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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

The lights may have gone out but Carter had Perry in his sights just before then and hadn't slowed down with the shield raised intending to mow Perry down. "You handle Parker and I'll go after Ivory." He called out to her, not really knowing her location. It felt like it got darker the deeper he went, by now he was sure to be closing in on the boy, "The itsy bitsy spider..." He started.


Connor coughed as he landed on one knee, the lights went out and from the sound of Harry's confident voice he had some sort of night vision. That's just great. Harry had so many advantages going for him at the moment it wasn't even funny. Serum, sword, lights, the fact that this was his lab and he knew the layout. Connor didn't have any protection since they'd taken his suit, and no shield. Well, things could be worse. Harry's words we're a constant reminder that the boy had not only killed Dimitri once, but twice.

He was angry, and he needed to focus and listen if he stood any shot at getting out of this but all he heard was the sound of blood drumming in his ears. "I'm going to kill you Osborn!" He called out as he started to back away, if he could get an object or wall behind him then that was one less direction for Harry to come from.
"Hey uh... Relative? Here's a fact. I can see in the dark with my suit, you can't," Perry stated. Unless she could see in the dark Perry could easily take advantage of this. The only thing that would improve his odds of success was if he were to call in his stealth suit.
Sarah looked down at Perry with a smirk, "Wanna test that theory?"

Ivory took deep breaths to regain his composure, the faker was closing in and he didn't have time to deal with this, he stood back and got ready to break in the door, he began to get a running start



"Oh I would love it if you killed me. That's what you do to the "bad guys" right? Murder? Have you ever killed someone Conner?"
"Yep," Perry said and he decided to stay silent. If I shut up she can't track me down by my voice. If I lighten my step she can't hear me move, He thought. He also started to wonder when his other suit's getting airdropped. It's been way too long.
"Just this once I think I'll make an exception." Connor was taking this time to try and slow his breathing and calm down so he could listen better. "I'm an Avenger, avenging is what we do."

Connor knew the entrance to the lab was nearby and knew this was the way Ivory had to have gone, the moment he heard shuffling feet he sent the shield flying down the hall. Yeah he didn't have good aim but with limited space and force of the throw even if he didn't hit his target the shield would ricochet until it did, hopefully.
Time slowed down as Ivory too his running start just as the shield was thrown at him, Ivory twisted his body so the shield missed and webbed it to his hands, using the shields momentum as well as his own, he burst into the lab.

Sarah sighed, "I can see and hear you." She walked up to Perry and roundhouse kicked him, "You're not to smart."



Harry's mask activated night vision, showing him Conner in the corner. He ran at him and punched him as hard as he could.
When Mimic found out where Connor was, she took off in a fast sprint down the hallway past Sarah and Perry and past Carter.
"Aw that's just rude," Perry said and blocked the kick. The largest advantage he had was now gone. "Thirty more seconds sir," This comm called. Thirty seconds until I can start to kick ass, He thought and he threw a punch at her.
Connor could hear Harry coming and he tried to ready himself to react but either he was too slow or Harry had some incredible aim, there was no way to know how he was going to attack and Osborn's fist hit his face knocking Connor for a loop. He flinched at the pain and pushed it away, thinking of Dimitri he grabbed on to Harry's arm. I don't have to listen for him if I know exactly where he is. Connor launched himself upwards, to wrap his legs around Harry's shoulders and push him to the ground.

Carter listened for the cry of pain that never came, instead just a whole lot of crashing and he growled. Before he could give chase the girl from before brushed him aside, sprinting for the lab. "My how the tables have turned, I was the one running from you Ivory. Now your the one running from me!" He shouted now sprinting after both of them.
A small cracking noise was heard from Perry's helmet when she headbutted him. "This is a new suit! Do you know how much repairs cost these days!?" He said and feigned a punch to the left and then kicking her with his right leg.
Mimic stared Ivory as she ran towards him. As soon as she got close to him she jumped over his head and ran into the room Connor was held in. Mimic looked between Harry and Connor. She looked Connor over and ran up to him and grabbed him by the throat. "You're Connor then?"

Blades popped out of his arm and he lodged them into Conners leg. "You can't win! We both know it."

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Connor heard something clatter to the floor, a familiar noise that he'd heard more times than he could ever count. That was definitely his shield, his eyes grew concerned as many noises filled the room and nearby and he desperately wished he could see, to get his shield and to know what the hell was happening. Connor couldn't see the new intruder as she pulled a Harry and lifted him off of Osborn by his throat, "Who wants to know?" He gasped out.

Carter ran into the lab blind and at full speed, barreling into someone as he did, "That wasn't little Ivory was it?" He said laughing after he tumbled and slid a few feet.
"HYDRA is asking. They are ordering me to kill you and I don't intend to disappoint." Mimic raised her fist, but Carter ran into her. She threw him off. "Get away from me, creature!" @Crono
Amadeo portals in and watches the fight unravel with Perry and the girl. He opens up a few portals around the room to give perry a mobile advantage
Connor cried out at the blades entering his leg, "My name's Harry...Harry Osborn. This other guy, he is Connor." He tried, awkwardly to nod towards Harry who was enjoying himself too much. I meant that probably shouldn't work but it was worth a shot, either way he brought his arm down forcefully on the inside of her elbow in an attempt to get release.
Sarah hissed at the pain in her leg, she then tackled Perry back into the wall and began to wail on him.


Ivory looked at the scene unfolding and busted into action, he picked up Conner and began to try to run with him while everyone was distracted.


@Pink Gorilla


Maria finally arrived at the motel to see Kelai already asleep, she clapped her hands, "Come on, get up! We still have work to do."

Cindy then heads to oscorp, since she felt like being a spy like she did occasionally. But this time, she is in for a big surprise as she snuck into the building, and heard noise in the vents. She also heard perry, and grew worried. "Should I go help? Or watch him die?" She thought to herself as she tried to decide.
Spyder hissed loudly and it echoed throughout the entire building as though he were right behind everyone. Spiders started crawling on Connor
Kelai groans as he gets up, rubbing his eyes. "I'm younger than you, and you still have more energy" He mutters as he gets up and puts on his uniform. "What are we doing now? @LokiofSP
Ivory fell down and dropped Conner, he began to utter, "Fuck, this turned out horribly."

@Pink Gorilla


Maria simply smiled, "We have one last visit to make before we're done, lets go see Harry Ousborne!"


(Alright, Ima go to bed, might not see me tomorrow FYI)

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