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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

(Alright goodnight @LokiofSP ) Kelai mutters "Stupid morning visits" as he grabs a box of cocoa puffs and a gallon of milk. He cuts off the top of the milk and pouts all the cereal in the top. He grabs a ladle and starts to eat the cereal. "Let's go see uncle Harry" Kelai says sarcastically as he follows his mom
One moment he was in some girls grip, the next someone was basically dragging him away. No! I'm not done yet. There was a scuffle and grunts as he found himself released from anyone's hands but heard a familiar voice, "Ivory?" He asked blindly as he felt his shield and grabbed onto it as he stood up. The blonde was about to do...something. When he felt something crawling over him, ignoring at first until there we're little legs covering him and he swatted desperately to get them off. In the back of his mind he knew he couldn't stand in the open like this but he didn't know which direction the exit was, or which direction the other three in the room we're either.

Carter stood into a crouching position near the edge of the room listening to what was happening as well as the voices. What was the end game here exactly? Kill Connor and get out? Sounded good enough, he knew he'd failed what he set out to do so there was no point in leaving Connor alive anymore. Then he heard the familiar voice, his voice and his eyes fixated in that general direction as he waited for the right moment.
(Ok bye!) Mimic went over to Connor and raised her foot to smash his head. Suddenly, she froze. Her foot was placed on the floor again. "They want me to throw you over the edge of the building. " Mimic stated as she picked up Connor and walked to the elevator. @Crono
Spyder was nowhere to be found, but his hiss kept echoing through the halls like the demented footsteps of a serial killer, enough to know that he was waiting and watching you

Jordan landed near the Boss' house again
"Well you can tell HYDRA they can screw off! And I'm not some ragdoll for you all to throw around!" Connor yelled angrily as he threw up his arm, backhanding Mimic with his shield, there was some creepy noises going on but he had more important things to deal with.
"Ahh... Okay if you're my relative spider-powered people don't get this pissed off in a fight," Perry said as he tried to get out of her hold. Thanks for weakening my enhanced strength mom, He sighed. While he was trying to escape, there was a noise coming outside. Then an object came crashing into the room and gave Perry an extra coat of armor. With this new strength, he quickly threw her onto the wall and he web-zipped over to her.
HYDRA was really starting to tick Connor off, every time something big was going down they had to throw themselves into it Massacre attacks, they kidnap Alex and now this cloning business they send in an assassin. "So you haven't heard that I'm a glutton for punishment then?" The moment he hit the ground he twisted so that his legs wrapped around one of Mimic's attempting to knock her off her feet. Ivory was in here and so was Harry and he'd be damned if he let HYDRA stop him from Avenging Dimitri, so he scrambled to his feet and started back the way they came, his injured leg slowing him.
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When Connor's leg wrapped around hers and he tried to knock her off her feet, she did a back flip. She looked up to see him trying to go back to the lab and she had a sadistic smile on her face. She quickly ran up to him and picked him up. "Here let me help you." Mimic said and threw him into the room. @Crono
Cindy watched mimic throw Connor into the room the fight was previously. She stayed hidden, making sure she would surprise mimic when Connor needed help, but then flashbacks appeared, splicers and chaos everywhere. The porthole on her helmet glowed red, and made sure to wait for mimic. @Pink Gorilla @Crono
"Cindy?" Perry said and looked over at her. He thought she was injured and couldn't fight. Though he still used most of his attention on fighting Sarah.
Pyosimros said:
"Cindy?" Perry said and looked over at her. He thought she was injured and couldn't fight. Though he still used most of his attention on fighting Sarah.
Cindy looked at perry and nodded. She watched the fighting between him and Sarah and waited for the right time to strike. "I will show this bitch to not hurt my perry." She thought to herself. @Pyosimros
Ivory slowly got up, he looked at Mimic and threw a stream of tendrils to puncture her, not to kill her, but to wound her. His goal was just to get Conner out at this point. He picked Conner back up and got halfway down the hallway.

@Steel Zinogre
Mimic's toss had sent him sliding on the floor, the moment he came to a stop he realized he was being stupid. Stupid and emotional, putting himself back in a location where he had a distinct disadvantage. Connor got to his feet before yet again he felt hands grabbing at him, and for a second he tried to pull back and fight them off. But he noticed they weren't trying to hurt him as they dragged him along, the grip was tight and not exactly gentle but it wasn't hostile.

Smiling into the darkness at the fact that it was someone familiar after three weeks of only Harry's ugly mug, though it faded quickly as he pulled against the boy. "Ivory," He started, his voice cracking though he wasn't sure if it was because of emotions or something else. "If it's you let me go, I'm not done here."

Carter stayed standing near the side of the room listening, his initial plan to kill Connor went on hold as people we're shuffling around and entering and leaving the room. The blonde was trying to gauge exactly what was happening and if he should be making his exit or not.
Mimic dodged the tendrils except one. It got her in the arm and she became pissed. Mimic ran over to Ivory and sweeped out his legs and brought her elbow down towards his stomach. @LokiofSP
Ivory opened his mouth to respond, but was met with his ass being knocked to the floor and an elbow that made the wind fly out of him. He stood up and looked at the woman, "Look lady, I just want to take my friend home, it's been a long day and I still have like five things to deal with after this.


@Pink Gorilla
Harry growled as he was left alone in the dark. He stood and let open the pod next to Conner's. Out stepped a clone of Dimitri. He was slightly taller and more muscular than Dimitri, and had black hair. His costume looked the same but with a darker color scheme. Harry looked at him and said, "Go. Kill every avenger you can." The clone smiled ear to ear and replied, "Gladly."
(My god I stacked on so much graphic improvement mods on Skyrim xD )

"Ivory! I'll take care of the Dimitri clone!" Perry shouted and splashed some web solvent on him. He just needed his suit to do all the work.
Suddenly Connor found himself on the ground for the umpteenth time, he growled hearing the scuffle knowing someone was fighting with who he assumed was Ivory which was confirmed with Ivory spoke again. "If it's the girl from earlier she's HYDRA, she won't listen. I can't see, you tell me which way to throw and I'll throw." Standing up he had his shield poised and ready to deflect or throw at a moments notice.

Carter heard what Harry said and heard the Dimitri clone speak. "Did you give him night vision? How come I didn't get night vision?" He asked pushing off the wall and heading their way.
Mimic smiled. "That isn't going to happen. HYDRA wants him dead, and I grant their requests." So step aside, or I will kill you as well." Mimic stated. She began slowly walking towards Connor. @LokiofSP
The clone created a fireball in each hand and threw them at Perry. "Handle me spidey? You couldn't handle a handle! I preferred ricochet and hornet, if I'm honest." He said, cackling.

Harry smirked. "I might've made him a bit unstable... Or maybe it's just the Dimitri in him. Carter, I could've swore I gave you night vision.... I'll help out. VOCS, lights back on!"
"No idea who they are, but alright!" Perry said and he sidestepped away from the blast. He didn't know that his father was both of them yet. He needed to stand his ground, if he web-swinged over him clone Dimitri's speed would take him out. Though if he stayed still he had things planned if he tried to speed punch him.

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