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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Finn changed back to himself and tied his loose pants tighter around his waist. "You want to fight, go right ahead. We need to get him tied up with something that's element proof so that when he wakes up we can interrogate him. I could use some help with that. And would you all stop fighting? We can fight all we want later, right now we have to do something so that the real ass hat over here doesn't wake up and beat the shit out of all of us. But, thanks you guys for helping out. Little asshole's fast. I'll be back in a second, watch him."

Finn quickly left the room to head to Tony's old lab. It felt disrespectful to enter the space, but there was no choice in the matter. It would be the only room to have the tools they would need. Quickly he gathered up the biggest chains he could find and slung them over his shoulder before trudging back to the room. He dropped the chains on the ground in front of the clone. "Help me chain him to that pillar over there."
Pyrite chuckled at that and kicked Harry into the glass and put a sword to hid neck, "Your in no position to boss ME around. One last chance. Get. To work. NOW!"

Fortune sighed and nodded as she helped wrap the chain around the clone, muttering on about, "....Fucking stupid show-off mutt....... Asshole clones.....Still gotta find the asshole to end the contract."

@Steel Zinogre
He laughed at pyrite. "I'm not afraid of you. Go ahead. By the way, carter. Another thing I gave you is immunity to radiation. You'll thank me if this one kills me."

The clone snored himself awake and looked around. "Wha- where am I?? Who are you??? Help!"
Pyrite shrugged, "Suit yourself." He bit into Harry and began to eat him, savoring every bite. Halfway through the arm he paused and swallowed as he smirked at Harry, "Tastes like expensive wine."

Fortune leaned against the wall and looked at the clone, "Well well, looks who's up. We have some questions for you."

@Steel Zinogre
Harry laid his head back as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. A few moments later, an alarm rang through the building, with a female voice saying, "Warning, organism purification of oscorp tower in T-minus 30 seconds."
Finn nodded. "For starters. Who the hell keeps pumping out these clones? How many other clones are there?" Finn wasn't too pleased with how she had called Luna a 'show off mutt', but at the moment they had bigger fish to fry, he would try to see why they were so hostile after. There was also something about a contract but he would ask about that after. "Well?"
"Well, you are always out saving the world. You almost never have time to be in your office." Mimic said. She sat on the edge of the desk. "And that is precisely the problem that I have to deal with."
"Hey, Finn! Help me out of here will ya? Where's Cassie and my dad?" The clone said, perfectly mimicking the voice and movements of Dimitri. "And why am I tied up in stark tower?!?"
"Um... Where's this leading to?" Perry asked her. It was pretty obvious that she was probably inferring to stay out of the hero business, which he wouldn't do.
"I am glad you asked. You represent hope to a lot of people, making little boys want to be like you, making everyone feel safe. Of course, not as much as the star spangled child, but he is a problem to be dealt with later. You see my-" Mimic almost said creators. "Employers want to rip that hope from the people. They will be a lot easier to deal with after you take away hope." She stated, smiling evilly.
Pyrite sighed, "Fucking hell." He snapped his fingers and a shield was formed around him, protecting him from the gas.

Fortune shook her head, "You're not getting out so easy bucko." She got real close next to him, "Look, if you just tell us what we need to know, we can let you go and this will all end. It's simple, I want to help you here."


The clone appeared to be scared. "What are you talking about??? Please. Finn tell her! You know me!"

The radiation filled oscorp tower, killing practically anyone inside. Anyone close enough to the tower would become sick after a few minutes as well.
Reaper said:
"Hey, Finn! Help me out of here will ya? Where's Cassie and my dad?" The clone said, perfectly mimicking the voice and movements of Dimitri. "And why am I tied up in stark tower?!?"
Helga bashed her fists together, and luna rattles her tail as a warning to cooperate.
"Nah I'll refuse. I'm still in the hero stuff. So! Chat's over you can head over to the food court now or somethin'," Perry said and politely waved her off. Though he knew she could probably start attacking him.
Mimic suddenly was beside him and grabbed his shoulder. "You should sit down." She pulled him and threw him into a chair. Mimic pulled out her gun and aimed it at his head. "One less hero in the world."
Finn sighed and rubbed his head. "Would you just answer the questions already? I know you're not the real Dimitri. You're pretty compelling but you're not him. I'm pretty fed up with this clone shit so answer our questions, tell me where Dimitri is, and maybe we'll let you out of here with your life."
Connor shook his head, "No, there we're others. Don't know their name's sorry." It was awkward being in someone's home with a bunch of strangers, he was pretty sure he met this guy once before atleast but he couldn't remember. "I'm just here for a patchjob and protection?" He questioned the last part, it was supposedly safe here though he wasn't really sure he needed the protection unless his clone or the HYDRA girl came after him again. But surely there we're enough Avengers at Stark Tower that those two wouldn't attack... then again he wasn't sure what had happened the last three weeks. "What are you doing here?" He asked curiously.

Carter hadn't understood what Harry meant until the radiation seeped in, and he'd almost regained control. "Oh no you don't." Carter said, grabbing his sword off the ground and using both hands to thrust it at Pyrite's shield.
Reaper said:
The clone laughed. "Sure, sure. What do you want to know? My social security number, secret identity?"
"No. How many clones, who's creating them, and where's the real Dimitri. Those are the questions."
"Three clones. Well four technically, but the first one was a long time ago. A clone of Harry, Dimitri, and Conner. Oscorp is making them. Duh. Also, Dimitri is probably in hell where murderers go!"
"I'm just here to have a talk with the people living here. Not a bad talk though," Flash explained. If there were others, he should talk to them.

Perry's helmet quickly flipped up and he thew a punch a her.
Samantha Walker

While drawing and sitting she heard a loud thump against her door through her earbuds. Pulling one out of her ear to listen she could hear her father screaming out "Come on out you little slut! My buddies want you to entertain them!" with that her heart skipped a beat and without a second thought she stood up and grabbed the suitcase from under her bed. It had already been packed with clothing and stuff she'd need to survive on her own until she could find somewhere to live.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/828843p.jpg.ad20980e86d7d57a6b2bf90383bbeb54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65109" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/828843p.jpg.ad20980e86d7d57a6b2bf90383bbeb54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As soon as she was ready she heard her door threatening to break down by either her step-father or his friends attacking it one by one; She didn't have much time. Quickly she opened her window and climbed onto the fire escape and quickly began to make her way down floor by floor until she had to jump to the concrete. As soon as she landed with a roll to prevent from hurting herself, she grabbed the suitcases handle and took off like a bullet into the city.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/stock-photo-black-fire-escape-in-brooklyn-new-york-234914824.jpg.9383c0406cd4f0d76bb665593c35437d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65110" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/stock-photo-black-fire-escape-in-brooklyn-new-york-234914824.jpg.9383c0406cd4f0d76bb665593c35437d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Sorin Maximoff

    Sitting on the edge of a billboard silently with his hand gripping the air like a pencil he'd began to draw graffiti in neon purple shade drawings, they wouldn't last forever because eventually the neon would dissipate, however, it was fun to screw with the local law enforcements. only to vanish right before their eyes completely disarming their weapons leaving them baffled as he sped away in a matter of centiseconds if not faster.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/light_graffiti_2_by_southpawroaming-d48t115_0.jpg.f4344640ec9a10f225788aff10d18e1e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65172" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/light_graffiti_2_by_southpawroaming-d48t115_0.jpg.f4344640ec9a10f225788aff10d18e1e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Mimic perfectly imitated his punch so that their fists would connect. Mimic smiled because usually every bone would be broken in her opponents hand.
Reaper said:
"Three clones. Well four technically, but the first one was a long time ago. A clone of Harry, Dimitri, and Conner. Oscorp is making them. Duh. Also, Dimitri is probably in hell where murderers go!"
"That didn't answer all of my questions." Finn snarled. "Where's Dimitri? Don't be smart with me." So there are three clones out there huh? The next step was to get the last of the info from the clone and then find a way to kill the thing. If it was human, maybe he would feel a little bad about what he was going to do, but he didn't. Their team had suffered losses, it was finally time for the other team to feel the heat.

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