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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Samantha Walker

Amazed by the sight of the tower "I... T-Thank you..." she heard his directions before he vanished. Stepping forward into the building and doing as he instructed. Upon opening the door to her now 'borrowed' room, she looked around in awe upon the new room. Never had she been spoiled so the high-dollar furniture and appliances took away her breath. Slowly walking through the room before she found the bed. Falling face first on the soft mattress, almost falling asleep as soon as her head made contact with the pillow-

  • Sorin Maximoff

    Having a rather large crowd around him as he continued to draw different game characters like Link, Mario, Sonic, Mega-man. Character after character and each one interacting with one another. People eventually began placing small tips into a jar he'd placed out. This was his job and normally he'd make 40-50 dollars a day.

    After a long day at the fair he'd help clean up and lower tents as though he were a normal person in a normal communitie. This was indeed the life, Why would he trade it for anything else?

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Reaper said:
The clone shrugged. "Well you know.... I tried to kill you before I got to know you! That's awful presumptuous of me. I'm deeply sorry about that."
LokiofSP said:
Fortune cracked her knuckles and walked forward up to the clone. She then simply stood in front of him for a moment before picking up her head off her body and setting it next to him. Her body then leaned against the wall while her head asked, "I don't wanna have to hurt you, but I will if I have to. Scratch that actually, I'll just hurt you, ya fuck." She bit him right on the eye.
Finn raised his eyebrow. "What game are you playing?" He asked cautiously. What game was the clone playing? Was he going to try the emotions tactic? Finn crossed his arms and shifted his weight, waiting to see what would happen. Fortune pulling her head off was not expected. He would have been shocked if he weren't in the presence of a speed demon avatar, and two awesome creatures. He did look at her detached head in surprise however. You don't see someone pull their head off everyday.
"Bye," Flash gave a short wave but everyone was gone already. That went better then expected, He thought and he walked away.

School was finished and Terry didn't feel like being a superhero today. With his Nova helmet in his backpack, he whistled a tune and went over to the tents. They usually had some cool stuff there. Though it looks like they were packing up already so he'd might as well see what's left. Walking through everyone who was packing, he saw something that looked pretty cool. "Nice pictures!" He said over to Sorin with a smile.
The clone yelled and shook the head off. "Owwww! Freak! Get off me!" He looked up at Finn. "I'm not playing a game. I'm being cooperative, aren't I? I answered all of your questions and I didn't kill any of you!"
Reaper said:
The clone yelled and shook the head off. "Owwww! Freak! Get off me!" He looked up at Finn. "I'm not playing a game. I'm being cooperative, aren't I? I answered all of your questions and I didn't kill any of you!"
Luna growled as the clone screamed, and cut the clone free as she backed him into a wall, and growled again, warning him not to flee. Helga and luna pin him down lightly, but hard enough to allow no escape. @Reaper @CasualDragon @LokiofSP
(Damn dude, you're alive?! Anyways, basic rundown. Registration ended and then there was the reveal that the Conner we knew for the past 100 odd pages (Captain America's kid) was a clone. Then this lead to a plot line of a team v team scenario where people were trying to find the real Conner, they did and one of the other people assisting the clone and his creator are being interrogated. Meanwhile a possibly world ending (He's not THAT bad, just bad enough) has come in.)

(Well ok then. Also yeah, I'm alive (last time I checked. Wait... Yeah, phew), I just went on holiday for a couple weeks. Without WiFi. Because my parents are jerks and want me to spend time with them. They probably have a point. Is it sad that every so often I'd just be worrying about how many pages I'd have to catch up on when I was on holiday? It was like 250 by the way. Jeez guys. Wow.)

(Now I just need to worry about reintroducing Featherweight... I mean Wing! Goddamit!)
"Thank you." He said, smiling to Luna. "That wasn't comfortable. Now if only your human friends were as nice as you. So what are you guys going to do with me?"
Reaper said:
"Thank you." He said, smiling to Luna. "That wasn't comfortable. Now if only your human friends were as nice as you. So what are you guys going to do with me?"
"It seems the creatures are far more understanding of his plight than you all are." Redd, as Howard Stark said as he cane into the lab. "Spare this one, for he could be of use to us. Like say, getting to the creator of the clones." He suggested. "That is a far better option than needlessly killing him."
Reaper said:
The clone yelled and shook the head off. "Owwww! Freak! Get off me!" He looked up at Finn. "I'm not playing a game. I'm being cooperative, aren't I? I answered all of your questions and I didn't kill any of you!"
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"It seems the creatures are far more understanding of his plight than you all are." Redd, as Howard Stark said as he cane into the lab. "Spare this one, for he could be of use to us. Like say, getting to the creator of the clones." He suggested. "That is a far better option than needlessly killing him."

He shrugged. "True. We're all in one piece which is good. But how do I know if I can trust you? Oh wait, I don't and won't most likely." He turned to face Redd when he came in. "If you think you have an idea as to what to do with him than be my guest." Cracking his knuckles Finn glared at the clone. "I'm going to ask one last time before I leave you in Redd's hands, do you know where Dimitri is?"
"Okay okay! He is in the lower levels of oscorp tower! But he is dead! Go find his body if you want, but hurting me won't bring him back." The clone said.
Reaper said:
"Okay okay! He is in the lower levels of oscorp tower! But he is dead! Go find his body if you want, but hurting me won't bring him back." The clone said.
Luna and Helga let the clone go, and redd looked at Finn. "Maybe we should have him takes us to the body. I trust him, but I want to confirm it before you do something irrational, and violent at that." Howard said as he looked at the Clone. "If I take you in my hands, will you show me the body? You have my trust, but the others.... Not so much." He said again. @Reaper @CasualDragon @LokiofSP
The clone looked at a TV behind the group and motioned to it. "One problem. Harry osbourn died. The building is filled with lethal radiation. How the hell are we going to get into that??"
Reaper said:
The clone looked at a TV behind the group and motioned to it. "One problem. Harry osbourn died. The building is filled with lethal radiation. How the hell are we going to get into that??"
"This robotic body of mine us extremely resilient, being made out of chromium, which is the second strongest metal in the world, behind vibranium. Just tell me what to do and I will do it while you watch via cameras." Howard stated. "And we are have immunity to radiation, since we are in a robotic body." He said, referring to redd, himself, and hades.
"Fine. Basement level 25. Get to steppin, robocop." He said, squirming.

Alexander popped his gum and looked up at stark tower. After all this time, maybe he would finally make his move.
Pyrite breathed in deep at the smell of the city air and turned to Carter as they faced across the street from Stark Tower, "Now remember, we get in, we scare em, we leave. We only want them to think we're smaller in numbers than we are, maybe take down a few of em. Remember that it's better to have them underprepared than have them be caught by surprise."

The blonde sat idly on one of the venting systems, hands propped on his sword with the tip pushed into the building below. "I don't get why we don't just kill them off one by one when they are alone..." Carter grumbled, "But!" He slipped off the vent with a smile, "Your plan does sound more fun."

Remains asleep.

  • Neon Spectrum

    As he continued to draw in his unique style, people cheering and throwing tips in the jar; He just barely realized the male who actually spoke to him. Smiling in reaction to the male "Thanks. It took me forever to get this good, however, the practice has it's rewards." he chuckled softly and finished his last drawings of Mega-Man. "Alright everyone, Enjoy the art before it disappears." he slowly took a bow and began to walk past everyone making a bee-line to one of the oriental food tents-



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Olivier prepared the bandages and sat them next to her leg and touched Connor's injured one and his leg started to heal, but her leg started to show the same damage that was being removed from Connor's leg

Eventually, her small eyes opened. Sitting up quickly in shock, 'Where am- Oh... Right..' quickly the memories of yesterday's events flooded her mind making her hug the pillow on the bed tightly as a tear ran down her cheek "I miss you so much..." with a sniffle; she forced herself to sit up while wiping her eye's of the tears, 'I wonder' Her bare feet pressed against the icy floor as she stood and walked from the room and made her way to the kitchen.

As the brave little soldier explored the apartment in search for food in nothing but a long gray nightie that only went to her thigh and a pair of white cotton panties. Bent over searching through the fridge for something yummy, She was currently satisfied due to the position she was in. It's been so long since she was able to walk around the house with no pants, "A-HA!" She pulled out of the fridge with an apple in her mouth gripped with her teeth and a vanilla pudding. Smiling as she made her way to the living room and turned on the television and watched '
Tom & Jerry' Enjoying her 'breakfast'


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/936full-tom-and-jerry.jpg.59ca6007f2176e724afbe6dd7c0f1d58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65625" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/936full-tom-and-jerry.jpg.59ca6007f2176e724afbe6dd7c0f1d58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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  • Neon Spectrum

    "You are welcome to come join me.. Foods on me." he made his way past the tents having a better place in mind. He wanted to go to an oriental buffet, 'Gods it's been so long' he walked slowly at first in case the male wanted to follow for a good meal.



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