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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

The lights flashed on and Connor was momentarily blinded, but not before making out the quick locations of both Ivory and the HYDRA assassin. With his left hand shielding his eyes he drew back his right and sent the shield spiraling her direction.

"It's nice to know you left something out, anything else you forgot to add?" Carter asked, wincing at the bright light for a moment as his eyes adjusted. Looking Harry over briefly and spotting the sword, "That the sword you we're talking about?"
"Ivory! Remember, do not kill or I'll be forever pissed at you!" Perry warned. He didn't any death from his side. Or better, any death in general.
"Alright, I can do that." Mimic quickly pulled out her pistol and shot at Ivory. When the shield came towards her she bent backwards and caught the shield by its handles. Mimic bent back up with it in her hand. "A bit showy for my taste." She stated. @LokiofSP @Crono
"I agree " Spyder said from behind Mimic and threw the single most malicious right hook that had ever been thrown in history

( It's the haymaker from hell!)
Harry calmly walked over to carter and handed him the sword. "I hope you like the balance. Now then." He motioned to Perry.
Cindy went to see what the source of the gunshots were, by following the sound. She saw mimic, ivory, and perry. She then grows more furious with ivory standing there, since she was told he was dead. She sets hidden traps that will propel victims upward, while causing some injury. She set them next to ivory and mimic. @Pyosimros @LokiofSP @Pink Gorilla
Mimic got hit by the punch and hit the ground. Her eyes were closed for a few second before she got up and looked at Spyder. "Now that wasn't very nice now was it?" Mimic asked in a sarcastic tone. She threw Connor's shield away. "Guess I will have to kill all three of you. Pity." Mimic stated. @LokiofSP @Crono @LucianGrey7971
"Oh yah um... Ivory faked his death apparently," Perry said over to Cindy and he looked over at Harry. "So... Am I getting double teamed or what's happening?"
Sarah webbed Cindy's head and slowly pulled her back, "Don't ever walk away from me bitch."

@Steel Zinogre

Ivory looked round in panic, everything was going to shit and fast, he began to go through multiple situations in his mind.

@Pink Gorilla

Carter waved the sword around a little, "Not bad. Better than the stupid shield."

Connor dashed forwards, swiping up his shield as he went and ran by Mimic and Spyder, making sure to keep Spyder between him and Mimic as he went so if she tried something the guy would hopefully stop her. The guy was big and thankfully looked to be on their side, his aim was the room from before where he could hear fighting and Perry shouting occasionally. Once he got to the doorway he couldn't have prevented his mouth from falling open if he'd wanted to. There was him standing next to Harry and Dimitri fighting with Perry.

It was surreal to say the least, he knew of the clone but to actually see it. The sight of Dimitri, or what he assumed was the third clone Harry had spoken of brought back that anger.

Carter smirked at the sight of Connor, "Well well. Look who's awake....and alive. We can still fix that."
LokiofSP said:
Sarah webbed Cindy's head and slowly pulled her back, "Don't ever walk away from me bitch."
@Steel Zinogre

Ivory looked round in panic, everything was going to shit and fast, he began to go through multiple situations in his mind.

@Pink Gorilla

"Who the hell do you think you are?" She asked as she cut the web, and shot a couple fireballs at her. "Don't call me a bitch.... EVER!!" She said as she pins Sarah to a wall and started to punch her out.
"Connor, you need to get out of here. I can arrange a helicopter or something to give you a lift. The main reason why we even came here was because we were going to save you!" Perry said over to him. He didn't want to leave empty handed.

"Backup's here~!" Terry shouted as he blasted through the wall with Cassandra and John behind him. "I was forced here," John sighed and let his hands go ablaze.
Mimic pulled out her gun to fire at Connor. But when she went pull the trigger, her finger froze. She got an angered look on her face. She struggled to move her finger, but eventually Mimic holstered her gun. She began walking towards the nearest window.
Sarah sighed as if she was bored at each punch, once Cindy stopped she looked at her, "Are you done? Seriously I've fought since birth, don't hold back ya bitch." She kicked Cindy away and sweeped her legs out as she picked up a piece of sharp concrete and attempted to drive it into her.

@Steel Zinogre
Perry turned to his left and zip-kicked Sarah. He wasn't sure if the concrete still hit however. "Don't stab my girlfriend! She doesn't have insurance yet!"
LokiofSP said:
Sarah sighed as if she was bored at each punch, once Cindy stopped she looked at her, "Are you done? Seriously I've fought since birth, don't hold back ya bitch." She kicked Cindy away and sweeped her legs out as she picked up a piece of sharp concrete and attempted to drive it into her.
@Steel Zinogre
She then throws a swarm of wasps at Sarah, and then paralyzes her with a jolt of energy. She gets up and then shot a stream if fire at her.
Sarah's sixth sense kicks in as she leaps in the air and avoided the kick, it goes off three more times as she traps the wasps in the net and avoids the next two blasts, she then webbed a trash can and threw it at them as she slipped into the shadows.

@Steel Zinogre
Spyder growled lowly before grabbing the injured Connor and slinging him over his shoulder. "You're injured and we need to move fast. Tech patch me in to the one named Ivory."
Mimic jumped out of the window and landed on the sidewalk. She ran to the secret HYDRA base where her bosses were. "I could have handled them!" She shouted.

"We couldn't risk losing you." They stated and she went to her room.
Perry got in front of Cindy and blocked the trashcan. "Be careful, I didn't install nightvision in this suit yet," Perry said and looked around him. He had spider-sense but she didn't.

"I'll come with. Cause y'know OP helmet," Terry whistled and followed Spyder.
"Roger, roger, Tech support is on it"

"That was terrible"

"Shut up, I thought it was hilarious." Tech started hacking...into Perry's suit to make him punch himself before she hacked into Ivory's earpiece (I'm assuming he has one for keeping in touch with others) "You're patched in Spyder"

"I've got the one called Connor. You need to sound the retreat, Tech has enough information to ruin Osborn's reputation so it's best to leave while we've won the day. Do it before one of your comrades get hurt."
(Guess you missed the part where Harry turned the lights back on.)

"I'm not--!" Connor started before being manhandled by the brute before, the guy was big and clearly strong and Connor doubted he'd actually be able forcibly remove himself from Spyder unless he knocked him upside the head hard enough with his shield. But that isn't what he wanted to do, he growled right back, "Don't ask me to run while my friends are still fighting."

Carter raised an eyebrow at the amount of shouting from above, and angrily watched as Connor was taken from sight once again. "That sounds like reinforcements." The blond might have a thing for fighting but he wasn't stupid. Glancing at Harry he gave him a curious look, "If the rest of the Avengers are showing up this could be a problem."

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