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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

The bullet hole healed quickly and Dru took his gun back "Thank you for that it released some of the pent up energy I had from saving your friend. Wow I will be juiced up for a little while."
Connor's legs almost buckled at Finn's words, Dimitri was alive. He found himself reaching out for the arm rest to the chair as he allowed gravity to carry him into it. But Harry had said...Harry, he clenched his teeth at the thought of being so easily fooled, Osborn had wanted to hurt him before he killed him so he said one of the more believable things. But wait...what if this Dimitri was a clone and..? Connor rubbed at his eyes harshly, this whole clone business was too much for him to keep up with. Connor's own clone had done whatever while he'd been locked away, and was still out there.

"Yeah." He started, his voice cracking and followed by clearing his throat. "Third floor, room 328. I'm glad your both okay." He'd keep an eye on this Dimitri atleast...and not be blinded by hope.
Am I being paranoid?

CasualDragon said:
@Steel Zinogre @Reaper
Finn switched off the safety and shot Siphon in the thigh. It was slightly awkward, shooting somebody on demand. Usually people would ask to not be shot, not ask to be shot. The dude was looking pretty buff though, that was probably the reason why he needed to be shot. "Sorry about that man." Connor confirmed the spare bed which was a gift. He pushed on the comm again. "Okay, we're going to come up and visit Ivory. At the same time, Dimitri could use some rest." He grinned. "We found him and he's alive." Luna and Helga showed up and he rubbed Luna's head. "I'm not killing anybody, I swear." It seemed like the treatment was working because Dimitri woke up. "Hey, we're outside the Hospital. We're going to go in and visit Ivory and let you rest a bit."
Luna looked at Finn, and Helga at dru. Luna purred as Finn pets her head. Helga looked at the wound on dru, and at his face. @Drumonkey @CasualDragon
Dru shrugged as the bullet wound quickly closed ejecting the bloody bullet. Dru then reached down and picked it up putting it in his pocket and taking the gun back from Finn. "Well it would seem that my work here is done isn't it? Nice to meet all of you." Dru glanced around checking to see if anyone had any questions or anything before he left.
Ivory awoke with a yell, for the first time in his life he suddenly felt VERY alone. Savage wasn't there, not like he was deep in his mind or something he literally WASN'T there. Upon closer thought in his sleep he had also realized that the Other wasn't there, and it was driving him crazy.

Every thought, good, bad, dirty, clean all of them were wide open for him, and no other voices could distract him from it this time. It was a brand new and fresh experience and a scary one at that. His vision blurred as tears welled up in his eyes, he pulled his knees to his chest and began to rock back and forth, a few times every now and then a unclean or terrible thought would pop in his head and he'd bring his fists crashing down the side of his head, screaming, "NO!" and, "I'M SO SORRY!" As he did so.

They eventually became more and more frequent as inside his mind he was finally dealing with every terrible deed he'd done. Mainly the two people in his life he'd ever killed.

His "father" and his best friend.

He remembered his "father's" disgusted look as he died, frozen forever as Ivory had brought a bottle to his throat after he had gotten drunk one night. He remembered the words he'd been called and the blows he'd taken. But the thing that he remembered most was the feeling he had gotten when the man he had looked up to his whole life at that point, called him a disappointment. He'd only let it go due to Savage's comfort.

The other was less vivid, his best friend, Chika, he remembered her cowering in the corner as she saw what the tests had done to him, making him a slave to the voices. He remembered her screams and her pleading to stop as he stabbed her again and again, his insanity showing for the first time as he ate a few pieces of her before he was de-contained. For his whole life he had chalked it up to the voices telling him to do it.

The voices, the DAMN VOICES that had caused him so much pain, but he ultimately relied on to stay sane. He had killed his best friend and adoptive father because of them, yet couldn't let it go.

He began to claw at his face as doctors rushed to him to stop him and sedate him. He lashed out at all of them for a few minutes before being put back to sleep, the last thought he had was of Chika's last words.

"I-I'm so sorry I made you do this......Don't think less of me....."
Boss walked back into the base wearing a black dress. She looked back and forth between the girls and Jordan. "What's goin on?"

Mimic leaned against the wall. "So who do you wanna kill first? Perry Parker, Connor Rogers, or Lady Luck's targets?" @LucianGrey7971 @Crono @LokiofSP
Edge eyed Mimic, "For now, Rogers is off limits. Do whatever you'd like, hit him, chop off a limb, an organ or two. But he doesn't die until I say so, got that?" No, he still had plans for Connor, and he wasn't about to let anyone screw with those.
Boss shook her head. "No, I know enough about it." She stated and walked into her room. Boss came back out in casual clothes and her hair in a ponytail.
Connor had literally fallen asleep in the chair for a second when Ivory started shouting, the doctors and nurses rushing in to keep him calm. Connor had been one of those trying to hold him still, trying to calm him with words but between Ivory shouting and the doctors shouting he doubted the boy had heard him.

After the ordeal Connor sat on the window frame staring outside, feeling pretty helpless in this situation. Unsure if he was supposed to be happy that Dimitri was alive, or sad that Ivory was hurt and going through some emotional and mental challenges.
Dru had left the hospital glad that he had done a good deed and began to walk in the direction of the mansion he considered home hoping to blow off some energy by walking and thinking since he was pretty far from the mansion.
Dimitri woke up in the hospital and looked around. He couldn't remember ever feeling as sick as he did in that moment. Where were his friends now? How did he get there? Last thing he remembered, the registration had just ended.
Against Connor's insistance, when Dimitri had been brought up he'd been placed in a separate room from Ivory. The best the boy got was the two being just a few rooms apart, the staff having given up on resisting him to that extent atleast. He hadn't slept except for a few seconds, not that he was all that tired, more bored than anything but not wanting to close his eyes after Ivory's episode. Connor spent his time roaming between the two rooms every so often, both of his friends we're supposed to be fine but that didn't stop him from worrying. Especially with Ivory's mental state, he guessed Dimitri was as confused as Connor had been after waking from a pod in Oscorp's basement.

Connor had gone to get a cup of water from down the hall, opening the door to Dimitri's room he saw the boy wide awake. "Look who's back from the dead." He said, closing the door behind him with a smile.

"I led the registration. We lost. Am I going to prison?" He asked, looking down and away from Connor as he heard him enter.
Connor sputtered a little of the water while trying to take a sip at Dimitri's words. That was his first concern? Really? The blonde cleared his throat to get his voice intact, "Doubtful..." He started, moving to sit on the edge of the bed with a huff as he looked down at the cup in his hands. "I didn't even know the registration was over until a few hours ago. I was watching the news to get caught up...I haven't heard of anyone being arrested. Besides, you didn't do anything wrong...you did what you thought was right. You weren't wrong, but you weren't right either."
"What happened to us, Cap?... What happened to the avengers? We are all.... Broken. We aren't our parents." Dimitri said as he slumped into his seat.
"That's for sure..." Connor muttered before taking another sip. "You have a terrible taste in friends you know, putting me in that damn pod for so long. Osborn told me he'd killed you, and I... I was going to kill him. Would have killed him, had I gotten the chance. I didn't even second guess that you might have been alive."

Dad certainly wouldn't have let someone get to him like that, and he wouldn't have wanted to go as far as I wanted to.

Connor didn't want to keep the conversation on it's current path, they we're both alive, and that was a reason to be happy. If only for a moment. Turning his head he looked at Dimitri with a smile, "I've been told there's another me out there, a clone. He's kind of a dick though."

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