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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

He's fine?! Sure the guy admitted that it was only those who we're the worst of mankind, but there are better ways. That was something Connor had always believed in. Maybe he should sit back, he was in someone else's home, and he was only present for someone else's conversation, but those we're still the people he fought to protect and he couldn't not say something. "So your telling me there was no other way? That you couldn't have spent an extra minute or more to ensure their safety in the fight?" Sure, he didn't have the details of what had gone down but that didn't matter.

Carter started to chuckle that eventually turned into laughter, "Seriously? Killing Connor Rodgers would be too easy! I don't need your permission or your help for such a task. What I want is to watch him suffer. Kill off his friends and family one at a time, break what makes Wonderboy so...him."
"Hollow, as she called herself, was able to control them while they were unconscious, the fact of the matter is that I did what was necessary." Jordan countered "
Mimic stepped away and held her neck, but did a roundhouse kick to Perry's head. "Like I said to your friend, you are going to try harder."

Pyrite began to laugh with him as he stuck out a hand to Carter, "I like you, a man with exquisite taste. Ya know? Once I kill my former slaves, you wanna join me in my dimensional travels, I would LOVE to have someone like you with me."

"The longer the fight lasted, the more potential victims there would have been. I'll gladly accept the hatred of their families because I made the only choice that would end the fight quickly."
( Jordan: don't you correct me)

"The difference that you can't accept is that when it the situation calls for it, I will not hesitate to kill for the greater good. I spent the whole of the registration keeping two sides from an all out blood bath and protect the innocent...but I'll not let those same innocent lives stop me from taking down a threat that could kill the whole of humanity."
"Ending a fight quickly doesn't mean it's a better outcome," Flash said back. "We've dealt with mind control as well. And as I said earlier, we could have locked them in a room earlier with Stark security protocols and waiting until S.H.I.E.L.D. picked them up to go to the Raft," He explained. "There, they would try to cure them."
"And Hollow would have enslaved more in a matter of seconds. You would treat the symptoms and let the cause run wild. I took out the cause and prevented more symptoms from arising." Jordan said and waived his hand dismissively "Enough, neither side shall be dissuaded. What's done is done and cannot be changed."
Connor stared at Jordan, "I don't believe you. I think that's the lie you keep telling yourself, there's always a way if you look hard enough. I won't pretend I know what happened, but I know when I personally don't have the adequete skills to protect the people, I rely on my friends and fellow Avengers to cover what I'm missing. Maybe that's just Wonderboy's ignorant way of thinking but that's fine by me." The blonde did take note of the past tense used with the registration, he guessed that meant it was over and was a slight relief.

Carter raised an eyebrow at Pyrite's hand, "Just as long as you don't paralyze me again." Reaching out he took it in a shake, the guy sounded a little like a nutjob but who was he to judge. After all was said and done with Connor he'd need something to do anyways, "Sure, why the hell not."
"It would've happened in both outcomes. Look, the only reason why those 54 families aren't suing your billions away from you if from me convincing them. Though if you keep killing people for 'the greater good' nothing's stopping them," Flash rested on his wheelchair again though he refused to take off the symbiote.
Pyrite smiled, "Just don't cross me. Now into more important business, are you sure that no one else can operate the clones? Because I need about 1/6 for food and 2/3 for an army. Also do we have any other notable allies?"

Samantha Walker

Glared coldly at the male when suddenly there was a loud "Running away with your boyfriend huh?! Why don't you get your ass up here and do something useful with your mouth for once!" Samantha looked up seeing her step-father slowly making his way down the fire-escape. However, by then she'd already looked into the males eyes. "First off I'm a Virgin and I plan on keeping it that way, so no funny business, and second... Fine... Anywhere is better than here..."

Samantha didn't even give him time to respond when she took off towards the alleyway, going south in the Opposite direction of her old home.

  • Sorin Maximoff

    Yawned and slowly slumped onto his side and fell asleep looking down the cities river. Not meaning too, however, the day he has was indeed a long one. He just needed a few minutes to catch up on fatigue, even as people walked around talking and cheering due to their annual festival thing they celebrated. This was just the place to catch some Z's

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3a4a582d_BridgeParty.jpg.81eb3f69cd7f5a974806ac66f2b24b04.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65260" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3a4a582d_BridgeParty.jpg.81eb3f69cd7f5a974806ac66f2b24b04.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ivory ran after her as he tried to keep his backpack on his shoulder. He yelled after her, "What's a virgin? Wait, no. Never mind I'll ask later, but you're going the wrong way!" He grabbed her hand in what he wanted to be a friendly gesture and tried to lead her to Stark Tower, "This way."

Carter simply shrugged, "Beats me, I stay far away from the scientific stuff. Parker's pretty smart, we could always force him to do it with the right incentive." Bringing a finger up to his chin in thought, "There's another clone out..having fun. And a girl but..." He glanced at Harry's corpse, unsure of where Sarah's loyalties lie. Would she be against them after Harry's death? "...I have no clue about her."

Connor watched Jordan go, spotting Olivier motioning for him once again. He did need to deal with his leg, and he wasn't sure what to think on Jordan. Maybe he should bandage himself and leave, but things we're complicated. Turning back to Flash the man a shrug, "Sorry. I'll see you later I guess." With that he went back to his original path of following the girl from before.
Samantha Walker

She gasped at the males sudden grasp. Out of response she attempted to yank her hand back, not trying to be rude. However, she didn't know him, nor what his true intentions were. "I... P..Please don't touch me..." she looked down soft before looking up to him and she willingly began following his footsteps in their way towards the Tower that he didn't describe to her so for all she knew they were going to an actual house. Not a pent-house.

  • Sorin Maximoff

    After a few minute's he awoke and stretched popping his spine just before standing and looked around. The festival was still going on, 'Cool... I didn't miss all the fun." quickly Sorin hopped the fence and began to attempt to intertain the audiance by drawing neon figures and game characters in life-sized and very detailed Neon art in mid-air.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Samus-Aran-Neon-Art.jpg.572fe474047e080f4b72e617fd73d771.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65272" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Samus-Aran-Neon-Art.jpg.572fe474047e080f4b72e617fd73d771.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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LokiofSP said:
Fortune turned to Finn, "Can I hurt him, or do you got this covered?"

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Helga and luna growl in agreement, since they will do anything to please Finn. Luna then purrs as she walked up to him.

Reaper said:
The clone coughed, as the wind was knocked out of him. "I don't know where he is, or his body. They never told me. Look.... It's possible we got off on the wrong foot...."
Finn gestured towards the chained up figure. "Please, be my guest." He bent over to rub Luna between the ears. There was nothing fun about watching someone who looks like one of your best friends get hurt. Even if he is a bad guy, there's still the nagging part of your brain that believes it's the actual person. "Please do explain how we possibly could have started off wrong."
"Let's." Carter said simply, picking up his sword and walking alongside Pyrite. Grinning harshly at his newfound partner, You screw me and I'll be sure to screw you harder.

(Pfff. That's so dirty if taken out of context.)
The clone shrugged. "Well you know.... I tried to kill you before I got to know you! That's awful presumptuous of me. I'm deeply sorry about that."

Burns saw the lightshow Sorin was making and approached it, applauding with the rest of the crowd.
Ivory stopped just outside the tower and smirked at her, "Here we are!" He opened the door for her and stepped aside, "36th floor second room on the right is the one you should use, trust me. It's the most comfortable." He smiled an innocent smile at her, like one a child would give when playing with a new friend, "Just call me if you need anything okay? Here's my number." He handed her his number and set off, "I gotta go take care of stuff, stay safe miss!"


Fortune cracked her knuckles and walked forward up to the clone. She then simply stood in front of him for a moment before picking up her head off her body and setting it next to him. Her body then leaned against the wall while her head asked, "I don't wanna have to hurt you, but I will if I have to. Scratch that actually, I'll just hurt you, ya fuck." She bit him right on the eye.



(Bow-Chika-wow-wow. Good night)

Connor did as he was asked, taking a seat on the bed. "So have you known Jordan for long Miss...?" He asked, rolling the sleeve of his pants leg up gently with a wince and inspecting the wounds...he'd had worse. Looking up he watched as she grabbed a few things from nearby, chuckling some. "I don't need much, just something to keep them covered and clean."

CasualDragon said:
Finn gestured towards the chained up figure. "Please, be my guest." He bent over to rub Luna between the ears. There was nothing fun about watching someone who looks like one of your best friends get hurt. Even if he is a bad guy, there's still the nagging part of your brain that believes it's the actual person. "Please do explain how we possibly could have started off wrong."
Luna purrs as helga stood next to Finn, and stared the clone down. She had a bad feeling about the clone, and growled as she licked her fists, turning the slime on her hands from a dark green to a light green, meaning the slime is primed.

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