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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Connor took a moment for his body to settle with a breath, now being back on solid ground. The guy in the spider suit went inside and the blonde took a moment to review his surroundings, "You weren't kidding when you said mansion...." He muttered as he started to follow, he'd assumed it was what the big guy wanted, with the whole silent treatment the whole way here. Excuse him for wanting some answers and maybe a little chat, considering he'd been locked up for the last few weeks with almost no human contact. He guessed whoever this was, was probably registered considering everyone he'd seen at Oscorp had been registered, last he checked.

Carter stayed down in the tank, immobilized by whatever the hell the guy had on his finger. He could hear Harry now entering, Late as always. Grimacing as he tried to move, whatever it was that had done this to him had done it's work but he knew his healing would start to fight it off at some point soon. He already had movement in one of his fingers, and assumed it wouldn't be too much longer before he could pull himself out of this hole and fulfill his promise to impale the bastard who bit him.

@LokiofSP @Reaper @LucianGrey7971
"Uh." Connor chirped, "N--" The blonde was about to decline when he glanced down at his leg where the pants leg was a bit shredded and had a reddish tent, a reminder of the stinging sensation radiating from it where Harry had decided to use him as a pincushion. "I don't suppose you have any bandages?" He asked sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.
Harry laughed. "You're the cannibal, right? Has there ever been anyone you've wanted a piece of? I can make it happen. Just unhand my friend here."

The Dimitri clone laughed. "Oh I would love to fight you!" He looked at his watch. "Is it clobbering time already???" He cackled and pushed fortune to the side. "Aaaaaaaare you ready to rumbbbbllllllleeeeeeee?"
Pyrite shrugged, "Sorry, he's gonna be outta it for awhile. What I DO want though is access to the cloning facility, the use of you and your science team, and maybe I won't kill you."


Fortune fell down and yelled, "Asshole!"

Harry approached him. "Try asking nicer, and maybe... I won't kill YOU." He clapped and his gloves began flowing with electricity.
Connor nodded and followed Olivier through the large home, "So Mr. Tall strong and silent wasn't exactly talkative. What is this place exactly? I mean I know it's a home and all but I just don't get why he brought me here." His voice drowned out as they continued walking.

Carter growled, he could see both Pyrite and Harry on the edge of his line of sight. Pyrite's word's had him rolling them, Yeah don't bet on it asshole. The blonde was concentrating on trying to move, to get the feeling in his body back.
Reaper said:
The Dimitri clone laughed. "Oh I would love to fight you!" He looked at his watch. "Is it clobbering time already???" He cackled and pushed fortune to the side. "Aaaaaaaare you ready to rumbbbbllllllleeeeeeee?"
LokiofSP said:
Fortune fell down and yelled, "Asshole!"
"Now that you're not playing dead, it's pretty easy to spot the difference. First of all, Dimitri would never toss someone aside like that. And, are you ready to rumble? What is this, WWE? If we fight we fight by my rules. And at the moment the only rule I can think of is that she gets to leave the building before we get to it." There was no way to tell if... Irtimid was going to follow this rule, so Finn maneuvered himself in front of her. Irtimid? Almost as bad as 'are you ready to rumble'. Need a better name for him. "I-I'm sorry I got you into this mess." He whispered to the girl, his glare never leaving the psychopath's in front of him.
(Wait what? Okay then xD )

After Cindy was fine, Perry needed to check out who was in his office. "Run facial identification, I'll be there soon," He said through his comm and he turned over to Cindy. "You can tag along if you want," He finished and left in a hurry.
Harry gave an evil smile. "I don't have to touch you. VOCS! Time for a drill! Act like this boy is on fire!" The sprinklers activated, only above pyrite. "Here's your last chance." Harry said, secretly hoping for a fight.

The clone gasped sarcastically. "Only by your rules????" He ran at Finn to punch him in the stomach.
Pyosimros said:
(Wait what? Okay then xD )
After Cindy was fine, Perry needed to check out who was in his office. "Run facial identification, I'll be there soon," He said through his comm and he turned over to Cindy. "You can tag along if you want," He finished and left in a hurry.
"Sure. I will go.' She said as she slowly gets up from the bed, and was checked out of the hospital. "I feel much better now.... Thanks for staying with me...." She said with a smile.
Pyrite laughed as his hands twitched, "Yep, I'm good, think I'll stay right here." He put up his hand,"Five....Four....Three...."


Fortune stood up and dusted herself off, "Think I'll stay actually. Kinda wanna watch." she plopped herself down on the couch.

"You're welcome," Perry smiled and opened the door to Parker Industries. He wasn't sure who would visit him at this time. It's usually either friends or investors.

Flash (Cassandra's dad, not the profile pic Flash) heard multiple accounts of murder committed by the new Avengers. For the past few months, he was directing all the outrage of the murders to himself but ever since the massacre of over 200 people in Stark Tower he was forced to address it to everyone. First, was to talk to the person who kills those people himself. The guy named Jordan. "Intel said that he lived in a mansion but I didn't know it was going to be this big," He mumbled and he pushed on the doorknob. For now, he didn't put the symbiote on. Who would want to beat up a guy in a wheelchair?
Mimic turned around to see Perry walking into the room. She smiled a sadistic smile. "Hello, Mr. Parker. Fancy meeting you here." She said with a sickening grin.
Reaper said:
The clone gasped sarcastically. "Only by your rules????" He ran at Finn to punch him in the stomach.
LokiofSP said:
Fortune stood up and dusted herself off, "Think I'll stay actually. Kinda wanna watch." she plopped herself down on the couch.
"You want to watch? Any other day I would argue but I don't have time." He had barely finished his sentence when a speedy fist smashed into his stomach and propelled him across the room. Smashing into the wall was painful, but not to the point of quitting. He channeled his anger and positive thoughts into changing into Smasher. Quickly he felt his head bump into the ceiling which brought a plan to mind. Smasher brought his fists up and punched through the ceiling and pushing them upwards until they were free on the floor above, then he slammed his hands down, bringing down a medium chunk with them. Hefting the chunk in his hands he did some angle calculations, which consisted of bringing the chunk up and tossing it and hoping for the best.
Fortune saw the concrete coming at her and ducked with a, "Fuck my life!!" Her body was spared but her head was not so lucky. It was slammed off and hit the window, leaving web like cracks. She sighed and rolled her eyes, "Here body, body."After saying this her body drunkenly stumbled to her head and placed it back on, she then sat back down, "Be more careful next time big green machine."


(Probably my last post for tonight)
Pyosimros said:
"You're welcome," Perry smiled and opened the door to Parker Industries. He wasn't sure who would visit him at this time. It's usually either friends or investors.
Flash (Cassandra's dad, not the profile pic Flash) heard multiple accounts of murder committed by the new Avengers. For the past few months, he was directing all the outrage of the murders to himself but ever since the massacre of over 200 people in Stark Tower he was forced to address it to everyone. First, was to talk to the person who kills those people himself. The guy named Jordan. "Intel said that he lived in a mansion but I didn't know it was going to be this big," He mumbled and he pushed on the doorknob. For now, he didn't put the symbiote on. Who would want to beat up a guy in a wheelchair?
"Who is here?" She asked Perry as he opened the door.
Harry lunged at him, hands first, the electricity in his gloves jumping to pyrite as he got closer. "I was hoping you would say that!!!"

The clone zipped to the floor above and yawned. "What are you doing, big guy? Let's hope mrs stark likes replacing drywall!"
LokiofSP said:
Fortune saw the concrete coming at her and ducked with a, "Fuck my life!!" Her body was spared but her head was not so lucky. It was slammed off and hit the window, leaving web like cracks. She sighed and rolled her eyes, "Here body, body."After saying this her body drunkenly stumbled to her head and placed it back on, she then sat back down, "Be more careful next time big green machine."

(Probably my last post for tonight)
Reaper said:
The clone zipped to the floor above and yawned. "What are you doing, big guy? Let's hope mrs stark likes replacing drywall!"
Had Smasher been capable of the basics of human speech (Finn hadn't wanted to see if that worked) he would have apologized, but since he couldn't communicate that way he would just have to hope that she wasn't too mad that he had almost crushed her. Hearing the clone taunt him like that did not impress him very much. He would squash this fast little man like a bug, and how did one crush bugs? By stepping on them. He raised his foot in an attempt to kick the clone like a soccer ball.

((Okay, goodnight!))

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