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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Pyosimros said:
"Hi Boss," Cassandra yawned and took a seat next to her. Tanya was usually the one she talks to but since she was occupied she felt like making conversation with someone much older then her. It was what she was doing when it was just her and her dad. @Pink Gorilla
Perry simply nodded.
Cindy smiled as she was patched up, and layed on the bed as she recovered, happy perry stood by her.
Pyrite sighed, "I told you, I AM Ivory, just a different version of him. I see that the me of his universe isn't as weak as I was." He kicked Jamie's rifle out of her hands and got behind her as he pointed the rifle to her head, "In my world, I killed ALL of you. Yes even you Jordan. So let me make myself clear." He pointed to Jamie, "Jamie, the mute one, she will have one of two things happen to her, either you all leave me alone and let me go, in which case I give her to you alive, you begin to plan some sort of sneak attack, then I eat, or you straight up attack me, and I blow her fucking brains out." He then touched Jamie and paralyzed her, "By the way Jamie, what just happened was I paralyzed you, this ain't Afghanistan or wherever you were stationed, this is worse."

@Pink Gorilla


Jordan laughed at him "This world I am completely different. Here I will destroy you before you even have a chance." the air in the room started to get uncomfortably hot as he spoke. "Do not compare me to someone who lost to someone like you, it's insulting"
Pyrite simply laughed at Jordan, "Go ahead, turn up the heat as much as you want, constants and variables, and you Jordan, are a constant." He then looked back at the Boss, "Hm.....Everyone surrendered, but one of you attacked, surely I can't let this go unpunished." He then bit into her shoulder again, actually tearing off and swallowing her flesh this time, "AH! Fucking outstanding! I was to hungry, thanks for the snack." He threw Jamie down and began to run, as he ran he yelled back, "By the way, Ivory was the name of a damn coward, my name is Pyrite!" With that he left.

(By the way, if you guys think he's OP, he is. I kinda want this guy to be apart of this teams next BIG challenge leading to Thanos. Someone Jordan can't just wish away, the team needs to build their way up to Thanos and he is the next step along with many of the others.)

@Pink Gorilla


Jordan was clearly starting to become even more angry, various things started to catch fire "The next time I see him, he is dead. No exceptions. He dies"
(You bitch! Though I could see him and mimic butting heads and it turning disastrous) Jamie screamed and Boss ran to her and picked her up. She took her to the medical room and put her in a machine to regroup her flesh. "She is gonna be in their for awhile." Boss stated.
Pyrite walked into an alleyway and dropped down into a nearby sewer, walking further in he came to a clearing full of discarded trash, including a worn sofa, jumping on it and laying down he pondered, "So....This universe is a bit more different, Jordan is the same, but the Boss and her "kids" are way different. It looked as if her kids were less slaves, and more family in this place. So first things first, I need to scout info."

Ivory walked in and yawned, tired and ready to pass out it had been difficult to stay awake to even put on his wife beater and jeans, he had bought thank you burgers from the diner as way of apologizing for endangering everyone. He heard yelling and rushed t the source, pausing to try not throw up at the scene he practically yelled, "WHAT HAPPENED?!"

@Pink Gorilla


Boss pulled out her gun and aimed it Ivory. "Tanya, is this the real Ivory?" Tanya read his mind and nodded. Boss put her gun away. "Another you tried to eat Tanya and Jamie." @LokiofSP
Ivory went wide eyed for a moment and sat down with tears in his eyes, "I-I'm sorry it's just." He began to get angry and began to pound his head, "dammit,Dammit,Dammit!"

@Pink Gorilla
( Imma need you to stop making assumptions about Jordan. Mainly because he's nowhere near what that guy thinks he is)

Jordan walked back to find the boss. "Anyway, back to what I was trying to discuss with you"
Ivory stands up quickly, "Jordan get to your mansion, if this other version of me is any similar to us, we NEED to lock down every area that I know about! I'll warn the others." He hugs Tanya, careful about her shoulder, he then lingers for a few moments and says quietly, "sorry." He then leaves.

@Pink Gorilla


(Happy 1000!)
"...Why the hell is he telling me what to do like I'm actually gonna listen to him? I'm not an Avenger! You can't order me around!" he shouted after Ivory
(One freaking thousand, yall)

With a gust of wind, Dimitris body was left on the couch in stark tower, delivered by none other than his clone. A note was left in Dimitris pocket. "We killed the messenger."
(10/10, I laughed, I cried, really great. Make it a movie.)

Pyrite walked around Harry's cloning facility practically drooling as he was moved to tears, "It-It..IT'S AN ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET!" He began to cry while laughing and spinning in circles.



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