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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Ivory sighed and nodded, "Your right, we got Conner back." He yelled out, "We're done, lets go before we get killed!" And he began to walk out.

@Steel Zinogre


(Good night)
Spyder let out a long sigh and the hissing suddenly stopped. He then jumped out the window and webbed off towards Jordan's mansion "He'll be safe at Jordan's" Spyder said to Ivory
Tanya and Jamie walked through the front doors of the base. Boss turned around to look at them. "Where the fuck have you two been?!"

"I'm sorry, Ivory asked us to go help fin-"

"This was Ivory's idea?!" Boss exclaimed.

"Oh shit." Tanya said.
"Who the hell's Jordan and why are we going to his place?" Connor asked having given up on rebelling since they we're already swinging through the city. He felt almost like more of an object than a person at this point, and this guy wasn't comfortable because he was all muscle. "Or who you are for that matter."
Spyder got a bit annoyed at the questions and started to do what can only be called freestyle web-slinging. He started doing twists and flips every chance he got to screw with Connor.

Jordan walked I the open door unannounced "...this a bad time or..."
Pyosimros said:
"That's our call to go. So let's get a move on," Perry said over to Cindy and he ran out the building.
Cindy then follows Perry out of the building, healing he wounds as she ran. "Who the hell was that girl?" She asked perry as she accidentally tripped, almost falling down.
With Spyder's sudden crazed movements it was a sudden reminder that Connor was flying, closing his eyes as his stomach knotted up. "Please...don't do...that." His grip tightened on the shield and whatever his other hand was on, he guessed it was the guy's shoulder. "It'll end...badly for both of us." He said weakly, even with his eyes shut he could feel the movements.
"No idea, definitely not a fangirl though," Perry grinned and he helped her recover her footing. "Do you need help? Cause you were seriously injured earlier," He asked. He wasn't sure how she was so healthy right now. Why am I running away? With this suit I have an edge on everyone- He stopped abruptly for a second and started to cough up blood. Pressing a button quickly, the suit dismantled and flew back to Parker Industries. "Sorry, with the new suit I made it feeds off of my metabolism."
Pyosimros said:
"No idea, definitely not a fangirl though," Perry grinned and he helped her recover her footing. "Do you need help? Cause you were seriously injured earlier," He asked. He wasn't sure how she was so healthy right now. Why am I running away? With this suit I have an edge on everyone- He stopped abruptly for a second and started to cough up blood. Pressing a button quickly, the suit dismantled and flew back to Parker Industries. "Sorry, with the new suit I made it feeds off of my metabolism."
"Yeah..... I qm really gonna need it." She said as she cringed at the returning pain. "Yep, hurting once again." She said as she held her side and leaned against a pole.
Amadeo watches Perry and Cindy from the top of the pole. "Oh how horrible. Cindy has been injured! What a calamity!" Amadeo hangs from his feet on the pole as he looks down on both of them
National said:
Amadeo watches Perry and Cindy from the top of the pole. "Oh how horrible. Cindy has been injured! What a calamity!" Amadeo hangs from his feet on the pole as he looks down on both of them
"Watch it magic man, I may be hurt, but that don't mean I can't kick your ass!" She said with a pained tone. "On second thought, scratch that." She mutters.
"Take it easy. No ass kicking yet," Perry said and helped her walk. He looked back at Amadeo for a second and then looked to another direction.
Pyosimros said:
"Take it easy. No ass kicking yet," Perry said and helped her walk. He looked back at Amadeo for a second and then looked to another direction.
"Thanks..... This hurts like a bitch." She said to Perry as she leaned on him.
"I can tell," He smiled. "Where... Are we going by the way," Perry asked her. Right now they were just walking in a random direction.
Pyosimros said:
"I can tell," He smiled. "Where... Are we going by the way," Perry asked her. Right now they were just walking in a random direction.
"Well..... A hospital would be nice." Cindy said as she grit her teeth as a sharp pain shot up her side.
Pyrite growled as he looked around, this damn universe was supposed to be a pit stop. He was supposed to be trying to get his bearings and abilities after the ass whooping he took in 1610, and all he got from THAT was a bit of the blood from the spider kid there.

Shame, he looked tasty.

He growled, "Damn traitors, I treated them well...... I mean I treated them well for slaves, if we're going by human standards it was like crap." He rubbed his face and looked around to see a newspaper stand, "Alright, might as well get my targets." He walked up and looked at the paper, the headline read, "SUPERHUMAN REGISTRATION ACT ENDED, AVENGER'S LEADER CONNER ROGERS ON THE TEAM'S FUTURE!" Pyrite smiled ear to ear, he picked up the paper and began to hold it up and spin in circles, "Luck me! I was beginning to think my world was one of a kind, now I can kill everyone all over again!"

He brightened up again as he began to walk in a direction, "This also might mean there's another me here, which means that if he's anything like me, he might join up, then we can murder and them all! But first, a visit to an old friend, hope Tanya likes surprise visits!"
Amadeo portal up next to Cindy and Perry as they were walking. "Yeah I guess walking is a nice form of travel. Good excersize too." @Steel Zinogre
"I'll be the greatest Nova~! I'll be the greatest Nova~!" Terry chanted as he walked through the street. He got some confused looks but mostly everyone ignored him. Stuffing his helmet in his backpack was also probably why no one gave him any confused looks. As he walked, he bumped into Pyrite. "Sorry!" Terry him an apologetic look. He was probably just some random person.

"Yah, beats driving," Perry grinned. "Hold on," He said over to Cindy. Walking would take way too long. He grabbed hold of her and started swinging.
Pyosimros said:
"I'll be the greatest Nova~! I'll be the greatest Nova~!" Terry chanted as he walked through the street. He got some confused looks but mostly everyone ignored him. Stuffing his helmet in his backpack was also probably why no one gave him any confused looks. As he walked, he bumped into Pyrite. "Sorry!" Terry him an apologetic look. He was probably just some random person.
"Yah, beats driving," Perry grinned. "Hold on," He said over to Cindy. Walking would take way too long. He grabbed hold of her and started swinging.
Cindy held tight as perry started to swing. "This is not as bad as the first time, but still frightening though!" She shouted out of adrenaline fueled fear.

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