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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Samantha Walker

Samantha looked at the male who'd addressed her as soon as she began walking away from her old home. Hearing his question she smirked, "Unless you have a couple hundred dollars to buy me a house of a place to stay and you're not going to sell me out like a sex toy like my step-father just tried to do then no... You cannot help me."

She didn't mean to sound rude, but she was angry, almost furious at her step-father. She didn't mean to take her anger out on the male who offered help, however, she was so fed up with he hell her step-father put her through. After all, he was the cause her mother ended her own life. She was done. Exhaling deep she looked at the male and exhaled "I'm sorry... I've just had a hella day... and my step-dick trying to sell me out like his personal prostitute is where I'm drawing the line."

  • Sorin Maximoff

    After zipping away from the police, Sorin found himself sitting on the edge of a bridge throwing rocks into the water below as they police scanners went wild about a male drawing neon graffiti on a billboard only for it to disappear before the male took off just after drawing more graffiti on... The air? And finally speed through the streets at a speed limit no one could remember seeing him.

    Such a phenomena were causing quite the chatter along the police force about 'some teenage boy drawing in the air only to vanish before they could catch him, leaving a neon trail behind which disappeared several minutes later

Ivory nodded but honestly had only really understood that she needed a place to stay and someone was being a joke, "Oh......Yeah I have no idea what a prostitute is. But! I do know a place you could stay for a bit. My.... Friend. Cassie is outta town and I'm sure she wouldn't mind you staying for a bit."

"In costume and all?" Connor asked, realizing he was butting into someone else's business he drew back, the fact was he didn't know the people in this mansion even though they seemed willing to help him. "Sorry," Connor started, running a hand through his hair, "I don't mean to keep you distracted or anything."

"I'd say it's time for a little payback." Carter said with a smirked as he twisted the sword while still inside Pyrite. The blonde couldn't tell if his body was still recovering from the paralysis or if the radiation was effecting him, maybe a little of both because he still wasn't at 100%.

@LokiofSP @LucianGrey7971 @Pyosimros
Pyrite chuckled at the pain, "Ya know? I like this universe. Been awhile since I felt pain." He kicked Carter off and threw his sword to the side, "Ya know, Im feeling kinda full after Harry, so how about this. I'd like to suggest a "team up" as the kids say. I simply want acsses to the cloning facilities, and in turn, I'll help ya out."

The clone scoffed. "Dimitri is deeeeaaaaad! Dead! I don't know where he is, but it doesn't matter. Boooooo hoooo!"

Alexander felt a strange sensation come over him as he was near oscorp tower. The people around him began to vomit and pass out, as he realized what it was. "Everyone get away from it!" His arms grew into tentacles as he scooped up the victims.
(lol. I should probably try and tag you more huh? Er, he saw Flash enter the mansion while following Olivier and started talking to him...)

Carter stumbled back, bumping into one of the tanks, "You've got a funny way of asking for backup. Killing the guy who owns the place and actually knows how to do the cloning process, and technically the only person I even remotely trusted." But the fact was, this guy was strong and seemed to have his own agenda. "How exactly would you help me out? What would I get out of this little
team up?"
Spyder walked up behind Flash "You're not supposed to be here." he growled "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't beat you senseless for trespassing"
"First, is because you already have bad press for murders. Second, I'm a general of the United States military. And third... I'm like in the mid forties," Flash responded calmly. By this greeting he wasn't even sure if they were going to listen to him but instead they would try to choke him out or something.
"Get. Out." Spyder's muscles rippled as they tightened in the event of a fight

"I'd listen to my big friend" Jordan said having just walked into the situation, "I don't take kindly to people walking in my home unannounced"
How hypocritical, Flash sighed at the thought. This was going worse then he thought. He wasn't technically inside yet since he was at the doorway. "I just came here to talk, not to fight," He said.

Perry winced. If it wasn't for his healing factor and his coats of armor his arm would probably be completely useless. He quickly started shooting webs at her.
"How ironic that Agent Venom comes here to talk about lowering our body count." Jordan said with a chuckle

"To be fair, I only kill murderers and rapists" Spyder interjected
Connor huffed, he felt the hostility was unnecessary but kept his mouth shut for the time being. Hearing Jordan's voice and turning to spot him had Connor feeling like a moron. How had he not put two and two together? He only knew of one Jordan and the Spyder guy had said Jordan's Mansion. So this is his place. Things made a little more sense now, though the last time he'd seen Jordan the guy had blown up a bunch of Shield vehicles after having it out with Ivory.

"Body counts?"
What have I missed?
Pyrite smiled, "Well I could simply say that I wouldn't kill you, but what I actually offer you is based off of pure stereotype. In my travels I noticed that clones typically have it out for the original, if you help me, you can kill Conner."

"You're fine," Flash smiled at Spyder and gave him a nod and he turned his look over at Jordan. "I only kill for the military. Like any other soldier in this army. I don't kill a hundreds of civilians who have no idea what they're doing," He said with an edge in his voice though he tried to suppress it. The dossier on Jordan showed Flash what he was capable of.
Mimic dodged all of his webs and quickly ran up to him again for a uppercut to the face. Boss walked out of the base and into the streets. She wasn't wearing her usual outfit, this time she wore a black dress that went all the way down to her ankles. She had her hair down and had a handful of white flowers. She walked past Stark Tower and into the park.
"They were...nuisances. I don't have time to play hero while villains keep using others as shields. Better a quick painless death than to be a puppet to those who would have them destroy the ones who they look to for saving." Jordan said nonchalantly. He played it off like he didn't care, but he knew the names of everyone he had killed and regretted that they had to die yet he was truly unrepentant about it. "And it was 54 people to be exact, don't round up for dramatic effect."
Reaper said:
The clone scoffed. "Dimitri is deeeeaaaaad! Dead! I don't know where he is, but it doesn't matter. Boooooo hoooo!"
"Dead huh." Finn huffed. "Well last time I checked I thought you were dead when I first found you. Look how that turned out huh. I won't believe that until I see it myself." He walked forward and kicked the clone in the ribs. "That's just being polite, it'll get a whole lot worse my friend."
CasualDragon said:
"Dead huh." Finn huffed. "Well last time I checked I thought you were dead when I first found you. Look how that turned out huh. I won't believe that until I see it myself." He walked forward and kicked the clone in the ribs. "That's just being polite, it'll get a whole lot worse my friend."
Helga and luna growl in agreement, since they will do anything to please Finn. Luna then purrs as she walked up to him.
Perry swiftly dodged the uppercut and elbowed the side of her neck.

"It could have gone so many other ways. Knocking them out, luring them into an enclosed area... Something other then pointless murder," Flash responded.
The clone coughed, as the wind was knocked out of him. "I don't know where he is, or his body. They never told me. Look.... It's possible we got off on the wrong foot...."

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