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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

He had just registered what the clone had yelled at him before he left and grimaced. He had told the truth, that was a surprise. Ariving at Oscorp be could see just how run down the building was. The place was roped off from the general public for obvious reasons; there was the fact that something radioactive had leaked out, windows were broken, and it had the overall appearance like something had gone horribly wrong. He pushed aside some of the caution tape and plunged into the building. Basement 24.

He found the nearest emergency staircase and slammed open the door, taking it half a set of stairs at a time shortened his time and soon found the door literally marked 'Basement 24'. He shoved open that door and looked around. It didn't take long to find his fallen friend and he hurried over. "Hey, let's get you out of here." He picked up Dimitri and as carefully as he could put him over his shoulder. Taking a deep breath he began the long climb to the main floor of the building.

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Mimic began to laugh hysterically. "Smart." She holstered her guns. "Have machines protect them because you are to afraid to face me yourself."

Helena walked through the streets and saw Stark Tower. "I'll blow it up later." She stated and walked past it.
Pyrite laughed, "Are ya kidding? They got us on camera! Lets go, we need to secure our ranks either way." He jumped out of the building and escaped into the sewers.

"Yeah yeah. Work now play later, I get it." Carter gave a last look around while Pyrite escaped, looking back at the girl once more, Bob's sister. A part of him wanted to end her, but she was a firecracker...and with enough spark a firecracker could explode. Instead he turned back to the window and followed Pyrite out.
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After a few seconds, she managed to push herself up. She was very much dizzy and her vision was blurred, "I... W-What?" she was unaware of anything that was going on in the room she had borrowed. However, she did recall the man who brought her here with his hand around her throat and threatening to do bad things to her. She shook her head quickly I... No.... T-That wasn't him... There was something different about him. She didn't know the male who brought her very well, but she at least knew he wouldn't hurt her... Or would he? She was still trying to figure out what was going on causing her head to throb in pain in the attempt to understand everything.

  • "I gotta say..." he took another piece of sashimi in his mouth ate it slowly before swallowing it. "I don't normally get along with most people, mainly because their constantly asking me how I do my art... So..." he took another bite and swallowed it down after a few series of chewing. "Why aren't you begging for my apparent, 'secret'?" Looking from across the table he'd glare at the male with a soft stare, not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable, however, Sorin wanted him to know that the question he'd just asked was a legitimate one, which he wanted an answer to.



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Jordan grabbed his cloak and started to walk out the door

Tech waved without looking at him "Have fun, come back safe, bring back a souvenir"
"Good to see you awake," Emily smiled as she rose. "Why were they attacking you or... Whatever they were doing?"

"We all have secrets. But since the act mine kind of... Became known to everyone," Terry opened his bag slightly to show this shining Nova helmet and he zipped it up again.

As soon as her vision became clear again she saw a woman standing before her asking her what's happened. In response, she tilted her head before realizing what it was the woman wanted to know. "Oh...! I... Umm... I-I'm not sure, I was just eating and w-watching cartoon w-when he jumped from the air ducts and attempted to choke me and..." she shivered at the part of which he spoke of the things he thought of doing to her. Nevertheless, Samantha resumed speaking softly. "When I didn't answer him... He kept shaking me and telling me to speak... I-I don't know what he wanted..." with that she curled back into the corner with tears running down her cheeks

  • Neon Spectrum

    Upon hearing the males words, Sorin would watch as the male unzipped his bag exposing the helmet to Sorin. "It's a nice piece... Where'd you find it.?" Sorin looked to the male with a curious look to his face, as he thought silently to himself. 'Am I a hypocrite for asking that...? Meh, whatever.'



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"I got it from another Nova named Sam," Terry shrugged and picked up a fork. He was starving and staring at all this food just made him even hungrier. "If you uh... Excuse me I'll be eating right now," He said and started eating.

Emily looked down at her with sad eyes. Crime seemed to be worse in this time period then back in the future. "Should we report this to the police?" She asked her. Though she wasn't even sure if the police could handle superhuman crime as well as the future.
Savage laid quiet as he he felt his friend, his brother, slowly die. He could stop it, but it meant two things, one of which was that he had to convince one other person to help.

"What happens to you when he dies?!" Savage was mentally screaming at this point. He COULDN'T let Ivory die, he had known the kid his whole life after all.

"We don't care! We just want to be left alone! We want to go back home, we want to roam free!"

Savage would be in tears if he could, he needed to help Ivory now! He pleaded with him, "If you help me help him.....We can go free."

".....Fine.........We shall help the pest."

They set to work on stretching themselves and healing the burns, but they were so much worse than they thought. They covered his entire body and tried to mend it, but they were both soon at their limit as they had been hurt in the fire as well. Savage urged the other half to keep pushing and they did, going on past their limits. Savage had felt forms of pain before, but this? This was different, it was the kind of pain that made him feel like this time he might just disappear.

He felt everything begin to fade as he stopped feeling, he wasn't even trying to heal Ivory it was just....Happening.

He heard the others yell about how they had been tricked as he heard them struggle, but it was to late for either of them....

He took one last look at his friend and saw that besides the scars, he was going to be fine. His heart beat was getting back to regular and his breathing was normal. He was going to make it.

"Goodbye....... Brother."

Upon hearing the girl ask whether or not they should report such a crime she couldn't help but shake her head, "I already called once a few hours ago and they still haven't looked into it." After that she kind of just sat there in silence. Her body shaking as her anxiety got to her. Her entire body tingling and slowly becoming temporarily paralyzed due to the anxiety attack causing her to stiffen like and go wide-eyed like a deer looking into headlights, however, this effect would wear off as soon as the mental attack wore off which wouldn't be very long. However, the rapid breathing and unsteady mental awareness of what was happening, Samantha began to panic rather quickly, yet at the same time shown little signs of it due to her physical conditions

  • Neon Spectrum

    Upon hearing the males explanation, Sorin chuckled and nodded, "Better an answer than none I suppose... But um... If you don't mind me asking out of interest... What... Is a... 'Nova'?" he asked our of true curiosity, never had he heard what he'd assume was a physical being that was named a 'Nova' the only 'Nova' he'd ever heard of was a firework on fourth of July, however, he didn't say that out loud since he didn't want to sound disrespectful.



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"Tell Jordan and the guy with the spider powers I said thanks, but I need to go. Find out what I've missed these last few weeks and just...go." Connor smiled at Olivier before heading back towards the exit. He couldn't stay cooped up in here, he was thankful to the girl for healing him and to Spyder for getting him out of Oscorp, even if he hadn't wanted to go at the time.

(There might be a power outage soon, it's raining REALLY hard and the lights keep flickering on and off)

Now that everyone was safe, Perry had to escape. There was no way he could beat her right now. Through the secret passage, he finally made it two blocks away from Parker Industries, hopefully away from her.

"I don't know myself. I just got into this stuff without any real knowledge," Terry shrugged.

Wow okay no cop support then, Emily sighed.
Mimic ran out Parker Industries and down the street. She ran until she saw a girl with a large gun slung around her shoulder. Her creators told her to investigate. So, Mimic walked up to her and asked. "Who are you?"

Helena was a little shocked at her boldness. "Lady Luck.

"What is your business here?" Mimic asked.

"Well, I am here to hunt a few specific people down while killing others in the process." Helena stated.

"I think we can help each other then." mimic smiled as did Helena.

[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla](The more the merrier but I have a feeling they may try to kill each other)

(Have em intersect each other)
Connor made his way through the streets of the city, getting odd looks here and there from passerby's on the sidewalk likely because of the torn clothes with the occasional blood stain. Occasionally a cheer or a shout, eventually he put his hood up though the shield on his back wouldn't go completely unnoticed. It was an odd sensation, knowing someone had pretended to be him...or technically was him...whatever. The fact was it hadn't been him, whatever his clone had said or done was not him. Atleast the public wasn't disgusted with him, but now that the clone was unmasked he could do damage with Connor's face in Connor's name. Letting out a huff as he turned a corner, he just wanted to be home...at Stark Tower. The mansion had been quiet and nice but it was too quiet, and he didn't really know anyone further than small conversations. The tower was always loud, with too many people at times, and that was home.

It wasn't the same without Cassie, and it'd be a whole lot quieter without Dimitri. Nope, he couldn't go down that thought process here, or he'd end up a sobbing mess in an alley. For now he needed to keep moving.
Jordan walked into the hideout unannounced and looked around for someone "So the boss isn't around...well, that's just annoying..."
Quiet looked at Jordan and rolled her eyes. Alice walked by with a book. "She went to the park like every other Tuesday." She stated without looking up.

Liona walked out of the kitchen. "She will be under the biggest willow tree." @LucianGrey7971

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