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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

The blonde meagerly resisted her grip, but eventually let hit happen unhappily. "I would've been fine..." Connor's brow raised in light surprise when she spoke, "That long huh? Childhood friends." The thought made him think of his own...Cassie, Finn, and Dimitri. It was just him and Finn left now. He should probably work on getting a comm, his suit, and figure out what the hell has been going. Again he found himself not up to date, just like when he went to Siberia after Alex. "I should atleast know your name to thank you properly." He pushed down his pant sleeve and stood, his leg feeling like nothing had happened, a bit of guilt seeing her own leg bandaged.

Carter waved the air, "Do what you will. I'm more interested in knowing who else is around. The place seems a bit too empty." Edge turned on his heel and started down the hallway curiously. This was meant to be a message but if no one was around to hear it except this...random girl then what was the point.

@Atto @LucianGrey7971 @LokiofSP
Pyrite chuckled, "Don't wait to long, I'll be right there." He turned back to Samantha, "So you gonna talk, or should I just eat ya now?"

@Atto (Yeah, I know, Pyrite's just fucked up....Also he is literally an alternate version of the guy who brought her tower and looks JUST like him. Just thought I'd tell you in case you didn't know.)

The boy in the room smashed the door with a fireball and stumbled out, collapsing from the radiation poisoning the building. From his tattered clothing he pulled an earpiece from his pocket, that Harry had missed or didn't care about when he searched him. He put it in his ear and spoke as best he could. "Mercury here.... Osborn tower.... Help."
"Olivier" She bowed slightly "Jordan isn't a bad person...he...his mind operates on a different plane of understanding than most humans after his...he truly does do everything for the greater good" she said calmly.
Emily looked up to see a crashed window in what people here call Stark Tower. Letting her enhanced vision take over, her vision soon zoomed so the window came at full view. There were two guys, and a girl. Probably an employee getting mugged or something. Turning off her music, she placed her headphones around her neck and looks at the front entrance of the building. I won't have clearance to go up to that level and I'm not fighting my way up. So if I... She ran up to the building and looked up. I could run up, She decided and started to run up the building. Halfway, she was on the verge of puking. "Oh god this sucks," She held one hand on her mouth and kept moving up.
Mimic dodged the poison and went for a round house kick. She laughed sadistically while doing so, reveling knowing that was gonna hurt like a bitch. (You know, I am feeling in the villain kind of mood and I feel like this rp needs more villains > :D )
LucianGrey7971 said:
"Olivier" She bowed slightly "Jordan isn't a bad person...he...his mind operates on a different plane of understanding than most humans after his...he truly does do everything for the greater good" she said calmly.
Connor nodded, "Thanks Olivier." Then he shook his head with a smile, "I don't think he's a bad person, never have really....I do think he can go too far sometimes. But the innocents he killed? Saying that it was for the greater good and that more would have died had he not done what he did...That's something I have a hard time understanding. And...not to sound like an ass or anything but if what you say is true, that his mind works on some greater level, then I think he could have found a way to avoid those casualties."

The blonde shrugged, "I don't mean to be in someone's home and talk about them though that's not really my thing. I feel out of place as it is." It was true, he did feel a little out of place, but that wasn't all. Something felt
off and he was in a constant state of being uncomfortable, he was putting it off as something to do with today's events and news but in the back of his mind he couldn't help but wonder. Did Harry do anything to me while I was in that pod? Not that he felt all that different overall.
The kick hit Perry hard, winding him. Falling to the floor, a spark of electricity filled the air and he turned visible again. Muttering a voice command, spider-bots started filling the room to help in the battle.

"Hey!" Emily shouted as she lazily climbed her last step onto the floor of where the two men and the woman were. "Let her..." She couldn't take it anymore. Running to the trashcan near her, she quickly crouched down and vomited. "Let her go!" She pointed as them and she slowly made her way up.
Helga grew bored and walked out of the lab, and decided to explore the city. She eventually saw Emily and three other people being yelled at by her. Helga goes in for a closer look, and growled as she saw the two men on one girl (not in a dirty way.) @LokiofSP @Pyosimros @anyonelse
Pyrite turned to the newcomers and back to Samantha, "Can you believe these people, how rude.Just as we were getting to dinner." he threw Samantha to the side and took out his sword, "This is all a big misunderstanding, I was giving her fencing lessons, I had won and was helping her up.....If you belive that...... You don't? Okay." He rushed forward and attempted to thrust his sword into Emily.

@Steel Zinogre


Helga growled, and squinted as the slime on her body turned yellow. She roared with rage as she witnessed pyrite's sinful deed. After taking the body to the lab, he heads off into the city, seeing ivory in the streets of the concrete jungle. @Pyosimros @LokiofSP
"Swords? I mean I know this isn't 2119 but still come on now!" Emily said and she dodged the sword blow. She thought that the only swords in production were for cosplay purposes and even then they were all blunted. But that was probably just in the future. Spinning to the left, she quickly ran to generate an accelerated decoy and kicked him from behind.
Reaper said:
The boy in the room smashed the door with a fireball and stumbled out, collapsing from the radiation poisoning the building. From his tattered clothing he pulled an earpiece from his pocket, that Harry had missed or didn't care about when he searched him. He put it in his ear and spoke as best he could. "Mercury here.... Osborn tower.... Help."
No way. There was no stopping him now. Finn ignored them trying to talk him out of it and bolted from Stark Tower. He flipped on his comm quickly, not entirely sure what to say. "Dimitri? Buddy, I'm on my way. Where are you exactly in there?" He sprinted down the city streets, pushing through crowds and cutting in front of cars. He was alive, that was all that mattered.
Pyrite stared confused at the decoy for a few moments before laughing, "Oh! I get it, accelerated decoy!" He kicked behind him and hit Emily, he bent down to get closer, "Yeah, sorry girly but I've killed at LEAST three people that could do that trick, you're not special or new."


Ivory breathed heavily as he struggled to lift one foot in front of the other, he was trying to go to Jordan's mansion but was just so damn tired, he was only about a block or two away when he spotted Redd, he lifted his head and smiled, but due to how thirsty he was, his voice came out a bit raspy, "Hey Redd, is something the matter?"

@Steel Zinogre
"That just hurts my feelings. You creepy ol' asshole!" Emily said as she was getting into a position on the ground to strike. Pushing herself upwards, she drilled her feet into his neck.
Mimic began fighting of all of the spider bots that began attacking her. She destroyed them with ease. (Whose place should I destroy with Fortune?)
While she was distracted by the spider-bots, Perry realized how unprepared and the strength she had to kill him. Because of this he pushed other button shooting him into the floor. "Cya!"
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite stared confused at the decoy for a few moments before laughing, "Oh! I get it, accelerated decoy!" He kicked behind him and hit Emily, he bent down to get closer, "Yeah, sorry girly but I've killed at LEAST three people that could do that trick, you're not special or new."

Ivory breathed heavily as he struggled to lift one foot in front of the other, he was trying to go to Jordan's mansion but was just so damn tired, he was only about a block or two away when he spotted Redd, he lifted his head and smiled, but due to how thirsty he was, his voice came out a bit raspy, "Hey Redd, is something the matter?"

@Steel Zinogre
"No.... But I...." He was cut off as his eyes turn red. "Hello ivory, miss me?" Hades said as redd regained control. "You need to run...... Hades will not stop until you are..." He said as hades shouted. "Shut up!" Hades looked at ivory. "This time, it is the time I finish you." He said with a chuckle, redd and Howard fighting to regain control for the main brain, redd.

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