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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Harry went to the underground lab level and opened up a vertical pod, to reveal Conner Rodgers inside. The pod hadn't so much as been open for a week or so. "Hey there, Wonderboy!" He said as he threw him a bottle of water. "I have some really bad news. You might die soon."
The real Connor shot Harry a glare as he fumbled at catching the bottle of water, "Is that so?" He took a few sips of the water. "Honestly I'm surprised you kept me around this long Osborn. Why the sudden change?" He wasn't up for an escape attempt, not in his state. Harry could easily subdue him, especially with that serum in him.
"Well, I've created three clones of various metahumans. The first was of me, which ended horribly, and the second was of you. Your clone is with the rest of the avengers masquerading as Connor rodgers. He actually took the super soldier serum, so I count it as an improvement. I've received word from the future that Conner Rodgers might die today, you see."
"I've been locked down in your basement for weeks, death would be an improvement of scenery. Come to do it yourself so that your precious clone might live?" The blonde did however take in what Harry said, so the clone had indeed been living his life, was it that much of a replica that no one had figured it out? Connor snorted, "So then, who was the third clone?" He went back to drinking the water, Harry wouldn't have brought him water if he'd come to kill him, something was up.
"Oh don't you worry about the third clone. And don't get your hopes up. I'm going to kill you. Just not anytime soon." Harry said, shrugging. "Just if your clone is in danger. I made him a weapon. That frisbee is overrated. Want to see it?"
"Oh, well it's nice to know my death runs on a schedule." Shrugging as he stretched his legs and arms a little. "We'll see just how overrated my shield is when I'm bashing it against your face later." Connor smiled at Harry, "I'm going to guess it doesn't matter if I say yes or no, you'll be showing it to me." He shrugged, Yeah, go for it. And if I get my hands on it I'll be sure to use it on you before I get out of here.
He grabbed a sword and returned. "It's made of vibranium, like your shield. More of a WEAPON though. How does it look?"
Ivory looked through the coordinates on his phone, he had to assume it was one last gift from Tech. He stood up one last time to get moving, "Dont worry Conner.... Im coming."

Unknown to him, Sarah followed closely behind in the shadows.


"I'm coming with you. If it's both Harry and Connor I can't let you get double teamed," Perry said and walked over to him.
"Tacky as hell." Connor commented with his arms crossed as he looked at the sword. "So he's a cheap knockoff of me and he gets a cheap knockoff weapon huh?"

Carter made his escape from Stark Tower and gave the area a wide berth heading for Oscorp. "They know I'm not Connor." Carter stated into his earpiece with Harry on the other end, "Funny enough none of them tried to chase after me. I'll be there soon enough."
Harry stepped forward and punched Conner in the stomach. "Actually, this weapon is cutting edge stuff. No pun intended. And so is the serum you so foolishly turned down."
Connor stayed on his feet and doubled over "Well you know me.." He said threw grit teeth and a smile, "I'm a sucker for the classics." The blonde put everything he had into ignoring the hit, opening one eye and glancing up before making a dive for the weapon in Harry's hand.
Ivory walked up to the coordinates and put a hand on the door, before he could act he felt something hard hit his head, he blacked out from the blow.

Sarah threw Ivory away from the door and faced Perry, "Alright, that's one down, one to go."



Sarah caught the punch and yawned as she began to crush Perry's hand, "Man, to think that Harry made everyone in this time sound so amazing, you guys are push overs."
Perry moved his head to the left on instinct but the blow hit his shoulder. "Well they call me the Amazing Spider-Man so...." He winced and with his free hand he took out the paralysis cable from his belt and attempted to stab it into her.
Sarah jumped back as she saw the cable, she then grabbed Perry by the neck and threw him into the ground.
Now that both of his hands were free, he prepared for her next strike. Once he was grabbed he webbed a trashcan behind her and launched it.
Sarah got hit by the trash can and was caught off gaurd, but she turned around and grabbed it, she smashed it on Perry's head, trying to knock him out.
"Why are you even ambushing me anyways!? It's not like I'm going off to burn an orphanage," Perry kicked her off but then was hit by the trashcan. "Also, extra armor! If my suit can resist a certain amount of bulletfire it can resist a trashcan!" He still shook his head however since he was still dazed. Once the feeling was over, he webbed the building behind her and zip-kicked.
Sarah took the web kick and shot her own web line as well, she threw Perry up to the skies and began to kick him while holding onto her own web
"Soooo... What are you? Assassin? Imperfect clone? Some person from another dimension?" Perry asked and he zipped away from both the kicks and her. He pushed a button on his suit. Just gotta hold off for another minute.
Sarah smiled and said, "Relative from the future, close though." She brought a knee to Perry's face before shooting a web line at Perry to swing back at him

"Then why are you attacking me!? Did future me turn into Darth Vader or something!?" Perry dodged her web and grabbed hold of it. Tugging on it, once near he punched her. "Now I feel even worse for fighting a relative."

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