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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Sarah reeled from the punch, she regained balance and slingshoted herself at Perry as they tumbled inside a building.
"Argh!" Perry was slammed into the building and he rolled onto the floor. Slowly regaining his footing, he looked over at her. "So... I see how it is, you ignore the 'why are you doing this' questions but you answer the other ones. Fine!" He faked a huff and he went into a defensive position.
Sara threw a table at Perry, just before it hit she came down with a kick, breaking the table in half as she landed on Perry
Spyder landed with a hard crack behind Sarah and wrapped his, well let's face it his arms are like steel girders with hands attached, and held her tight so she couldn't get away "Jordan told us to tell you to quit fucking around and rescue the useless boy scout"
"What do you mean by 'rescue'?" Perry asked the person who seemingly was a knockoff version of him. The thing he was going for wasn't a rescue mission.

(No we're in Oscorp)
(Ok, I will have mimic come in then) Mimic walked through the front doors of Oscorp. She saw Perry and the others and she walked up to them. "Where is the one named Connor?"
Sarah squirmed and bit Spyder as she got lower in his arms, to the point where her neck was in his arms.
He grabbed Connor by the neck and lifted him off the ground. "Are you going to be a problem for me?" He asked, raising the sword and pressing it gently against Connors neck. "You don't want to be a problem."

Connor smiled, looking at Harry with the mans hand around his neck as he was lifted up, both his hands gripping at the arm. He would have chuckled if he could have, "I became...your problem the day you almost...killed Dimitri."

"Now now." Came Carter's voice from the side, "That's no way to treat a lady you two." Being on his way to meet-up with Harry he'd been surprised to see Perry and Sarah fighting then Spyder jumping in, he guessed that meant Sarah really was on their side afterall, well either that or she was blind to the truth. Carter had the thought earlier since future Harry had sent her, but she played the her role so well it'd even fooled him. He'd shown up about the same time as this other girl who was an unknown.

Carter grinned. "If you want to hit Connor, I'm not him. If you want to help him out then sure, I'm him."
"Oh, didn't I mention? I did kill Dimitri." He began chuckling. "Apparently the war was too much for him."
Sarah bit down on Spyder's arms to get free, she finally stood next to Carter,"Alright, instructions sir?"

Ivory stood up groggy, weak, and confused, "What the hell? That felt oddly....Familiar." He shook his head and opened the door, as he slowly made his way to Conner's room.....




"Try Stark Tower then, I heard he likes to hang out there." Carter told Mimic. When Sarah asked for orders he couldn't prevent the smile of having someone doing as their told, to be honest Harry was getting to be more trouble than he was worth with everyone showing up at Oscorp. "Simple really. We stop them!" He told her as he rushed after Perry and Ivory. "Harry, intruders at Oscorp!" He shouted into the comm.

"Your lying!" Connor growled angrily, but something told him that Harry wasn't, his emotions we're growing unsteady and he ignored the blade to his neck as he lifted his legs, curled his body, and planted them both into Harry's face.
Harry was knocked back, before saying, "VOCS, turn off the lights." As the lights went out, Harry put his mask on. "Your friends are here, Conner. Unfortunate, they'll see two dead avengers today."
Mimic narrowed her eyes at Carter. She didn't really believe him, so she walked to the nearest Oscorp computer and threw the person away from it. Mimic began hacking into Oscorps data base to see if there was anything on Connor.
Perry turned on the nightvision in his suit and looked around. Then he looked back at Ivory. "You don't have anything special with your suit. Don't you."
Sarah pulled Perry back, "You don't desert battle, EVER!"

Ivory stumbled further into the building as the lights turned off, "Fuck me..." He came to Conner's room and paused, feeling like something was wrong, VERY wrong.



Exasperated, Finn watched everyone scramble their own ways. Probably to just meet up and fight somewhere else. He quickly slapped his palm to his forehead and pushed his comm on. "For the life of me, will somebody tell me what the heck's going on? Someone called Ivory a fake, so he called Connor an even faker fake and then they fought. Almost as dramatic as Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Where is everybody because we're about to have a huge group therapy session."

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