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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Perry's systems lit up with life again and he turned his comm on. "I'll come over when everything here's sorted out. Just uh... Stay safe alright?" He said and looked over at who was still there. "Guys, I thought we all were beyond murder. We can't just kill freely. Or else the bill's getting placed again or something."
"Thank God, I heard something and I went to check on everybody and those two were gone without a word. What do you need?" Boss asked Jordan.
Kelai sits in an alleyway, his chi mending his hand. He sighs as he looks up in the sky. He was still known as a villain, even though he does stuff with the Avengers. Kelai gets up and starts to walk out of the alleyway, but then remembering the public knows he's a villain. He sadly sighs and climbs up the side of the building onto the roof and starts to jump buildings to his hotel room.
Jordan shifted uncomfortablyb and had problems finding the right words "I'm--I have something you'll want to hear. Someone should know..."
Boss looked at Jordan oddly. "Alright, what secr- Ok, bye..." She said confused. Tanya glared at Perry. "You did murder me. So frankly, yeah, I am still pissed"
Pff what's sleep.) Kelai jumps into his hotel room, leaving the window open. He sighs as he collapses on the bed, his head pulsing in pain
If there was one thing that could screw him over it would be his big fat mouth. The runt was clever he'd give him that. Perry left which allowed Connor to move off into the tower darting around the corner, he knew when the jig was up, there we're alot of heroes there and he wasn't sure if he could convince any to be on his side after that. He may have been thrown under the bus with the recording but there we're also valid points he'd made about Ivory too.

"Friday, erase any and all locating or tracking data for Connor Rogers." Just in case. He said, jogging down a hallway leading to the other side of the building.
"Not my fault. Alright? I created a smaller and safer version so I don't kill anyone," Perry shrugged. "Who knew slamming you into a building would be an insta-kill."
Tanya groaned. "Yes, it was your fault! You are supposed to be this brilliant person. How could you not realize slamming someone into a wall with a giant metal suit would kill someone, dipshit!?" She exclaimed.
( Too late Connor, the hacker extraordinaire already sent the coordinates to Perry...and made him hit himself...in fact)

Tech got annoyed and made Perry hit himself again before bringing up the files she had sent him

( Wait...if Tanya died, who the hell did Jordan rescue from Finn?)
"I dunno, cause we have a boy who can blow up a spaceship with his fists, a guy who can control all energy in the universe, a lady and guy with symbiotes, and ladies with metal suits," Perry shot back. This conversation's going to end so badly...

"Ow!" Perry hit himself again and his mask showed in coordinates to Connor.
"Yes, but my suit doesn't have very much armor, I don't have super strength, and you're an asshole!" Tanya yelled. Jamie just pointed to Tanya and nodded her head.
"Yah, well at least I didn't-" Perry was cut off by Cassandra. "Shut up both of you. We don't need another battle okay?"
Amadeo steps through a portal that makes him appear next to Perry. "Yes, a battle between heroes is the last thing you would want right now" Amadeo grins
"Fine, I am going to go back home, Ivory. Come on Jamie." Tanya said. Jamie began walking behind her and she flipped of Perry. (Don't be messin' with that sister bond bitch!)
Cassandra followed both of them and Perry looked over at Amadeo. "I think you owe me a teleport for forcing me across the Earth."
Amadeo looks at Perry with innocent eyes. "Who would do such a thing! However, I will give you this teleport. What location do you have in mind

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