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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

The clone threw a fireball at smasher before zipping behind him. "Green means go! Hahahahahaha" He said in a cartoonish stance.
"Yep, pretty rare for a CEO to not go to his own company," Perry smiled and sat down. Studying both her and her facial expression she seemed very familiar. Like someone he'd just met earlier.
Pyrite brought his leg up and kicked Harry in the stomach, he brought his leg slamming down back onto the floor and leaned forward, "Out of time." He stabbed his sword in Harry's arm and twisted, "So....You wanna comply now?"


Reaper said:
The clone threw a fireball at smasher before zipping behind him. "Green means go! Hahahahahaha" He said in a cartoonish stance.
Green means GO? Please don't tell me that he actually said that. This was it, the worst day of his life. It had been decided that today took the cake. He just barely managed to move out of the fireball's path, but the fiery ball still nicked his shoulder. He decided to ignore the feeling and go straight on the offensive again. Not his best move that he's ever made for sure, but since his target was at his back what better to do than to topple over backwards and hope he squished the guy.
Harry grabbed his head with his other hand and pumped as much electricity as he could into him. "Carter, whenever you want to jump in, I'm ready!"

The clone took a deep breath and blew up at the smasher, lifting him from falling, before causing the concrete behind him to fly at smasher. "Oh didn't I mention? Dimitri could use fire from our mother, I can use all four."
What part of I can't move doesn't he get. The joke was on him since there he was, pushing himself up slowly with one arm, the broken shards of glass cracking and falling back into the tank below. Once he was halfway standing he pulled out any of the large shards of glass that had stuck themselves into him, including the one Pyrite had twisted into his leg. Though he was standing, his legs decided they weren't able to actually walk forwards yet, so the best idea he had was just a verbal distraction, "Who's ready for a round two?" He said with a smirk.
Reaper said:
The clone took a deep breath and blew up at the smasher, lifting him from falling, before causing the concrete behind him to fly at smasher. "Oh didn't I mention? Dimitri could use fire from our mother, I can use all four."
Steel Zinogre]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12566-casualdragon/ said:
@CasualDragon[/URL] where is Finn at? I was thinking of sending in the cavalry.)
Back on his feet he held his hands in front of him, pushing the concrete to the side. He needed a plan and fast. If there was one thing he was weak against it was fast moving people, but fast moving people who could wield the elements? Just great. He picked up one of the unoccupied sofa's that was residing at the side of the room. Using force he swung the sofa like a bat the clone's way.

((I'm at Stark Tower in the Common room close to the top that we all used to gather up at. I called on the comm a while ago, but if your character's don't have comms then I'm not sure how you're going to know what's going on figure something out though, I'm desperate I will pay you with undying love and gratitude))
CasualDragon said:
Back on his feet he held his hands in front of him, pushing the concrete to the side. He needed a plan and fast. If there was one thing he was weak against it was fast moving people, but fast moving people who could wield the elements? Just great. He picked up one of the unoccupied sofa's that was residing at the side of the room. Using force he swung the sofa like a bat the clone's way.
((I'm at Stark Tower in the Common room close to the top that we all used to gather up at. I called on the comm a while ago, but if your character's don't have comms then I'm not sure how you're going to know what's going on figure something out though, I'm desperate I will pay you with undying love and gratitude))
(Fortunately, luna and Helga are near the tower, and with Luna's hearing, they will help Finn out.) Luna heard a commotion from stark tower, and grew angry as her eyes glowed, tailspikes standing on end. She then communicates with Helga of the situation, and the slime on her body turned yellow as she grew angry, so Helga followed luna, and break through a wall, luna pounced on the clone, biting bits off of him. Helga stood in front of Finn, or smasher, and looked at him. @Reaper @CasualDragon
He ran between smasher's legs and behind him, before being jumped on by a strange creature. The clone concentrated before his body erupted into flames. "Get off me! Ya weird dragon thing!"
After a good amount of waiting, Flash patched into their comms. "Hey, is anyone in Jordan's mansion? Not really nice to leave an impaired person waiting."
Alexander burns walked through Times Square, looking up at the advertisements. He had somehow dodged the entire registration act, possibly due to his ability to change his tissue and look like anyone. Smiling, he saw a homeless man begging for change. Alex dropped a wallet into the man's box. When they opened it, he saw it belonged to someone imoprtant, and that it was full of hundred dollar bills.
Fortune stood up at the sound of couches being thrown and looked around, she saw that on the guy big green machine was fighting was.... That damn mutt!

She ran up to Luna and pulled her off the clone, still harboring a grudge after Bob. She then threw her head at the clone and bit down on his arm, "Fuck you, you fucking fucker!"

@Steel Zinogre
(Oh god. A third Alexander. xD I should also mention Connor doesn't have a comm...but I can BS this...I also forgot if Flash and Connor met...I think so?)

Connor had been following Olivier to what he assumed was where the bandages we're when he turned his head to the right and spotted someone in a wheelchair near the entrance, with a symbiote-like suit on? Saying something about waiting, his pace slowed to a halt and he cleared his throat so that Olivier knew he'd stopped and started Flash's way with a hand raised in greeting.
Pyrite laughed at the slight pain the electricity brought and dissmissed Carter, "Be quiet the adults are talking." He put his boot in Harry's face, "So your awnser now Mr. Ousborne?"
The clone gasped, before flicking his finger, causing the water lines to bust. The water flew at the attacker, fast. "I'll have to wash out that potty mouth."

"My answer...." Harry said. ".... I'm going to clone you..... So you can literally go fuck yourself." He smiled at his own joke, and prepared for the worst. (You can kill if you want)
LokiofSP said:
Fortune stood up at the sound of couches being thrown and looked around, she saw that on the guy big green machine was fighting was.... That damn mutt!
She ran up to Luna and pulled her off the clone, still harboring a grudge after Bob. She then threw her head at the clone and bit down on his arm, "Fuck you, you fucking fucker!"

@Steel Zinogre
Luna then looked at the clone, and growled. She looked at the clone and launched a spike at him, causing him to be paralyzed. She was helping fortune in killing the clone.
The sight of Helga and Luna had to be a sign that he was dead. It was the most relieving thing of the year, maybe this wasn't as bad as it first seemed to be. The girl, whom Finn now recognized from the funeral as Fortune, didn't seem as happy about the arrival, and less so about the clone. Smasher watched in shock as Fortune tossed herself face first at the currently flaming clone and latch down on him with her mouth. This was not going too well, Smasher moved himself to catch Fortune and gently set her to the side. Then he took the opportunity to try and pin the clone against the wall. He needed to find a way to get information from the clone, but he would have to be human for that which didn't seem like a smart idea.
The pin went into the clones neck while he was distracted, and he slowed down enough to for smasher to pin him against the wall. The clone struggled but ultimately became unconscious not long after.
Pyrite yawned in boredom, "Not gonna lie, actually literally fucked myself once, yeah not the best experience. Of course I also killed myself after but whatever." He picked Harry up and put him on his feet, "Not gonna kill you....Yet, I need you. After your done being my bitch, then I'll eat you. Now I need 500 cones by the end f the day, chop chop."

Fortune yelled at Finn, "HEY ASS HAT! I CAN FIGHT! LET ME HELP!" She kicked Luna in anger, "Stupid fucking mutt...." She grumbled.

@Steel Zinogre
Harry clutched his arm where he had been stabbed. "I'm not making you anything unless you work for me. Kill an avenger, bring me their body, and I'll make you all the clones you want."
"Hi," Flash gave Connor a short wave. He wasn't sure if Connor knew who he was but Flash knew who Connor was. "Is it just you here?"
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite yawned in boredom, "Not gonna lie, actually literally fucked myself once, yeah not the best experience. Of course I also killed myself after but whatever." He picked Harry up and put him on his feet, "Not gonna kill you....Yet, I need you. After your done being my bitch, then I'll eat you. Now I need 500 cones by the end f the day, chop chop."
Fortune yelled at Finn, "HEY ASS HAT! I CAN FIGHT! LET ME HELP!" She kicked Luna in anger, "Stupid fucking mutt...." She grumbled.

@Steel Zinogre
Helga stood by Finn as luna growled a fortune. She then walked off next to Finn, and let the girl handle the clone, since the 'stupid mutt' was in the way. And the term mutt hurts her deeply, since she is catlike.

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