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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Carter had been having a nap off to the side, since the Dimitri clone had run out to do an errand. One of the most entertaining errands he'd ever heard and only wished he could see the looks on everyone's faces when they run upon Dimitri's body in their own base. The blonde's nose twitched as he started to stir, someone was being loud...like annoyingly loud, and Harry doesn't laugh, like ever.

With a sigh he raised up, an amusing sight presenting itself across the room as someone who looked familiar was spinning and laughing with tears like a truly insane person. Instead of interrupting he simply decided to watch.
After having no reply from the comm Finn angrily stood up. "Fine don't tell me then, I'll just have to listen to your story of adventure." He grumbled. Where could I find them? There was a bit of hurt and it stung, knowing that people may have needed some help and they hadn't alerted him. He headed towards Stark Tower, the most likely place for the group to be at. Maybe they didn't need any help. There are more Avengers than ever. No need to be so butthurt about it.

He entered the tower and headed to the common area that the group usually hung out at, his footsteps echoing eerily throughout the building. "It's about time that we find a new place to hang out, this place is a little creepy now." It seemed as if the life had been sucked out of the building after Cassie had gone missing. "Anybody here?" He called out to what seemed to be an empty building.

He creaked into the common room gathering place and stood stalk still. There was one Avenger in the room, but he wasn't at the same time. Quickly he ran forward and knelt down in front of the immobile Dimitri. "Buddy? Hey, hey man. No no no. Nuh uh. You're not dead. Come ON." He shakily pushed his comm link on. "Does anybody even have a comm any more? If you here this you're needed at Stark Tower. I need somebody with medical skills. Avenger down." He added shakily at the end.

It was the worst phrase one could ever speak and felt like it was a confirmation of Dimitri's death. He flipped off the microphone part of the comm and looked at his friend. There was a slip of paper sticking out of the pocket and gingerly he pulled it out. After reading the message he shook with anger, he would find who did this and kill them. ((Holy shit this was long, sorry :P ))
Pyrite turned back to the clones, a small one that looked like it had just started forming, he punched the glass and ate the clone whole, "Ah! I hate GMO's, but hey, a mans gotta eat."


(Connor doesn't have a comm yet. :v)

Carter stood poised, "That's pretty gross, even by my standards." The blonde twirled his sword lightly, not sure what to think of this guy. "Can't say Osborn would be too happy about you eating his investments. You mind...you know...not eating them?" He wasn't about to fight this guy over some unfinished clones, that was a fact, Harry could do that if
he wanted. But he was curious, and his nap had been interrupted, and again he looked familiar and for whatever reason it was bothering him.
Pyrite looked behind him and smiled as he dashed behind Carter and held a word to the guys neck, "Conner! Man, I remember that in my reality, you had a shield, and tasted like bacon. You were a true American. But now? I mean the sword is cool and all but still, the shields a classic....Unless it isn't in this place." His eyes then widened, "Wait, if your weapon is different, then maybe you TASTE different. I must know for science!" He dug his teeth into Carter's shoulder.

Carter rolled his eyes, this guy had as big of a mouth as he did, if not bigger. "Your alot like Iv--" He cut off as Pyrite advanced on him and before he could react there was a blade to his neck. "Well well." And then the guy was biting him, seriously? Biting the everliving crap out of him. "The", he brought his sword up flat between his neck and Pyrite's blade before pushing it away quickly, "names", with his left hand he grabbed onto Pyrites hair practically pushing him deeper into his own shoulder to try and keep him from moving, "Carter!" The blonde twirled the sword so it was pointing at himself and thrust inwards, the blade sliding flatly against his side and heading for Pyrites abdomen.
Pyrite let the blade go through the palm of his hand instead and slowly raised it, eye twitching and his mouth twitching as well, "Carter? Carter was it? It sounded like you were about to say I was Ivory there. Let me tell you something." He punched Carter in the face with his free hand and pulled his hand off the blade as blood spewed from it for two seconds before closing. He began to brutally beat Carter and started smiling sadistically in between blows, "Ivory is a damn coward a a weakling....I....AM....PYRITE!" He began to laugh a mad laugh before his face snapped to a straight line in a quarter of a moment, he brought Carter closer and growled, "UNDERSTAND?!"


Fortune walked down the street, food in hand as she headed back to Kayuma's. She paused as she came before Stark Tower, apparently the place had been a hot spot for heroes recently.

It was also were Bob died.

Shaking that thought from her head she walked upstairs, looking around and admiring the beautiful buidling as she came to the top floor she yelped as she saw two people, "Oh...Sorry.....didn't know anyone was up here...."

Carter couldn't help but chuckle to an extent as the blows came over and over, he had his arms thrown up defensively on either side of his face but it didn't block too many. This guy was turning out to be a firecracker, the hits hurt but all it did was excite him and get his adrenaline going, "So..." Carter started with a grin as Pyrite leaned closer, "I shouldn't call you little pathetic Ivory, is that what your telling me?" His foot came up with as much force as he could make with the close distance straight into Pyrite's manhood, followed by a headbutt.
Pyrite laughed at his broken nose and fixed it, "I like you kid, to bad your outta your league." He rushed forward and pushed Carter into a cloning tank, he took a piece of glass and stabbed it into his leg, he then twisted it, "I suppose you wouldn't like it if I called you Conner then, huh Wonderboy?"

LokiofSP said:
Fortune walked down the street, food in hand as she headed back to Kayuma's. She paused as she came before Stark Tower, apparently the place had been a hot spot for heroes recently.
It was also were Bob died.

Shaking that thought from her head she walked upstairs, looking around and admiring the beautiful buidling as she came to the top floor she yelped as she saw two people, "Oh...Sorry.....didn't know anyone was up here...."
Another voice joined them but Finn didn't turn around. He clenched his fists into tight balls and hunched over, dropping his head onto the couch beside Dimitri. "Do you know first aid?" There had to be hope, he couldn't be dead. That raised the question of how long he had been here for. Had he been here alive and waiting for help? Had he been here hoping for his friends to show up?
Mimic wandered through the front doors of Parker Industries. She walked past the receptionist and into the elevator. Killing Perry Parker was a secondary mission, but she needed something to relief her anger. Mimic got out of the elevator and walked into his office.
LokiofSP said:
Fortune blinked a few times before nodding, "Y-yeah, basic first aid, why?"
"Good enough. Do you think there's a way to save him. You gotta help him, please." There was the nagging thought in his mind telling him to let it go, that Dimitri was dead, but he couldn't give up on his friend. He pounded his fist on the floor. Was this what being a hero meant? That you would fight until you or everyone around you died? There had been non-stop death for the past little while, good people loosing their lives for shitty reasons. And it sucked.
Fortune nodded and swallowed the lump in her throat. All she wanted to do was sneak into a building and look around, maybe take a few things from the nice rich people, was that so bad?

........On second thought she deserved this.

She knelt down and checked for a pulse on his neck, after a few minutes she moved to the neck, she began to sweat as odds looked bad. Swallowing her pride she went for his lips and attempted CPR. After a few moments of pumping on his chest she sighed, "I-I'm sorry....I think he's gone."

Dimitri sat up and grabbed fortune from behind, holding a knife to her throat. "What's wrong? Can tell your buddy from his clone?" He cackled loudly, before looking at Finn. "Aaaaaand in this corner we have the undisputed super heavyweight champion, back again for another hulkamania!"
Carter grit his teeth at the searing pain in his leg while hanging half in and half out of the clone tank like a rag doll, he brought his grin back though. "No...not particularly." His teeth still clenched as he took a breath, "So what are you then? A clone of a clone?" His hand grasped onto a piece of the glass behind him and his hand bled from holding it so tightly, waiting a moment his arm shot out as he attempted to plunge it into Pyrite's shoulder, while at the same time bringing his other leg up to kick Pyrite away.
Pyrite simply laughed as he avoided both blows and kicked Carter deeper into the glass, "Predictable." He then picked up Carter's sword and stalked to him, "Well it's been fun, but I have things to do." He bent down and put a finger to Carter's lips, paralyzing him, "Shhhhhh.....Just be silent."


Fortune screamed before she remembered something, "Oh wait....Yeah go ahead and do it."


(Good night guys)
"Go ahead and do it?.... Well... That's not much of a reaction is it? What is this buuuuuuullshit???" Dimitris clone asked, obviously not all there.
Carter grunted at the impact of being pushed further into the tank. He'd made his mind up at this point, he was going to pull himself out of this and rip this guy to shreds. Seeing the sight of Pyrite grabbing his sword, the sword he'd not even gotten the chance to stab into anyone yet, and it infuriated him and he started to pull himself from the wreckage, "I'm going to take back my sword and shove it straight up your--!!" He was cut off the finger to his lips that stopped not only his speech but his body mid-movement, falling back into the small crater his body had made.

This guy just made the top of my shit-list.
Harry walked into the room, tossing a pumpkin bomb up and down in his hand. "Man, he's really working you over, Carter. Who is this guy?"
LokiofSP said:
Fortune nodded and swallowed the lump in her throat. All she wanted to do was sneak into a building and look around, maybe take a few things from the nice rich people, was that so bad?
........On second thought she deserved this.

She knelt down and checked for a pulse on his neck, after a few minutes she moved to the neck, she began to sweat as odds looked bad. Swallowing her pride she went for his lips and attempted CPR. After a few moments of pumping on his chest she sighed, "I-I'm sorry....I think he's gone."

Reaper said:
Dimitri sat up and grabbed fortune from behind, holding a knife to her throat. "What's wrong? Can tell your buddy from his clone?" He cackled loudly, before looking at Finn. "Aaaaaand in this corner we have the undisputed super heavyweight champion, back again for another hulkamania!"
The fact that she had confirmed his fears almost didn't even bother him. All men must die after all. It did shock the hell out of him when Dimitri sprung up and held a knife to the girl's throat. "Clones? Great, just great. First we have a clone Connor apparently, now you? God my brain hurts. So if you're here, where's the real Dimitri? Keeping him holed up in some lousy basement? And hulkmania? Seriously? I can find better terms if I go on fanfiction dot net." He quickly glanced at the girl. "Hey man, she has nothing to do with this. I say you let her go and we'll go mano eh mano. No need to get innocents in on this."
Pyrite smiled and turned around, "Ah! Perfect, Harry I've been looking forward to eatin- I mean meeting you again, ya see I have a proposal. Help me and in turn, I don't kill you!"



Fortune shrugged, "I don't really care what you do, but if your cutting off my head do it quickly, I have places to be."

Samantha Walker

Samantha sat on her bed in the silence of her home as her step-father just in the other room was having a poker game with his friends. The familiar smell of alcoholic men belching and cussing over a game of power. Eventually, Samantha placed her ear buds in her ears and began to listen to her iPod after she heard one of the men speak lustfully of her, about how he craved to do horrible things to her. "Never in his life will he ever..." he mumbled under her breath as she cranked up her music after assuring her door was locked and dead-bolted shut. Silently drawing in her sketchbook different styles of anime pictures. All her characters were her own, hell. Samantha had planned on drawing a Manga and entering it as a submission to a contest, yet never was able to build up the courage.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Room.jpg.639491b7f1134e8dcd3af2e5d2863894.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64915" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Room.jpg.639491b7f1134e8dcd3af2e5d2863894.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Now sitting in her room mellowed out from the music drifting into her eardrums.



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Emile landed with Connor in front of Jordan's mansion where Tech and Olivier were waiting. Emile put Connor down and grunted before walking into the mansion. Jordan sighed heavily "Fine, fine Boss, I'll drop it for today, just let me know when." Jordan took off and flew towards his mansion

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