employees. Good thing some of my guys are paranoid.
Pyrite laughed, "Where ya think yer goin?" He picked up his sword as the hourglass on it began to spin, time was sent back about three seconds, which gave him a chance to grab her by the neck before she jumped.He grabbed her by the neck, "Come on doll, don't go yet, we just started talki-" He was interrupted by a nose bleed from the exposure to magic ability on his body, he winced, "Gotta be more careful."

Now's my chance! Emily thought and placed a device on his back. "Don't follow me again!" She shouted and kicked him off as he loosened his grip from the nose bleed. Pushing a button, the device started shooting smoke at a rapid rate to allow her to escape for a good few seconds. Internship in Alchemax really does pay off! And dad just said they were pure evil, She smiled and turned on her glider.
Pyrite growled, "Fucking bitch." He turned back to Carter as the smoke began to rise, "Hey "Edgy" come on, stop playing with your toy, now's our chance to leave."


After making it a safe distance away Emily set Samantha down on a building.. It seemed like she took a pretty hard blow when she was thrown into the wall. If this was 2119 cops with their hovercrafts would be all over this, She sighed.
Carter took the headbutt head on and jumped the leg sweep, listening to the girl babble. "And it's all Kelai's fault." He said with a wink before turning back to Pyrite. "Leave? But we haven't even seen an Avenger yet." It was almost a pout, but at the same time if they'd come to make a point as well as give off an impression, would these girls they'd run into do the job?

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